A lot of these Republicans secretly hate that their disabled neighbor gets government assistance. They hate having to deal with the bagger with down syndrome, or the autistic barista. They think their pregnant friend should be married, a stay-at-home-mom, and it should be her husband making the money. They don't want everybody to have an equal opportunity, they only want "people who deserve it" to have an opportunity. Where, of course, "people who deserve it" is conservative straight white men from rural areas, or whatever.
Honestly, how could you watch nearly 10 years of hateful rhetoric and think "oh, I just need to explain DEI better, then they'll support it!"
As far as I can tell, from their prospective DEI is harmful made-up psychobabble that must be eradicated at all costs, unless it's for veterans with PTSD or January 6th rioters who deserve a second chance. The only moral DEI is MY DEI, I guess.
Hello I have a lot of those. I haven't had a job in 10 years because nobody will hire me because I'm unable to "pass" as able bodied neurotypical. I require a service dog with me.
I'm pretty much fucked where I live as I'm in a heavy republican state.
Let's see how long it takes for my public housing, medical and food stamps are taken away.
Starting a revolution without articulating the cause is just a mob. People need to know what they are fighting for which will bolster unity and resilience.
Thats why when talking to conservatives you gotta target them, like if a pregant womans trying to make you agree with her on conservative points say hell yeah cant wait for them to get rid of all these pregnant woman that get paid for not working and just pop out babies to avoid work, if they're old make sure you talk about how you hope they get rid of social security, etc. Fully commit especially when they try to act like it should be kept, call them libreral snowflakes.
What they want is to go back to no equity in government. They want to go back to being able to break up communities with zoning, redlining, and physical roads. They want to put their factories that no longer have environmental regulations into communities that can't complain.
In the first 20 years of the highway administration, 1 million people were displaced. Economic centers that developed and began to empower the "wrong" communities were slated for "highway improvements", removing buildings and disrupting economic viability. In some cases towns no longer existed or completely changed in demographics.
Equity means that everyone is considered for the impact of these kinds of "development" programs. No equity means they get to do what ever they want, as long as it isn't in their back yard.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion laws. They hold companies accountable for discriminating against people with non-normal circumstances. This can include pregnant women, discriminated peoples such as people of color or immigrants, and disabled individuals.
Conservatives painted DEI as providing Equity in a discriminatory way.
IE: We are hiring 100 people; we have set a goal to hire 30 people of color, 20 neurodivergent people, 20 queer folk, and 10 Women but we are NOT setting a goal for Straight White Men.
The narrative has been made that Straight White Men are being excluded from graduate programs because these quotas must be filled.
In this extreme example it looks pretty bad, because we should be striving to hire and place people based on talent and reliability alone.
It is a branding issue. The outrage has nothing to do with what DEI really is but focuses on a rare example that does the opposite of what it was designed to do.
Another example of how the Truth™ is being used to divide us.
I would argue that even if it was just about ethnicity, it's the right thing to do to ensure that biases aren't excluding people and that if you are now giving consideration to DEI policies simply because it might include people with lighter skin tone too, then you are a fucking racist asshole.
these are people who fantasize about the 1940s and 1950s. and have devils advocates and admirerers of the people who used to treat mentally handicapped and crippled people like things to be culled. I think this just gives the Nazis more ammo. not less
I appreciate the attempt at screaming into the abyss bit this comes across as 'oh I get thar you feel those ethnics don't deserve anything but think about all these people that may be in your ingroup this might affect!'
The terminology is the problem because they twist the words to fit the narrative they want.
In order for common sense to prevail you need to use common words that cannot be singled out. The terminology is triggering them, so use terms that implement the same shit in the general policy that aligns to these goals, and fold the "DEI department" into the various HR functions that they're doing.
I don't think DEI should ever been a standalone department or even a sub-group for HR. Talent Acquisition/Recruitment can do a great deal of what they were doing for hiring. The compensation team covers equity. Inclusion is probably spread between those two as well as HR business partners.
The term needs to go away so they think they won and we need to change how we're approaching things to make sure people are treated fairly. DEI is just common sense... so the principles need to be just how HR is run from a common sense perspective. It's the law to not discriminate anyway.
They are already looking at changes under the microscope to make sure that "DEI' isn't implemented under another name, so i'm truly not kidding, the terminology all has to go. The language needs to be grade school language because when you put it in simple terms the objections stop because the meaning isn't spun.
What's the alternative? I'm just trying to get the best outcome for everybody. They seem afraid of everything related to higher education anyway.
It's disingenuous to claim that this is all there is to DEI, or that this is the kind of thing that DEI opponents are actually opposing.
Oh and also the ADA was a thing before DEI, all this is covered by the the ADA, and I don't expect that most of the people opposed to DEI are also opposed to the ADA.
I work intimately with disability services for a state run, federally funded org.
To say we are on fire right now is an understatement. We may be closing applications altogether, funding is down like...80% from last year. And we are one of the top performing agencies in the country. There are whispers of layoffs. All my Trump voting family keeps telling me "oh, it won't be you guys, you do good work".
The water is on the ship, and it's up to our neck, and I'm being told that I'm safe from sinking because I'm responsible for mopping and keeping the floors dry, why would I sink?
Any job where physical strength is required should only hire people who are strong enough to perform the task at hand. I don't know a single person who gives a flying fuck what the gender, race or sexual orientation or the fire fighter is who pulls them out of a burning building is. But they would ABSOLUTELY care if their loved ones weren't pulled from the building because they decided to hire a bunch of scrawny people that can't lift anything.
Pregnant women shouldnt be working at all. At least not after the first few months. Especially not at jobs that deal with chemicals or anything that I could potentially harm the pregnancy or the mother during the pregnancy. We should have properly covered maternity leave so they do not need to risk themselves or the child. It's unbelievable to me that we don't have that yet.
Police should be required to stay fit in order to keep their jobs. It is insulting to see a fat ball of sweat roll out of their vehicles and struggle to do basic tasks. They absolutely need to have minimum physical requirements for that job. I know they do at the start but apparently once you get past the initial physical they never check again. I have seen countless videos of smaller framed female cops being thrown around by skinny crack heads because they simply are not physically large enough or strong enough to be doing that task.
I am all for equality of opportunity, but I will never support equality of outcome. Some people simply should not be doing certain things. Even if it's not their fault they can't do that thing there is no reason we should be forcing it.
Hire the most qualified person for all jobs at any given time. ESPECIALLY don't skip over qualified people who will be able to perform that job exactly as needed to fulfill some diversity quota. Support those who are incapable of working any jobs, but do not force them into critical positions simply because you don't want them to feel left out.
I understand this wishful thinking of "anyone can do anything they put their minds to" attitude that I often see around these topics but that is unfortunately disconnected from reality. I will never fly a fighter jet. Despite having decent G tolerances I have unbelievably fucked eyeballs so I will never be allowed to fly a jet for any reason. To put me in a jet would be dangerous and irresponsible for everyone involved. I was delt a bum hand genetically speaking and it is what it is. I can do other things with my life and I have.
Of course, DEI does not mean hiring unqualified or incompetent people, it's about finding accommodations to get people into jobs they can do, often very well, once you get past the idea that every worker has to look a certain way. Equating DEI with incompetence is a tired right wing strawman.
Except it does mean hiring unqualified or incompetent employees. I have seen it happen multiple times. Skip over properly qualified people who know the job and instead pick a minority to fill a quota.
I lost a job because my job hired a minority to replace our manager and because she had absolutely no clue what she was doing I needed to train her on everything her job entailed while also still doing my own job. They straight up told me to my face I was the most qualified person for the job but because I am a white guy and upper management already had too many white guys so they hired a completely fresh young Indian woman to be our manager and then forced me to train her. And to be very clear I have nothing against her. I actually liked her a lot. But in trying to do her whole job for her while she learned literally everything about having a job at all let alone being our manager AND learning our field of work my own work started to suffer. I got burned out trying to keep my own tickets in check and help her learn the absolute basics of her job. So I quit after 6 months.
They should have promoted me or any one of the other white male nerds who already knew everything they needed to know for that job, but nope. Find someone who has literally never had a job before in their lives and train them up from nothing instead. She should have been hired at the bottom like the rest of us so she could have learned the ropes and the basics like all of us did years before. Instead she got to skip years of lower level work and go straight to management level pay at a big tech company simply because of the color of her skin and the fact that she was a woman.
And before anyone says anything I know that historically that's exactly what companies did. Hire any white guy to do whatever he wanted while keeping the minorities at minimum pay as long as possible. I don't think two wrongs make a right. It was wrong for them to hire and promote based on whiteness in the past and now it's wrong for them to promote or hire based on non-whiteness. Both versions are wrong. Plain and simple.
Who the fuck is going to pay us to sit home and be Suzie Home Maker? All I see in these statements is some distorted idea of galantry. "The woman shouldn't have to work" ... in this economy?
In reality, being unable to work during pregnancy will leave women dependant on their partners and the family in a worse financial situation. They want us locked away in our own little boxes too poor to break free.
We should have properly covered maternity leave so they do not need to risk themselves or the child. It's unbelievable to me that we don't have that yet.
I love that you see ending DEI and, therefore, the employment of pregnant women as a good thing. But retroactively wish that our government could establish properly covered maternity leave.
You are incredibly naive if you think that will ever happen. DEI was a solution to that problem. Lobbyists pour huge amounts of money into preventing any significant mandates for maternity leave. People had to fight to continue to work and have job security because it is crystal clear that no one is coming to help us. We have to work. We have to feed our kids somehow.
Your logic is flawed. If they came up with a plan to cover maternity leave and then dropped the DEI, maybe it would make sense. But those actions in reverse? Directly lead to an increase in human suffering. The fact that you can not see that and are just happy that you have less competition in the working world demonstrates a lack of empathy. "Ohh, if only our government would properly cover maternity leave." You don't actually care. Stop pretending.
I realize I my diatribe was pregnancy related. But it goes without saying that this logic follows for disabilities and plenty of other situations.
Like a lot of things, the original idea was a pretty good one. But, the original idea wasn't compatible with profit-seeking at all costs, or the mindsets and habits of a crew of remarkably dim members of the managerial class who had to put it all into practice. And so, the original idea got thrown in the bin, and replaced with a tradition of remarkably dim one-hour seminars which accomplish nothing at all beyond wasting an afternoon every now and then, and prejudicing people vaguely against the still-pretty-good original idea, which remains in the bin, still in its original packaging, unopened.
I am done playing some parasites games. I value my time now too much to have to hear some idiot talk down to me on behalf of the guy who sexually harasses women and minorities while refusing to promote me into executive role
DEI trainings are like .0001% of what DEI professionals are trying to do. Many people in that industry don't even believe it's helpful. These DEI trainings are there because corporations like to check a box and pat themselves on the back.
My wife does this for a living. She works for herself running her own consulting firm, only works for clients willing to take it seriously and fires clients that simply want to pat themselves on the back. She looks at the entire institution, how it's structured, policies and procedures, recruiting practices, employee treatment, pay equity, talks to dozens of people all over the institution. It's a full audit of how a company works. Then she makes long term structural recommendations to improve the working environment for everyone, including you.
I don't pretend to know even 5% of her job tbh. But usually when people talk about DEI, I find they have a gripe with something that's only tangentially related to their field and usually the fault of the business, not really DEI.