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YeetPics YeetPics
Posts 6
Comments 1.7K
Stay Mad, Tankies
  • "I just don't get why people would like 'not' being set on fire. Like, it's just a little fire, what are you, combustible fats wrapped in flammable organic fabrics? I guess it's simply that it's not being set on fire that they like. It's so weird and frustrating."

  • I Just wanted to close the valve...
  • Those PVC ball valves love to seize up, best practice is to exercise them every month or so so they can't bind.

    Until you replace the valve just use some channel locks to actuate it.

  • ML mods deleted a post about charging a 15yo russian with a 5 years sentence over anti-Putin leaflets
  • Well yea ,of course they did. If there is a facet of reality that doesn't make tankies and their ilk look good, it's obviously western propaganda. No other options.

  • This coming from people who still support Stalin in 2024
  • I haven't heard a single instance of this actually occuring.

    I'd bet my last dollar you haven't either.

  • Biden Administration Denies Mining and Drilling Access to Alaskan Wilderness
  • Omg Biden is genociding those poor poor oil executive's profit margins!

    From the river to the sea, oil exec profits will be drastically elevated!

  • While you were worried about socialism…
  • I think the impact from illegal immigration is a fraction of a fraction of the impact from letting VC 'invest' in housing.

  • While you were worried about socialism…
  • Yea, these are the real communists, not like all those other communists, with their fake communism.

  • While you were worried about socialism…
  • Is anyone on Lemmy worried about socialism?

    Who is this for?

  • return2ozma was right
  • Your mouth is agape, ready to receive your foot.

    Seriously though, please seek help lmao

  • Joe Biden pardons all veterans convicted and discharged over their sexuality or gender identity
  • Putin says unranians don't deserve the power to light up their homes, or the power to have anything more than rubble..

    Are you calling his eminence, Putin, a psychopath?

  • Hong Kong says school children sang anthem too softly
  • Nah.

    The term "forcing" implies punishment for not obeying.

    Stay mad 🤷

  • Hong Kong says school children sang anthem too softly
  • Lmao 'bullied'?

    They gave you swirlies until you caved, didn't they?

  • Hong Kong says school children sang anthem too softly
  • Idk, I didn't stand for the pledge and they didn't disappear me into a white van or exile me to Cuba 🤷

    Maybe, and stop me if I'm going too far here, maybe you weren't aware it isn't forced. That's fine because now you've been handed a personal account of the opposite to be true, I'm sure you will reassess you stance 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • Hong Kong says school children sang anthem too softly
  • You could have asked.. I mean, you were in a building staffed with people paid to answer questions and inform you about the world.

  • Hong Kong says school children sang anthem too softly
  • Real "please clap" energy

  • …well that’s a new way to say “don’t provide citations for your position”
  • That filth goes to wherever they can troll people. The minute we ban .ml you'll see blahaj become the cesspit.

  • Job interviews be like
  • Lol you're interviewing at a Wendy's.

    "Options" aren't exactly something you have a lot of.

  • Russian trans politician forced to detransition or get sent to psychiatric hospital
  • Inb4 hexbears memory hole their dearest despot acting like a cunt.

  • Posts jumping so boost can load ads

    Anyway to get a more stable UI without paying boost or do I just switch clients?


    can anyone ID this deposit?

    ‐-----------------------‐-update 11-11‐----------------------

    After more research and some lucky talks I believe this to be epidote from tailings out of the Wolverine Mine, a few miles from where I found these pieces.

    ‐-----------------------‐-original post------------------------

    Was rock hounding on the southern shore of Lake Superior. Found these green crystal deposits that formed like geodes, specimens are small, the largest is about the size of a corn kernel. A local said it could be chlorasolite but I don't think it matches based on color and clarity. Any thoughts would be appreciated!


    recently moved my jade tree inside for the season. barely made it through the front door.

    Repotted it into a 5gal bucket because large pots are pricyyyy. This tree is about 5 years old and has made hundreds of props that inhabit friend's houses around town.



    How to propagate ficus elastica properly (afaik)

    Some big dumby with my name (T'was me) posted earlier this week with a totally not correct way to propagate ficus elastica (rubber tree, tineke) from a leaf. So anyway here is the proper way to prop it with pictures.



    • Step one: mark where you would like to make your first cut (i use a loose zip tie). This cut will make the mother tree bush out at the highest node. Plan ahead, and make your cut.




    • Step two: process the props by cutting up from the bottom every 2 leaf nodes. leave 4-6 leaves/nodes at the very end of the piece (this last chunk is your reward, you are doing great).



    • Step three: Remove the lower leaf entirely from each piece, and the lowest 2-3 leaves on the largest piece. !


    Step four: dip the bottom of your cuttings into rooting hormone. Be generous.




    • Step five: firmly grasp your new cutting and gently cram them into the pot you forgot to fill up with a fast draining potting soil before you started. Be sure to completely cover the lower node and keep the dirt about as high as the remaining leaf-node.



    • Step six: Put the smaller props in any excessively humid environment where they can still get some indirect light. I use my favorite clear tote under a canopy, lightly sealed. Keep the soil moist.


    Roots should form in 6-12 weeks. Some may take a long time, some may die. I'd bet youre glad you made 5 now, huh?


    If you know what to do with all these leaves please let me know;

