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Skullgrid Skullgrid

Conservatives/Shills I made delete their accounts in shame by beating them in arguments : 2

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Posts 22
Comments 877
How some of these jokes made it past the NBC censors is beyond me
  • I tried to find the exact quote, but anything with mickey rourke, "do you want old men behind closed doors telling you what to do" are the two that come to mind

  • 40 Kilobyte Rule
  • because he doesn't understand how data generation works.

    I can probably write a program with an output that will reach infinite size if allowed to run forever. that program is probably less than 50 lines of code, which shouldn't be more than a few kb, if that.

  • Thousands fear they will lose vote in UK election after postal ballot delays
  • The Electoral Commission has said it will investigate the problem fully after the election.


  • Journalism is not a crime
  • Kids , the lesson is to only commit one crime at a time. When participating in international espionage do not commit additional crimes.

    Also don't pretend to wear a condom, or take it off during sex.

  • Absofuckinglutely agreeing with this
  • Ozzy sounds like a crackhead that wandered into the black sabbath rehersals, which is basically what he is/was

    and by god the atmosphere that brought to their first 8 albums hasn't been fulfilled by any of the better singers sabbath had.

    Also, his solo stuff isn't as good as the sabbath stuff, the 80s pretty much ruined the atmosphere of that band.

  • Wildlife detection
  • doesn't this actually happen to check something to do with sap?

  • Columbo in... "Crack a Rule"

    colombo posting is a rule now, blahaj demands the trans perspective version of memes.

    privacy rule
  • Whether a bourgie broad, nerd hoe, street chick

  • [1955] Pepsi-Cola
  • I even looked at the source, and still missed it. 😭

  • Under da sea
  • Bro visited his mermaid

  • Unarmed rule
  • yes, but getting beaten to death isn't fun.

    but what the hell do I know, I shoved all my skill points into Sci and Lockpicking, then laser weapons, then went... I want to use the chainsaw knife, let me put the rest of them into melee despite my shitty strength, oh look, every casino is taking all my weapons, well shit.

    Really didn't help with fighting caesar, nor with the ultra-luxe quest.

  • Gender rule
  • I don't want to cure cancer, I want to turn people into dinosaurs a different gender

  • [1955] Pepsi-Cola
  • sixpence, 6d , but Oz as a liquid? where the fuck is this advert used?

    sixpence and L.S.D. currency symbols mean britain, fluid ounces mean united states.

  • KOTOR 2 was the high point of Star Rules games
  • Well obsidian, you are an odd company, but you make a good RPG.

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • I'm not here to say if abridging is a good or horrendous thing to do.

    I'm here to say that "thing that existed is horrendous because it's done by a computer now" is a stupid take. People have been dumbing down, translating and editing existing difficult texts before computers existed.

    See also : the zillion versions of any language's version of the bible. Here's a fun thing : they all have slightly different things changed/missing/added/tone shifted.

  • gleeks rule
  • What's next, requiring a licence to drive my toaster to work every morning?

  • Unarmed rule
  • Why unarmed?


    The idiots give you back your guns if you play along to "put the platinum chip into the bunker" , then you shoot them in the face, go to Caeser, and shoot him in the face too.


    No one clocks any of this because they're seperate maps. then you walk out of there, until the guard by the door tells you that you cannot leave with the platinum chip.

    The solution? Spoilers :


    more shooting.

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • ITT : Lemmy's luddies find out about about abridged versions of books.

  • Theme from Farscape

    I loved watching farscape and the theme song always got me pumped for it; it really fit the exotic alien universe they've built up in the fiction.


    Slugdge - Crop Killer Crop Killer, by Slugdge

    from the album Esoteric Malacology

    Crop Killer, by Slugdge

    Is this how you want to live your lives?

    inside the vultures circle

    can you feel the talons in your neck?

    Only the strong survive you say?

    Just pray that prey you don't become

    You've got no time for safety nets

    There are no alpha wolves

    Only those struggling to survive the state of nature

    Domestic animals lost without the trappings of their civilization

    You like to play armchair eugenicist, militant pessimist

    An ivory tower that's built upon

    the product of a million labors

    Regression to the mean, repression of the weak

    fraudulent pyramid scheme of human hierarchy

    Do you ever wonder why you've been deprived

    the wealth of nations?

    do you feel the trickle down your leg?

    Preoccupied with war against your own and your own home

    How is it you're not already dead?

    Another failed experiment

    Evidence suggests you will not pass the last great filter

    The soldiers won't defend the hive

    when the Queen neglects to satisfy the builders

    You like to play the devil's advocate, passive and impotent

    brood over fallen empires

    That were built upon the bones of millions

    Narrow minded sanctimonious

    self-serving sophistry

    Greed governing holiness?

    Not in the version I have seen.

    You will not see the stars

    doomed to the tides

    access denied, fated to die


    Electric Wizard - Dopethrone - Happy 420, stoners.

    One day, may you too sit upon the Dopethrone.


    Dune Blunt Rotation - Rise of the Muad'Doob

    worth it for the Bong Jabbar breaking

    Connect A Song Skullgrid

    Behold the Arctops : You Will Be Reincarnated As An Imperial Attack Spaceturtle

    Not of this world -> space turtles are in space, thus not on earth, which is this world.

    Connect A Song Skullgrid

    Fantômas - 04/20/05 Wednesday

    Connection : 20th of the month.

    Bear with me.

    According to this :

    Today was a good day took place on the 20th of Jan, 1992. 4/20 weds is for the 20th of april 2005, because Fantomas decided to make a calendar album. Both songs are based on the 20th of their respective months.


    Dissing car brands is console wars for boomers

    Things like "Fiat stands for "Fix It Again Tony"" etc.


    Can anyone remember the episode/film from this idea snippet

    The Doctor and another time traveler (the master?) were talking to each other about who went back in time earlier and set up or undid traps for the other one, over several iterations

    things like : Well I went back in time further before you set up that trap and undid it and placed my own

    I knew you'd do that so I went even futher.... etc etc


    People who post content because it makes you angry : why do you help it spread?

    Stuff like memes from people you think are wrong politically, cartoons you don't find funny, etc etc. Why help the things you hate spread?


    Congrats, once again the atheism board has turned into the anti-theism board

    Bravo, it took you guys , what , 1 month before instead of creating a community for secularism, rights of atheists, support for new atheists etc etc you've turned it into another pile of anti-theistic jokes and nothing else of value.

