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Swedneck Swedneck
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Comments 2.6K
  • cricket?

  • "Groundhog Day Reloaded"
  • It's the movie equivalent of a hot dog: completely uninspired but quick and easy to digest and plenty enjoyable (especially for the price), and after you've ate it you basically just forget it and you still have room for proper food if you want.

  • Mana potions
  • read in that horrible monotone tiktok voice

  • Reddit just isn't how it used to be.
  • have you tried digging out your morality centre and posting nothing but propaganda for corporations?

  • Rule (Penance 5/100)
  • how do you imagine anyone would survive it if this was how things worked?

  • Howdy, Y'all fellow americans!
  • sudo make me a sandwich

  • Howdy, Y'all fellow americans!
  • pickup trucks looking longingly at the tractor stuck in the mud, dreaming of a day where they might leave the pothole-filled asphalt and actually be used for something productive

  • Alright, you've had enough fun today buddy.
  • truly, the worst part of humanity is the refusal to accept cops as our owners and gods

  • I just cited myself.
  • the explanation (not proof tbf) that actually satisfies my brain is that we're dealing with infinite repeating digits here, which is what allows something that on the surface doesn't make sense to actually be true.

  • lobotomite rule
  • yes you should, you don't get to watch people starve while sitting pretty in your couch with a sandwich

  • All the time.
  • they kind of have to, the moment you switch to clickbait your profit skyrockets

  • Grandma is republican.
  • this is like, the definition of blasphemy

  • zzzzzzz
  • eh i don't think most of that is true, pretty sure the dreams you remember are only the insane ones because you actually make an effort to remember them when you wake up.

    To my knowledge dreams exist because our brains use the downtime of sleep to run simulations so we can practice stuff and sort of prepare for unexpected situations.

    i think the reason we forget dreams is just because there's no point in keeping it around, the brain has already benefited from the dreams and it'd be unfortunate if we mistook a dream for reality and screwed something up because of that.

  • CAM ON
  • the netherlands is the cultural runoff from the rest of europe, gathering in a series of ditches until it sprouts like mold

  • Still saying sweet things to each other after all these years...
  • not saying cunt is offensive towards cunts- i mean australians

  • Uber and Lyft now required to pay Massachusetts rideshare drivers $32 an hour
  • most public transport worldwide isn't trains, it's buses

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    A place to hang out and talk about things not strictly related to climate.
