Any third party that's telling you to vote for them under FPTP, but isn't heavily promoting RCV to fix the system, isn't trying to win. They're trying to spoil the FPTP election.
RCV is already law in a surprisingly large number of places. It may change the majority in the house in this upcoming election, because the difference in vote-counting within the two states that use it for US congressional elections might be enough to change the razor-thin outcome.
RCV is on the ballot, in one form or another, in 7 states and DC this year. Go vote. You might be able to fix the system, and move toward the future that all the people in this thread who are being vocal about Jill Stein say that they want. Remember back when marijuana was illegal? That changed. This can change too, and it would be glorious, for a lot of important goals that a lot of people claiming to support Jill Stein claim they're supportive of. It would be practical and realistic. It would work.
Anyone in this thread who is saying Jill Stein is extremely important, but haven't been saying anything about ranked choice voting or changing the voting system to make third parties realistic: Why? What's your goal, why did you make that decision about your priorities?
The answer is obvious, of course. But it's fun to ask.
This video was clearly created by leopard supporters who just wanna be mad at tiger for leopard's failure to beat gorilla. Leopards are basically just light gorillas. Vote tiger.
I love CGP Grey, but he doesn't really understand politics. Proportional representation is a terrible system and leads to party control and extremists gaining too much power. Something a spreadsheet won't tell you.
RCV is just slightly better than FTP. Let’s go with the bests and support STAR now. If we do all RCV now, we can rage the system in the next 40 years due to people saying “but we just changed it!”
Star is flawed too, it incentivises people who are voting for the underdog to not rank any other candidate or your own ballot could spoil your preferred candidate. If all thrid party voters voted to mathmatically optimize their candidates chance, Star voting wouldn't change anything for them. RCV is better if you're trying to actually engage thrid parties.
Star doesn't fix the 'spoiler effect' unless you decide not to give your preferred candidate the largest mathematical advantage your ballot can provide, and if you do want to ballot optimize, you should only rank one person, and then were right back to where we started.
RCV in single member electorates is pretty meh, and yeah RCV in general has its issues. But saying it's "slightly better" than FPTP is a MASSIVE understatement.
Change begets change, don't be against changing to something much better, just because it isn't perfect.
The green party likes it for presidential elections where RCV doesn't really come into play at all because there aren't three viable parties. They are just making up grievance politics because rcv would never affect them since they never run for anything but president. Democrats are educated enough to know the green party is a scam and Republicans are too ignorant to vote for anything named green.
Certainly not like the DNC which sued to keep RCV off the DC ballot, or Alexandria county VA which opted not to implement it in 2024 because it might confuse the black community?
"No, l'm not voting [for the better one of the two major parties in a first past the post system] this election. But rest assured that when the Trump administration starts arresting my nonwhite neighbors and forcing them onto the trains, I'm going to have a pretty big frown on my face. That way, everyone will know it's not my fault."
I didn't ask whether David Doonan had published a press release on a janky web site which was mostly complaining about Democrats trying to remove Green Party members from the ballot, in this FPTP election. This also somehow finds a way to blame the lack of RCV on the Democrats, when a lot of them support it. Here's a list:
I don't see any Green Party people there. I have never heard Jill Stein talk about it, and I've heard her say a bunch of things. That's strange to me. But regardless of that, that's not what I asked. I also didn't ask whether you plan to vote for Kamala Harris. My question was:
Anyone in this thread who is saying Jill Stein is extremely important, but haven’t been saying anything about ranked choice voting or changing the voting system to make third parties realistic: Why? What’s your goal, why did you make that decision about your priorities?
Do you want to answer that question? You don't have to. You can change the subject again, if you'd like to.
Your comment is fascist and while I was reading it my fascist shoes became untied. I would tie them but the strings are fascist. I apologize for using so many fascist letters in my words. At least periods aren't fascist... yet.
Even without him, Stein had it handled by herself. Why do you think she’s back? Jr, who was funded by a Repub PAC, dropped out. Then Stein re-appeared.
Jill Stein is a bad actor in this election, she understands how the electoral college works and she understands she's weakening the democratic party position. But let's not blame shift - the Democrats could be much better on climate change then they are today and if they were better Stein's BS wouldn't have such an easy time attracting voters. I dislike the title posing it as "Stein may hand Trump the whitehouse again."
Even if the argument about getting X% of votes was true, the states to campaign heavy in would be the deep blue/red states. Especially since they tend to get ignored by candidates.
Instead she sticks to the states where <30k votes could decide the election and the market is saturated with the most expensive ad costs
the states to campaign heavy in would be the deep blue/red states.
Agreed. If a third party pulls off a major change in one of these states, it's still likely to go for it's color regardless so the presidential outcome is not affected, but it'd force the relevant parties to examine why the third party was able to make such huge inroads and what of their own policies that they should change.
It’s blantantly obvious what’s she’s doing.
But for posterity I'll state it; she's spoiling for a GOP win.
The Green Party is not going to win. The only message that voting for Jill Stein will send to the Democratic party is they need to move more to the center to get more reliable voters. It's already heppening. Harris doesn't like fracking but she's not going to ban it and she has to talk about increase US oil production to get votes from people she knows will turn up and won't flake out and vote green or be uncommitted or whatever.
If she wins she will be more inclined to fulfill promises made to the people who actually voted for her. Sure she'll need to represent everyone, but there'll be far more people that voted GOP she'll need to represent (and entice to maybe vote for her in the next election) than green party voters.
Voting isn't public so how the hell does everyone keep assuming we know who voted for her at the election?
The people that didn't vote for her didn't vote for her.
You can't claim she didn't get the trump republican voters so it's an indicator she needs to move to the left, right? Or Libertarian party?
Its weird false logic based on feelings about justifying a truly tiny group of people voting green as villians. the main base of Kamalas voters should also be Democrats who shouldn't pander and frack just cause she needed an extra 2% at the polls. We are gonna shift further right for that and more Republicans instead of going for any undecided first?
What kills me about this is if the neolib dems had taken just a moment at the primary to cast their vote for undecided to show the Dem leadership that genocide was a non negotiable issue they should do the right thing on, it might have worked.
It would have cost absolutely nothing, and we might be coasting to an easy victory right now. Instead we're here.
What kills me about this is if the neolib dems had taken just a moment at the primary to cast their vote for undecided to show the Dem leadership that genocide was a non negotiable issue they should do the right thing on, it might have worked.
wait, what's stopping them? Not voting because it's not important to them? Sounds like democracy working as intended to me.
But look around this place. Its still the same Blue MAGA here trying to bash peoples head in (now for Harris, then for Biden) as before.
The same people that would demand we drive off a cliff with Biden at the wheel are the ones insisting that we need to support Harris in-spite of her genocide policy, instead of trying to move her on the issue. Like we literally need her to fix her policy or she literally can't get elected. And its self-evident in the data we have. She's now losing, not even accounting for the structural biases we should very much expect from RW fuckery and the EC.
Like just come out against genocide. Its fucking easy. It can be a fucking lie. Just fucking lie to us so we can convince enough people to get you elected Harris.
There is a world in which it's not her fault or anyone else's fault. You can run a flawless campaign and lose for reasons beyond your control, or any other single stakeholder's control.
I’m going to blame [Undecided] if that happens, but we all know [Undecided] is going to become vapor just after the election and then reroll and alt character masquerading as a victim of their own ignorance come November…
So yeah… we all know they won’t be around to take their bow and own it.
I don't understand why it is taken for granted that if Stein wasn't a candidate the people who vote for her would be voting for the Democrats instead. Just as likely they would not vote at all or vote for some other protest candidate.
Because people who are disillusioned that the green party would address their concerns are generally not complete shitheads like republicans; they're decent but misled people.
It was nice to see the World News community finally realize that the DNC has been doing nothing but shooting themselves in the foot for a year.
Maybe this community will finally catch on and connect the dots between a random ass 3rd party getting blamed for stealing votes away from the Democrats, and Democrats not actually meeting the core demands of their constituency.
Maybe someday we'll have people blame the DNC for choosing to back unpopular opinions/policies losing the popularity contest against "Literal Evil Fascist with the Playbook of How To Do Evil 101, but Fox News said it's cool".
But instead we need a new scapegoat for when Greens come in 4th place to the Libertarian's "I just wanna date this 14 year old with my rifle and say the N-word out loud without backlash."
Maybe someday we’ll have people blame the DNC for choosing to back unpopular opinions/policies losing the popularity contest against
the DNC is choosing unpopular policy? Brother this is a representative democracy. If harris wins, it's because it was the popular policy/stances. There is literally no alternative here unless you thing there is a deep state rigging the elections or that the majority of the american populous isn't real or something lmao.
Yes, the party that gets 1% of the vote represents the will of the people, not the one that turns out record numbers of voters and routinely takes the national majority.
Its the genocide thats the problem-- Steins numbres are small.. And Jill Stein owes the dems nothing, she can run if she wants. Thats what democracy is about. So the new republic can suck it.
Everything you said is true. But it has nothing to do with the article. It's about how her campaign seems to be more a grift than pushing green policies, and aimed at taking votes from Harris in swing states than actually trying to win any election.
She can obviously do what she wants, but it doesn't appear she is being genuine.
Thats fine. Theres only 2% of the electorate who are jewish, and a good portion of that 2% also dont support the zionist faction. We give some of them and the youth voters a voice to fight on our behalf. We need to keep the youth vote on side or the party is long term doomed anyway. Any leader who says they are swayed by the voice of youth has a long career ahead of them.
We also say that, "we arent steering the US away from support of Israel, we're steering it away from the far right government sponsored violence of Netenyahu." And we claim we're happy to be friends again when moderates or lefties are in charge in Israel. The zionists cant pretend to have clean hands, and Netenyahu needs to go.
I'm not sure who she's gonna actually end up hurting this time. I gotta imagine anyone who falls for the Jill Stein shtick is likely to fall for Trump's too.
Let’s completely forget everything but the election for this hypothetical. Do you think Harris coming out and saying “I will immediately stop supporting Israel” she will automatically win? Or do you think it’s more likely the Jewish community would condemn her words and move over to the rubber stamp in chief who would give Israel even more support with fewer conditions? (Ignoring the personal favors he asks for of course.)
Yall act like this is a simple black and white issue, when it’s obviously not. Even when you boil it down to “just” the election.
Oooh, so Kamala is playing 5D chess and will do an about-face on Biden's genocide policy when she enters office? Because her past record is so stellar on this issue? Like that time she had wine from an illegal settlement served at the White House? She and her boss wipe their ass with the rule of all and all pretensions of even basic human morality on an international level, but she's not Trump!
If you took half that energy and redirected it towards getting your candidate to stop funding genocide, you might convince actual humans to vote for your genocidal cop.
Democracy, where you have freedom of speech except if you speak about Israel, or your own country war crimes, or your own country foreign policy, or trying to run for office if you are not Democrat or Republicans.
Technically you’re right. But it absolutely will be the non-voters fault, and considering that a vote for Shill Stein is the same thing as throwing away a vote for no good reason…
Or its an easy group to blam a cause they are visible and with same fancy logic and math you can pretend their votes belonged to the Democratic Party. You can't just assume they would have voted that way. They can even write in. Non voters are an issue but blaming another group is liking blaming Jews because they work at the bank you think took your house.
Some say patterns on the keffiyeh symbolize different aspects of Palestinian life: the bold black stripes on the edges symbolize the historical trade routes that used to go through Palestine; the fishnet-like design represents the Palestinians' ties to the Mediterranean Sea; and the curvy lines resemble olive trees, a major point of pride for Palestinians.
Though none of these claims can be backed up by historical evidence, over the past 10 years they've become embraced by Palestinians in the diaspora to be the meaning behind their keffiyeh's patterns.
If you want to vote third party but don’t like the greens, the party for socialism and liberation is running de la Cruz on a platform of Palestinian statehood!
The two state solution has been the platform of most of the world for decades, I think Democratic president Bill Clinton most recently undertook a major effort to make it happen, but the two parties of course couldn’t agree and started fighting instead.
PSL and Greens, due to their unpopularity and belief in ideology over consensus, will never actually be in a position to broker internationally impactful diplomatic efforts.
She picked herself. Let’s not victimize Shill Stein here. Her lack of policy, and unwillingness to lift a finger three out of every four years really helped her solidify her role as the source of her own problems.
Thankfully, and with additional hope- she’s done and we won’t have to hear from her after November.
They don't. I've been trying to explain basic political concepts to my older cousin for 20 years and he's been voting for Jill Stein at every turn, and then pretended to be disappointed that a republican won as a nepobaby landlord that hates paying taxes.
People who will vote for a Russian sponsored Republican spoiler are too stupid to be trusted with anything. Or they are morally bankrupt and smart enough to hide it.
Sure. But they won't anyways. It doesn't matter if you think Kamal a Harris is owed the votes if the person can't vote for Jill Stein but there is no reason to think they would vote that way at all.
You can't control other people or expect them to suddenly pick another option if they have one in mind.
I don't get where this idea that all those votes belong to the Democratic party. They could write in or not vote or vote red or other non party... Why is it that everyone focuses in on these votes? Is it a comfort blanket? Because it seems delusional if you step back from it.
All the weird Jill Stein hate on here is what made me decide to vote for her lol. Just sent in my ballot last week. Don't worry I'm not in a swing state. 🤣