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Swedneck Swedneck
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Internet gets wind that author of the markview.nvim plugin is student from Bangladesh who wrote it entirely on a phone, now everybody is trying to get them a laptop. (Links in post body)
  • it baffles me that no one has come up with a better way of inputting text on phones yet, you can literally just write new code to do it!!! but no everyone's just making yet another basically identical keyboard or they make neat concepts like thumbkey that don't actually make any ergonomical sense at all..

    hell i feel like you could get pretty close to ideal with just a custom keyboard layout that applies the concept of colemak to two thumbs rather than 10 fingers: put the commonly used letters where the thumbs naturally rest and put least used characters where it's awkward to reach, and secondarily place letters such that you're alternating as much as possible.

  • 🐮 rule
  • it's like reversing the scene where the kid drops woody, instead of "i don't want to play with you anymore" it's "you are my friend now"

  • Argh
  • i don't think i'm dysgraphic but postcards can get fucked, we invented typewriters for important documents.

  • Companionship
  • i would like to thank rhafidd for inventing the wheel

  • FBI recommends coming up with a 'secret word or phrase' to make sure your family know you're you and not some hellish AI copycat
  • yeah the idea that you could fool people about something important with AI voices is fucking wild to me, do people talk like news hosts on the phone? Or do they just regularly send over $5000 when their kid asks them?

    the one scenario i get is a fake hostage situation, in that case yeah you don't exactly have the time or desire to go "hey mom can you prove that you're being held hostage?"

  • FBI recommends coming up with a 'secret word or phrase' to make sure your family know you're you and not some hellish AI copycat
  • that is a fucking wild concept lol, in what scenario would a parent ask someone the kid doesn't know to pick them up? like even if you 100% trust someone, that doesn't work if the kid has never met them!

  • yall overcomplicating it fr rule
  • better to shit in the sink than sink in the shit

  • get wild rule
  • microdosing

  • yall overcomplicating it fr rule
  • i really wish this was taught with emphasis at schools, so many people think hostility is inherently the best strategy when almost universally the best thing for everyone is to just cooperate.

    even in nature where one would be lead to expect extreme violence and selfishness to be the best strategy, we see that most animals most of the time just.. get along.. You even have predators and prey giving each other side eye at watering holes because everyone needs to drink and thus the optimal strategy is for water in dry areas to generally be a neutral zone.

    Evolution tends to favour cooperation because it's just obviously more efficient for two creatures to share resources rather than spend energy fighting over it. Why wrestle someone for an apple when you could instead spend the energy lifting them on your shoulders so they can reach the apples on a tree?

  • yall overcomplicating it fr rule
  • why is there an empty comment here?

  • Abusive Relationships
  • and yet plenty of people are using various email services, how is that explained?

    like my mom uses fucking yahoo

  • Rule
  • i was born into it, molded by it

  • congratulations rule
  • i mean, isn't anal supposed to be good for the prostate and stuff?

  • Self Pollination
  • yes but the doctor told me i should stop

  • Drift!!
  • until someone sets up a continous loop where it spews carbon into a sealed chamber which is captured, and then emitted again.

  • Drift!!
  • the one vaguely sensible use case is as portable fuel, but then it raises questions such as "why do we still have combustion cars" and "don't cars actually kinda suck? shouldn't we be running more trains instead?"

  • Rule what you know
  • hey shitass wanna see me speedrun?

  • Rule what you know
  • maybe they're just very supportive

  • I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed.
  • same, by simply not driving and in fact avoiding sitting in a car as much as i can.

  • Funko Pop abuses domain name reporting system, takes down
  • now now, it's not necessarily malicious, it can just be extreme incompetence.

  • Lounge

    A place to hang out and talk about things not strictly related to climate.
