It also helps that unlike the R and the C in BRICS, they aren't imperialists threatening and/or invading their neighbours. Brazil is a good world citizen.
because its not a country we’ve flagged as “Evil Enemy Run By Inhuman Savages”.
Unless the subject is Amazon deforestation, in which case we have to stop these inhuman savages from destroying this global patrimony (mine). Please don't ask who's buying the cattle and soy being grown there or running the mining companies or where I got all this fertile land.
Oh yeah, Russia is real good at keeping those tech oligarchs in check /s
BRICS is such a loosely linked group that generalising like that is just never going to be accurate; Indian and South African, for example, policy on tech regulation couldn't be more different if they tried.
Don't get me wrong, I think BRICS is a good organisation for economic cooperation between these very diverse countries, but there's really no common political, social or economic characteristics.
Brazil is a good example of that, because under Bolsonaro, it couldn't have been more different - regulations on big tech and banning X would never have happened under his tenure (well, at least not with the same goals)
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine Brazil apparently propping up the internet, but huge swathes of twitter shutdown when Brazil banned it a while back, for a short time.
So strong he needs both hands to drink a glass of water?
Or is it the way he literally shits himself in the middle of a rally? Oh wait, of course! Cause the only thing strong about that dementia riddled moron is his stench.
Imagine looking at Trump and thinking, "Wow, him strong!" Fucking weird, I tell ya what...
Confessed serial rapist Donald Trump is one of the weakest presidents we've ever had, the fuck are you talking about. We, quite literally, have video of world leaders laughing at him to his face. Jeff Epstein's best friend who bragged that they have the same "On the younger side" tastes didn't accomplish a single one of his campaign promises the first time, other than tax cuts for the super rich.
Brasil, please ban facebook. First twitter then facebook.
Fuck the gready corporate assholes. Someone needs to make a first step and create a precedent, we need this.
Social media will be (already is) the downfall of our civilization.
Sadly I don't think it will happen since we are extremely dependent on whatsapp because our SMS sucked ass since the inception, messages were costly and always arrived late.
Makes sense for any country tondo this because as has become clear, it doesn't matter if you're a democracy or a dictatorship, if you are liking musk and face or not, X and meta can and will destabilize your country and once it happens, there is nothing you can do about it except banning the entire site, which will be an unpopular choice.
Musk especially has shown to be all about himself and he'll just push whatever political right wing party to destabilize a country.
Meta's anti-LGBT rules are closely knit to their ending the fact-checking: It is science denialism and linked to racism and vaccine skepticism.
Homosexuality and gender identity are not considered mental illnesses, Sex is not a binary, and Race is not connected to intelligence.
Bigots never liked science on these three, and now they use political power to impose their narrative.
Meta never moderated such discourse. Nor reddit nor twitter nor youtube. There was no censorship to end here. What this is, it is a free pass to punch down trans and gay people. It is incitement to violence, and Zuckerberg and Musk must go to the gallows for it.
Don't get me started on the toxic harassment these platforms have allowed against African and Carribean reparation activists, how they have destroyed the lives of feminists, and how they have named all Palestinians terrorists.
At this point race realists and gender essentialists have ensured political and technological control of the narrative.
There is no room for debating sealioning trolls on this one. If they don't understand the social dynamics against gender/sex/minorities at this moment, they are no better than brownshirts.
It is permabans and hooks and jabs all the way, for every single weird freak that backs this deranged hateful shit.
It is permabans and hooks and jabs all the way, for every single weird freak that backs this deranged hateful shit.
I agree. As a mod on LW myself I have to wonder how far the admin are willing to go to enforce such a policy. Are they really going to start removing mods for banning trolls and bigots‽
*Edit: oops, I got the posts mixed up. I thought this was the post about's new policy on debating trolls instead of banning them.
According to the extrajudicial notice, this allows users to associate sexual identity to “a mental illness or abnormality” and allows “the defense of professional limitations based on gender.”
Why does anyone associate with this site. It's beyond me.
They do, tho. It's community notes. If multiple people agree on a correction, especially if those people usually disagree with eachother, it becomes the note