What you're referring to is a recent trend of social media platforms enforcing a wordlist ban, causing people to resort to using "newspeak", coined from the book 1984.
Newspeak was a language where negative words were not allowed. You can literally see it on platforms like TikTok, where people say "unalive" instead of "kill", "seggs" instead of "sex", or "oui'd" instead of "weed".
i don't think newspeak is a good term for it, that implies an authority is forcing specific language onto people to limit their communications
what's happening is the precise opposite, people are inventing new language to keep communicating the same things despite being censored, it's the exact same thing that happened in hong kong with the chinese censorship.
I got off of tiktok a while ago because of the newspeak stuff. Hearing someone describe the horrors of Katrina while saying things like that was my last straw.
And it invades other platforms that don't do it too because people are just so used to using it.
Self-censoring swearing and serious topics will never not be ridiculous to me. I especially dislike the trend if censoring them by replacing letters with numbers/symbols, because I don't see that well...
I'm fine with self-censorship so long as it's also self-aware and funny, llike that D&D group on youtube where they replace penis with "schmenis", that outright elevates things.
Ideally take the opportunity to be creative with euphemisms, blur the line between censorship and art.
fuck nazism and especially fuck corporations like alphabet inc that force content creators to censor words like Hitler and holocaust because they're not "advertiser friendly" enough
Actually my daughter's school in California has a stress group one for girls and one for boys where they get together to discuss stress in their life. They're allowed to curse in that group But only there. They're in 4th grade... I don't have an issue with it but I hate that 4th graders even need a stress group. This country is whack.