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Anon wants to bond with his nephew
  • Nah, he's real and he frikkin' rocks!

  • Anon wants to bond with his nephew
  • Turns out my kid loves telling stories and fantastical fun adventures! He now loves drawing comics and playing DnD. We do both together!

    I love my kid. He's so awesome and kind and creative and smart. 💕

  • Anon doesn't like simps
  • It's funny in the sense of "are you reading what this moron wrote? They actually think this? Pathetic."

    The whole thing is so fucking ridiculous that anyone who truly thinks this way should be mocked.

    Most of the comments here are pointing out how stupid it is and talking about personal accountability and the actual reality of relationships.

    It's not an endorsement — it's a window into the clown show.

  • If Batman was real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters.
  • Aye. Anyone who idolizes Rorschach is the same person who idolizes Tyler Durden — they've missed the entire point of the character in the story.

  • bruh.png [context image in body]
  • Maybe this whole post is an ironic shitpost? If not, that makes it even funnier, tbh. I just can't tell anymore.

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • Considering the damage they did to the other car involved (you can see their trunk popped open behind the wannabe monster truck), I'm sure they'll be paying in some way or another. They're certainly not getting away with it without significant consequences!

    I just had some grass & a few flowers torn up, so I'm very fortunate. Not looking to weaponize the system against them. Just want the folks who suffered the actual damages to get paid. Hopefully this teaches the distracted driver a valuable lesson!

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • That's what the trees were for! But yeah, someone managed to dodge all that.

    If this was a typical thing, I probably would, but I'm not too worried about repeat instances. I also am fortunate to have a crawlspace under my home, so they'd be hitting the bricks & rebar before they get to my windows.

    However, with those larger stupid trucks I often see, neither a boulder nor a brick barrier would matter much.

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • Listen: if the alien can't manage to get out of some curtains, they were not meant for this world.

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • I personally prefer interesting creatures over vehicular trespassing, so it's understandable.

    Bearded dragons typically only poop every few days or even once a week! So it's not like a daily thing, unless there's something going on with their health or they've drank/eaten more than usual (they WILL try to eat as many insects as possible, if given the opportunity!). Plus, it's not like a dog-sized poop or anything, but it is pretty loose and nasty, admittedly.

    They can't really be trained to poop in specific places, which is why a lot of owners use the bathtub method. Just fill up the tub/container a bit with warm water (usually it's enough so that they are submerged up to the base of their tail), put your dragon in, and within a few seconds to minutes, you have a freshly emptied dragon! Just drain/dump the poopy water, and you don't have to worry about poop on your floors, blankets, yourself, etc.!

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • Your kindness warms my heart. It means a lot to hear it be said. Thank you!

    He's a brave boy, and he got to watch the pretty lights of the police cars as they directed traffic, so he was pretty pleased.

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • Have you given thanks that your home hasn't been run into by a car today? 🙏

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • He has his own enclosure, too! But poop really isn't as issue. They telegraph pretty clearly when they're about to poop. They'll move around more frantically before they do, do the classic slight tail lift + butt wiggle, and then decimate everything let it all out. If you're paying attention, you'll usually catch them before they stink up your floors.

    Water actually triggers their poop reflex, too! So owners often soak their dragons in the tub to have them poop before letting them roam.

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • Their poop can be pretty nasty, to be sure. Never pooped on his own back directly, but he has done things like walk through it, or fall off his basking platform into it. It's absolutely possible that your dragon fell into it while climbing.

    To be fair, if he poops in his enclosure, my dragon will run away from it and frantically claw at the glass (also called glass-surfing) until I clean it up. He HATES having poop in his enclosure!

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • That's a flat rock used for basking! It's supposed to be a bit more off-center from the heat lamp so that it doesn't get too hot, but he loves to flatten out/pancake on a warm rock.

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • He responded with a confused head tilt and licked a cardboard tube.

    I apparently don't speak cat very well, so interpret that how you will.

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.

    The noise scared my lizard something frightful!

    Everyone was okay and no one was badly injured. Except for a patch of my lilies. But they're pretty resilient.


    When you try to be social and casually contribute to a conversation

    Illustration by Igor Oleynikov, for the story “The Boy and the Pooka”.

    The story is from a collection in the book "The King with Horse’s Ears and Other Irish Folktales", retold by Batt Burns.


    American Robin fledgling

    Taken between June 5th - June 10th, 2024, Michigan.

    Not a professional photo in any sense. Apologies for that. But I saw this grumpy-looking little guy/gal in a bush and took a photo from a distance away. Wanted to share it, even if it's not as good as any of the other photos posted here.

    One of the babies I've been observing since the nest was built above my deck. It was fascinating to see them grow up & finally leave the nest! All 4 are finally gone.

    I wish them the best in their growth and hope they are able thrive safely.


    Could you post a photo of your cat and tell me what makes them so special?

    My cat passed away around 2 years ago now. I miss him a lot, but just haven't been financially stable enough to adopt another.

    Could you post nice stories and funny things about your cat(s) and talk about how much you love them? Thank you!


    How long have you gone without being in a romantic relationship?

    How much time have you spent being single?

    If you're currently single: is it by choice or circumstance?

    Do you / did you enjoy single life?

    What are / were the pros and cons?

    Is / was partnership a goal of yours?

    If you're currently not single: Did your goals change after getting into a relationship?

    What are the pros and cons?


    Refrigerator leaking black liquid?

    Refrigerator is a Frigidaire LTFR1832TF0.

    Leak came from the front-right side.

    I did not notice any temperature fluctuations, but I also don't notice much of anything. It still seemed cold when I unplugged it, though!

    Checked the drain pan & it seems dry? Not overflowing or anything.

    No water on inside of refrigerator.

    Anyone have any idea what might be going on? I'd really appreciate it, as no one can take a look for another 3 days.

    I don't want my food to spoil, as I don't have a lot of money. I just want to know if it'd be safe to plug it back in!

    Thank you.

    EDIT: had my BIL stop by to take a look. More than likely it's refrigerant. The compressor was fine, but one of the lines on it would not get cold, so that's that. Probably a leak in the line, more than likely from a failed seal.

    The cost to refill the refrigerant / repair the line / seal would cost waaaaay more than a new fridge, unfortunately.

    Thanks, y'all. Appreciate the help and advice.


    Black liquid leaking from underneath refrigerator

    Refrigerator is a Frigidaire LTFR1832TF0.

    Leak came from the front-right side.

    I did not notice any temperature fluctuations, but I also don't notice much of anything. It still seemed cold when I unplugged it, though!

    Checked the drain pan & it seems dry? Not overflowing or anything.

    No water on inside of refrigerator.

    Anyone have any idea what might be going on? I'd really appreciate it, as no one can take a look for another 3 days.

    I don't want my food to spoil, as I don't have a lot of money. I just want to know if it'd be safe to plug it back in!

    Thank you.


    Just wanted to let y'all know: you can't kidnap seagulls from a parking lot.

    Seagulls are protected under the "Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918". This means that it is illegal to capture, kill, or keep a seagull in your home (unless you have a special permit).

    So, no: you cannot go into the Meijer parking lot, yoink a seagull from the flock, and take it home.

    This PSA has been brought to you by an argument with my son during a grocery pick-up.

    Thank you.


    Hello. This is kind of a gross question.

    I'm new to colitis, but was diagnosed with ischemic colitis last year for the first time after a hospital visit.

    Well, it happened again yesterday. I'm still mostly unfamiliar with the whole thing, but it absolutely sucks.

    Question: how long does it take to stop shitting straight blood? This sucks.


    EDIT: Seems to have stopped almost exactly 24 hours after it started. Cool.

    The pain becomes mild discomfort and minor cramping around the 48 hour mark.

    EDIT 2: Watermelon will save you life for both food and hydration.

    But dumb fuck that I am, I felt the dire need for chips and salsa con queso today. It's like I never learn! Fuckin' idiot....


    God forbid that you actually openly communicate with a woman!

    It's painfully obvious that the Lemmy population is primarily men.


    edit: to save my sanity, I choose believe that the majority of comments here are trolling. Y'all cannot genuinely be this dense.

    I wanted to talk with other women about this to get more clarity and it turns into..this. Damn.


    I am unable to visit Japan.

    I head up a small community for fans of a niche indie brand. The founder is doing an event in Japan with an exclusive item for people who attend! I was so excited and was looking into booking a plane ticket to go!

    However.. turns out that Japan has a law that absolutely forbids stimulant medication in the country. And, no, I don't really want to upend my regimen of 8 years and risk going on a new medication for the trip.

    I'm really shattered, as I wanted to attend this cool event and meet up with other enthusiasts. It really hurts to be barred from an opportunity like this.

    I hate ADHD. I really do.


    What are some items that make your life easier?

    My recommendation is a small thing: a trashcan with a swinging lid!

    Covers the trash, reduces smells, will prevent trash tetris (sometimes), and very good instead of foot-pedal opening trash cans or trash cans put in a cupboard.

    Another thing are toothbrush holders that stick to mirrors. Might jog that memory of needing to brush your teeth!

    Wall-mounted keyholder by your door, too. Anything I put on a flat surface will eventually be lost or covered with more junk & papers. My keys are WALL-ONLY!!!

    What item(s) have helped you with your struggles?


    DARE rule


    In my DARE program, they would let us submit anonymous questions and every week a cop would read out "Would SpongeBob smoke weed?" and get mad.


    God made you special! rule

    Panel 1: "God created you just the way you are, and God doesn't make mistakes."

    Panel 2: "Wait, so... God purposely, pointedly, intentionally made me to be the way I am..?"


    Panel 3: "Bastard."



    After this "fun" little catastrophe of a thread concerning the use of the word "female", looking at the comment section, it's painfully obvious that the majority of Lemmy's userbase are men. That's not a generalization, that's a literal fact.

    "It's just a word!", "Maybe English isn't their first language!", and "Overact much?" seem to be the most common replies.

    So let's do what should have been done in the first place and ask women their opinion:

    What do you think of the word "female" being used? Especially in the context of the linked post in question? When is the use of the word appropriate vs. not appropriate?

    EDIT: I think the post linked got taken down. Good.
