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Skullgrid Skullgrid

Conservatives/Shills I made delete their accounts in shame by beating them in arguments : 2

Past winners :

Posts 33
Comments 1.4K
It's your first date and she/he asks what type of music you like. What's the guilty pleasure you won't tell her/him about?
  • depends, but I usually don't reference more of the occasional things I listen to , less of the electronic/breakcore or experimental/obviously avant garde (less Secret chiefs 3, more crossfire duo )

    EDIT : my wife doesn't mind the tech death/grindcore, she does mind the free jazz/avant garde classical

  • I hate link rot
  • those girls are getting the bag and bouncing.

  • They pushed me down and maced me

    And now I'm looking for players

    There are pirates right now, and they are sailing on water.

    They just don't , you know, dress up like old timey pirates.

  • What Ever Happened to MSN Messenger?
  • I recall using MSN as far as in to 2009, but the friends I was connected with migrated to Facebook when their chat feature rolled out.

    another reason to hate facebook

  • That Dynamite About to blow!
  • I guess it makes sense. I've got lifelong delayed ejaculation so most of the time if I cum first, the lady gets it and is cool with it since they're the one who tap out first.

  • me_irl
  • @zedgeist should post it to /c/antiquememesroadshow

  • What place(s) should I visit in the Caribbean?
  • Cuba : runs out of electricty and has a total grid shutdown

    @[email protected] : Visit sunny Cuba!

  • Rule
  • to everyone who is still making it to each next day still alive, hang in there.

  • You fuckin monsters
  • (Tolstoy’s epic novel which probably would have been better titled Whatever I Fucking Feel Like Writing About Next)

    comedy gold

    Imagine being that serf family and finding out why you have to move to a new estate.

  • *HUUUP*

    Who do a duet jam when Ernest goes to camp

    For the right earn, na'mean? Like Vern

    A silly character which shows you haven't watched enough cheap tv with old movies on

  • I expanded dong using only PlayStation 2 box art
  • what game had "up your arse" on the box?

    edit : 🤦‍♂️ up your arsenal.

  • Anon misses his German Sheppy
  • Fake : dog died

    Gay : touched another man.

  • That Dynamite About to blow!
  • how's that a problem

  • Son dakika... FETÖ elebaşı Fethullah Gülen öldü
  • vay be, bizimkinin her bi boka suç attığı , eski arkadaşı öldü.

    ee? hiç bi fark etmiyor

  • Did you know that you could block communities you don't like on lemmy instead of spamming downvotes?
  • ok, lots of people have hobbies as well as their political opinions.

  • Containment breach
  • riot are also doubling down and trying to also contain the FGC as well, they truly are saints 😇

  • Containment breach
  • shouldn't it just be grindr, since gamers are mostly male?

    nb : yeah, the 70year candy crush grandma doesn't count. depictMeAsChad.jpg

  • On the bright side, zero responsibilities
  • not really.

    One guarantees you X, and you can earn +y, scaleable to (not really) infinity

    the other starts you at x and you lose -y until you reach zero (not really, minimum wage)

  • Move order gets picked up as different openings in lichess - spoilers for today's chessle

    spoilers for today's chessle

    D45 Semi-Slav Defense: Main Line

    1. d4 c6 2. c4 d5 3. Nf3 e6 4. Nc3 Nf6 5. e3 g6 6. Be2 Bg7


    rnbqk2r/pp3pbp/2p1pnp1/3p4/2PP4/2N1PN2/PP2BPPP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 2 7

    A09 Réti Opening

    1. Nf3 d5 2. c4 c6 3. e3 Nf6 4. Nc3 g6 5. d4 Bg7 6. Be2 e6


    rnbqk2r/pp3pbp/2p1pnp1/3p4/2PP4/2N1PN2/PP2BPPP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 0 7

    semi slav to reti transposes, but lichess still says they're different, giving prescident to the move order to determine name of the position's opening.

    even though the position is the same

    there is no inherent point, just an observation to share


    'No Way to Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Rule Regularly Happens - Georgia, USA


    Why is the Rule gone?

    my feels.


    Chessle 929

    Chessle 929 (Expert) 2/6

    🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩🟩🟨🟨⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


    Venetian Snares - Koonut-Kaliffee

    I'm tired of just looking at the fun memes. This post sucks, but I want to play too.


    I just fixed a bug that was over 10 years old.

    I have a dust covered personal project that I created in ACTIONSCRIPT that I started porting to JS recently. I had an audio bug because the synth I created was too simple, so every time a note stopped playing it made an annoying click sound.

    Just fixed it by using attack/decay parameters in a gain node.

    It feels good. next steps feel a lot easier, and I can think about doing some more fun stuff.


    Mood during performance reviews rule

    another semester, another awful review

    Conservative Skullgrid

    What is the conservative view on how intersex people should live their lives

    Sports? Marriage? Relationships? Professional environment? Pronouns?

    Does it change based on the cause of the person's intersex diagnosis?


    Do flat earthers think other planets are flat? All of them or some of them? Are stars (including and excluding the sun) flat too?


    Rap album from 1999 :

    Just the album art alone is antique internet. I have no idea what the music is like, but I'm sure you guys will appriciate the concept.


    Columbo in... "Crack a Rule"

    colombo posting is a rule now, blahaj demands the trans perspective version of memes.


    Theme from Farscape

    I loved watching farscape and the theme song always got me pumped for it; it really fit the exotic alien universe they've built up in the fiction.


    Dadabots : Pho Queue (AI generated stream, mix between mathcore and sax)


    Pain is temporary, ${Rule} is forever


    Slugdge - Crop Killer Crop Killer, by Slugdge

    from the album Esoteric Malacology

    Crop Killer, by Slugdge

    Is this how you want to live your lives?

    inside the vultures circle

    can you feel the talons in your neck?

    Only the strong survive you say?

    Just pray that prey you don't become

    You've got no time for safety nets

    There are no alpha wolves

    Only those struggling to survive the state of nature

    Domestic animals lost without the trappings of their civilization

    You like to play armchair eugenicist, militant pessimist

    An ivory tower that's built upon

    the product of a million labors

    Regression to the mean, repression of the weak

    fraudulent pyramid scheme of human hierarchy

    Do you ever wonder why you've been deprived

    the wealth of nations?

    do you feel the trickle down your leg?

    Preoccupied with war against your own and your own home

    How is it you're not already dead?

    Another failed experiment

    Evidence suggests you will not pass the last great filter

    The soldiers won't defend the hive

    when the Queen neglects to satisfy the builders

    You like to play the devil's advocate, passive and impotent

    brood over fallen empires

    That were built upon the bones of millions

    Narrow minded sanctimonious

    self-serving sophistry

    Greed governing holiness?

    Not in the version I have seen.

    You will not see the stars

    doomed to the tides

    access denied, fated to die

    Connect A Song Skullgrid

    Behold the Arctops : You Will Be Reincarnated As An Imperial Attack Spaceturtle

    Not of this world -> space turtles are in space, thus not on earth, which is this world.

    Connect A Song Skullgrid

    Fantômas - 04/20/05 Wednesday

    Connection : 20th of the month.

    Bear with me.

    According to this :

    Today was a good day took place on the 20th of Jan, 1992. 4/20 weds is for the 20th of april 2005, because Fantomas decided to make a calendar album. Both songs are based on the 20th of their respective months.


    "Gems stolen from British Museum seen for first time" Bruh, how are you going to get mad someone stole what you stole? Gems stolen from British Museum seen for first time

    An exhibition will show 10 glass gems out of 350 items that have been recovered by the museum.

    Gems stolen from British Museum seen for first time

    Indian Chess be like...
