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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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In his attacks on the ‘childless’ left, JD Vance once hyped a plan to give parents more votes
  • I don't have kids, but I still want to have an educated populace who can have the fundamental reading, writing and calculation skills and can critically and logically think, which requires a well-funded education system with a curriculum that teaches kids the basic skills and how to critically think.

    And besides if the general population can think critically, they would very quickly realize that more than just parents have a vested interest in the education of the next generation. Businesses and government are still going to need engineers, designers, researchers and a whole host of other jobs that require education and critical thinking. And last I checked people only live so long, so if all the old guard dies before we pass on that institutional knowledge to the next generations we're shooting ourselves in the foot economically and societally.

  • Too spicy?
  • I'm more using cop as a shorthand for "consistently on the side of the police and the State in the criminal justice system as a criminal prosecutor and district attorney" instead of "she was literally a uniformed officer"

  • Too spicy?
  • Even then, as a former cop state procecutor and district attorney/AG, positions which are well known to have an extensive supportive connection with police and cops that everyone knows operate in lockstep and are functionally 2 sides of the same coin, her voting record has been surprisingly comparatively progressive/left wing sometimes on par with Bernie.

  • Isn't "MAGA" an admission that currently, America is NOT great?
  • Another good brain reboot comment to make would be "if Republicans actually trained with their guns and the shooter was a better shot, trump would have been dead."

    They're trapped between breaking the facade of Republicans having all the guns and going to win the civil war because they know their guns, and breaking unquestioning loyalty to dear leader Trump.

  • Isn't "MAGA" an admission that currently, America is NOT great?
  • Miserable in a Sysiphean way. Like their existence is absolutely isolating and alone, but they get to be secure in their convictions by cutting ties to people that think differently from them or harassing others long enough they just leave them, further proving them right that everyone else is either duped by the conspiracy of overwhelmingly strong weaklings or is in on the conspiracy.

  • Isn't "MAGA" an admission that currently, America is NOT great?
  • Welcome to the paradoxical nature of fascism the greatest and most powerful country on earth is at risk from a secret cabal of highly intelligent, highly organized criminals led by the dementia riddled criminal mastermind Joe Biden crime family who's actually being being puppeted by AOC and is a mouthpiece for Obama, and who are sending lazy, job stealing, taxpayer benefit robbing Mexicans to bring hard core drugs like marijuana and fentanyl across the wide open red carpeted border so that they can vote for democrats in elections that are also rigged in favor of democrats because that...

    So yeah you get the point, fascists don't make any sense to anyone who stops and thinks for more than a minute. Their logic is non-existent, they parrot whatever talking point they hear on their propaganda network of choice is convenient.

  • At the end of the day, they're a lot similar than they'd like to admit
  • Marxism-Leninism inherent to the ideology requires a centralized authority to seize control of the means of production on behalf of the proletariat and establish a one party state and has no plans to actually distribute that power back to the people. They are authoritarians and simply shift the totalitarian power from the totalitarian capitalist few in control of the means of production to a new totalitarian communist state in control of the means of production. That's authoritarianism dresses up as a benevolent dictatorship.

    The ideas of worker led industries where leadership is elected is a great idea and many implementations of worker coops and worker run corporations in the day have worked quite well, but centralized economic planning like what we saw in the days of the soviet union throughout the Cold War ended up failing quite spectacularly on multiple occasions.

    I could go on a whole tangent on worker owned and led coops, and ideas on how to leverage the responsiveness of a free market with the incentive systems focused on solving distribution rather than maximizing profit, but that's veering into a tangentially related essay instead of staying on topic about tankies and authoritarianism.

  • At the end of the day, they're a lot similar than they'd like to admit
  • Not what I said, tankies still exist, their ideology is still a bad one that relies heavily on centralized authoritarianism, but we're currently in a situation that the populist political movement that has gained so much traction in the current moment heavily leans toward fascism with capitalist authoritarianism as opposed to when tankies were much more common during the Cold War at the height of the Soviet Union's geopolitical power enfo.

    As to why leftists do spend so much time fighting against the tankies, it's that most present day leftists do not want to let an authoritarian ideology gain any kind of foot hold in the more anarchist/anti-authoritarian leftist movements of our time. The geopolitical question of our era is Authoritarianism vs Democracy.

  • 15 years ago it was Gmod youtube poops, This is Sparta techno remixes, and I Can Haz Cheezeburger lolcats. The internet stink has always been there, we just liked it when we were the ones making it and pissing off the usenet grumps.

  • Ex-CIA analyst charged with spying for South Korea
  • The thing with intelligence agencies isn't about the information they collect or apread but the means and methods of they collect or spread information.

    If ABC intelligence agency knows someone is a double agent feeding state secrets to XYZ foreign agency, that double agent can go be unknowingly molded into an asset for ABC by feeding them inaccurate information, or their patterns can be used to uncover other undiscovered agents and gain insights into other potential security holes.

  • The Republican Party Is Over | Robert Reich
  • Well Abraham Lincoln did get a letter from Karl Marx congratulating him on a winning second term and how the civil war's fight against slavery was a huge positive direction for workers all across the world. And Franklin Roosevelt despite blemishes like the internment of Japanese American citizens did a lot for protections for the working class. And all the things Teddy Roosevelt did that VaultDweller replied with.

    As for political party.... uuuuh yeah not really.

  • Live bullet found in prop holster of actor Jensen Ackles on ‘Rust’ set, crime scene technician testifies
  • Fuck off, stop arguing in bad faith, it's patently clear to everyone in this thread you're arguing in bad faith.

    Did you read anything I commented or are you going to strut around like a pigeon on a chessboard arguing a nonsequitur nobody was arguing and everyone already broadly agrees with?

    Agreeing that parents should be prosecuted for improperly storing firearms around children, which sidenote a simple fucking google search shows that parents often are prosecuted for improperly storing firearms but they're not famous actor and producer Alec Baldwin so it doesn't make national news, is not agreeing to the idea of not prosecute Alec Baldwin for directing his crew to cut corners in safety protocols.