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I try to contribute to things getting better, sometimes through polite rational skepticism. Disagreeing with your comment ≠ supporting the opposite side, I support rationality. Let's discuss to refine the arguments that make things better sustainably. Always happy to question our beliefs.

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Less parking more green evolution in a Parisian street

  • Random observations from a Parisian in Tokyo #10: Japan doesn't produce enough IT engineers for its economy, so a lot of the need is covered by foreigners, mostly Indian and Chinese. Anecdotes.

    This may come as a shock for people who are stuck with the past century image of Japan being a technical leader with high-tech hardware, video games, robots and high speed trains.

    They didn't really succeed with the internet industry, their tech giants never managed to scale to the world internet and compete with the USA. A lot of their tech industry is still from Japan, in Japan, for Japanese only. For example, countless fintech products only running in Japan, hyper specialized to the Japanese habits and regulations.

    It seems there's also no craze in the youth to become IT engineers, like in most of the rest of the world. Apparently most engineering students prefer heavy industries like buildings and transportation. Eventually, it's not enough to cover the IT development needs in Japan, in addition to the low birthrate. So I'm part of these foreign engineers who got visas to fill this need.

    My team is 50% Chinese, 30% Indian (mostly in India), 10% Japanese and 10% European.

    My manager is Chinese, and I have noticed a similar tendency as what I have seen described with some Indian managers in the USA tech companies: he more easily hires short-term contractors of the same origin. Maybe because he is more confident in his ability to control them. It's a bit problematic for the atmosphere of the team, as they tend to stick together and speak in their native language, even during meetings. I was expecting to not understand meetings because they were going to be in Japanese, I was definitely not expecting that they would be in Chinese.

    Nonetheless, I sometimes consumed some social mana to try to get to know my Chinese colleagues better, with more or less success as some speak very little English.

    I was especially curious to learn about their work conditions, life conditions, and their political opinions, if any. Here is the list of random anecdotal pieces of information I received during those talks with different colleagues.

    Work conditions are pretty bad in China, even for IT engineers:

    1. Most of the companies ask their employees to do the infamous 996 (9 am to 9 pm, 6 days a week), some even 997 for specific periods of the year.
    2. There's an expiry age for IT engineers in China, which is 35. If you haven't become a manager by this age, companies will consider that you are failing your career, let you go or not hire you. At least two colleagues are in Japan to escape this.
    3. Chinese IT giants like Baidu, Tencent and Byte Dance have this kind of policies, but they may also offer salaries higher than EU and getting closer to the USA. Considering the lower cost of life, people are motivated to work there 100% of their awake time, with no social life, during 10/15 years in order to be able to retire at 40.


    1. Cities develop at such a crazy pace that when they go back home after just 1 or 2 years, they sometimes have issues to recognize their home cities.
    2. The technical ecosystem evolves really fast, with zero concerns allowed for privacy. I was complaining to my colleague that I hated how we were asked to connect to a company chat app with our private phones because of privacy concerns. She laughed at it and said last time she went home, people had started to pay with their faces.


    1. At least one of my Chinese colleague is completely aware of the crimes of his government, Tiananmen, Tibet, Uyghurs etc. I think most educated people are aware thanks to VPNs and traveling. I find it reassuring that the censorship and propaganda are still unable to fully control opinions.
    2. There is a lot of resentment against the Chinese government for how they managed the COVID crisis with extremely strict and long confinements compared to other countries. "The officials were scared to get sick, so they made our lives a nightmare to protect themselves from any risk."
    3. They mostly avoid to publically talk/write about their political opinions to avoid troubles.
    4. I heard a potential conspiracy theory that sometimes children disappear after school-wide blood tests, that it may be related to organs harvesting for the use of members of the oligarchy/state/party, and that parents are later asked to get the ashes of their kids with no explanation. Something related to these:,
    Putin and Kim Jung Un's favorite server
  • Except the order goes the other way.

  • A patient gamer youtuber explaining why she only plays old games
  • As I said, most of the points made in the video I didn't think about before, and I find it interesting to know other reasons why people play old games or are patient gamers, that's why I shared it here. I think the person is simply expressing her taste, maybe it's traditional stereotypes for some people, but you can't decide of your tastes, I didn't find it hateful. Now people who defend trans people found this video offensive, which I was miles away from expecting, and many people decided to jump on this wagon and decided this is a hateful post based on prior comments without watching the video. Also as I said other places, I am not knowledgeable in trans defense, so maybe it's possible they are correct.

  • 21 October 2024
  • Can you use garlic as a contraceptive in this case?

  • Consultation concernant la dĂ©-fĂ©dĂ©ration avec 2 instances similaires
  • Je pense que grad est pire. Autant certains ours semblent maintenir un peu l'ambiguĂŻtĂ© sur leur soutien aux rĂ©gimes criminels du moment qu'ils ont vaguement un lien avec l'extrĂȘme gauche, autant grad me semble dĂ©fendre leurs crimes d'Ă©tat sans hĂ©siter.

  • Consultation concernant la dĂ©-fĂ©dĂ©ration avec 2 instances similaires
  • Je dirais mĂȘme plus, ils s'autonounours.

  • Consultation concernant la dĂ©-fĂ©dĂ©ration avec 2 instances similaires
  • Je reprends mon commentaire sur le fil qui a Ă©tĂ© envahi par les ours.

    En tant que modĂ©rĂ©, je suis obligĂ© de bloquer hex, ml et grad ainsi qu'environ une cinquantaine de leurs activistes qui agissent sur les autres instances. En gros, ces derniers sont les gens qui ne marchent qu'avec deux catĂ©gories, soit tu adhĂšres Ă  100% Ă  leur opinion, soit tu es un fasciste/nazi. Faire preuve d'esprit critique sur leur commentaire. Nazi. Leur demander d'ĂȘtre cohĂ©rents sur leurs positions. Croyez-le ou pas, nazi !

    Pour ma santĂ© mentale, c'est ça ou quitter Lemmy. Pour le moment ma solution marche Ă  peu prĂšs, je continue de regretter une extrĂȘme-politisation de tout qui est fatigante. Pourquoi on n'arrive pas Ă  avoir des positions nuancĂ©es sur internet ? Parce qu'on n'a pas Ă  faire face directement Ă  la sensibilitĂ© humaine de l'autre, je suppose.

    Je pense que c’est un problĂšme pour l’accueil de nouveaux membres si on veut rester ouvert Ă  plus de diversitĂ© d’opinions. Leur conseiller de bloquer des instances et des gens d'entrĂ©e, ça ne fait pas envie du tout. Donc, je pense que le faire au niveau de l'instance, contre les instances les plus consensuellement problĂ©matiques, est utile.

  • A patient gamer youtuber explaining why she only plays old games
  • I see what you mean but I think there's quite an intersection with patient gamers reasons.

  • A patient gamer youtuber explaining why she only plays old games
  • I think it's better to check the source by yourself since it appears to be more sensitive than I expected.

  • A patient gamer youtuber explaining why she only plays old games
  • I think you may have a a specific experience that makes this very common for you. I personally don't interact with those subjects much, so I didn't know. Thank you for sharing your view.

  • A patient gamer youtuber explaining why she only plays old games
  • Ok, I was not considering this point of view at all when I shared this. I was thinking that's a different point of view on patient gaming that I didn't have.

  • A patient gamer youtuber explaining why she only plays old games
  • Agreed with your reasons, but she made points I have never heard about that I found interesting, like disappearing of some femininity aspects to awkwardly try to avoid sexism accusations. I wanted to share a point of view that I think is rarely shared in gaming communities.
    I don't follow YouTube drama much, so I don't know who Asmongold is.

    The reason I ended up there is because I recently started playing Oblivion, and saw her videos mentioned.

  • linux-6.11.4.arch1-1 has a Bluetooth issue, bypassed with kernel downgrade
  • The issue should be fixed in linux 6.11.4.arch2-1 currently in core-testing.

  • A patient gamer youtuber explaining why she only plays old games


    linux-6.11.4.arch1-1 has a Bluetooth issue, bypassed with kernel downgrade

    Using Gnome, my Bluetooth mouse wasn't connecting anymore. Found some comments on Reddit saying downgrading the kernel solved the issue, it also worked for me.

    I don't know what I expected a Kiwi to sound like, but that wasn't it.
  • I like how it leaves in a swiggity swooty fashion.

  • Kentucky man declared brain dead wakes up during organ harvesting
  • Coincidentally, shortly after the event, KFC announced a nuggets shortage.

  • The Elder Gods
  • Paul Watson will send stinky bombs in your bed.

  • Windows 10 only has a year of support: 12 months left to keep Copilot off your desktop or learn Linux
  • AMD graphic has good open source drivers that are usually included by default, for Nvidia you usually have to opt-in their proprietary drivers, but gaming oriented distributions like Pop should suggest it on the installer.

  • Random observations from a Parisian in Tokyo #9: in the ƌmiya Hachiman Shinto shrine, you can purify your car to enhance its safety.

    0 RECIT. "Ma mort peut servir d'électrochoc" : Loïc Résibois, emporté dans son combat pour l'aide à mourir

    Depuis plusieurs mois, ce pÚre de famille se confiait à franceinfo sur sa vie avec la maladie de Charcot et sa lutte pour l'autorisation du suicide assisté et de l'euthanasie. Il est mort, mardi, sans avoir pu en bénéficier.

    RECIT. "Ma mort peut servir d'électrochoc" : Loïc Résibois, emporté dans son combat pour l'aide à mourir

    L'un des récits les plus bouleversants que j'ai pu lire ces derniers temps, ça met les choses en perspectives.


    TIL about the reverse boustrophedon writing style used by the Easter island people

    Boustrophedon is a style of writing in which alternate lines of writing are reversed, with letters also written in reverse, mirror-style.


    The original term comes from Ancient Greek: "like the ox turns [while plowing]". It is mostly seen in ancient manuscripts and other inscriptions. It was a common way of writing on stone in Ancient Greece.

    A fun variation is the reverse boustrophedon: the text in alternate lines is rotated 180 degrees rather than mirrored.

    The reader begins at the bottom left-hand corner of a tablet, reads a line from left to right, then rotates the tablet 180 degrees to continue on the next line from left to right again. When reading one line, the lines above and below it appear upside down.


    I heard about it on a podcast about the Rapa Nui people of Easter Island. They use used the reverse boustrophedon style for their system of glyphs called Rongorongo, which remains undeciphered.



    Seeing the decrease in the % of Outlast players who achieved basic game progress achievements, I find it amusing to think about those who chickened out mid-game and never returned.

    Then I get back into the game with my heart pounding. It's my first time.


    TIL the difference between deflagration and detonation. Deflagration is subsonic combustion (ex: gunpowder), while detonation is supersonic combustion (ex: dynamite).

    Photography oce 🐆

    Donglin Zhou (China) witnesses the drama of a snow leopard hunting a Pallas’s cat

    >When the snow leopard sprang into action, Donglin assumed it was in pursuit of a marmot, not seeing, at first, the Pallas’s cat that ‘blended in so well with the rocks’. The little cat fled, but its short legs were no match for the muscular snow leopard, its long, thick tail helping it balance as it ran down the slope. In less than a minute, the snow leopard had its prey in its jaws, and proceeded to carry it back to its den. > >Both species are very well camouflaged and extremely hard to spot. While large birds of prey and wolves are known to hunt Pallas’s cats, it’s rare to see them hunted by snow leopards. > >Donglin understood the young leopard’s need to hunt but was heartbroken at the loss of the Pallas’s cat. She explains, ‘the cat had three two-month-old kittens, not yet independent, hidden in an empty marmot’s burrow nearby’. > >After discussions with the guide and forest rangers, Donglin obtained permission from the local government for road-killed pikas to be left near the den. Three weeks later, the kittens were hunting by themselves, and not long after, two of them were seen with their aunt and its litter of five.

    3 Jeux paralympiques de Paris 2024 : pourquoi les personnes sourdes et malentendantes ne participent-elles pas aux Ă©preuves ?

    S'ils sont absents des Paralympiques, ces sportifs se rĂ©unissent tous les quatre ans pour les Deaflympics, des Jeux d'hiver et d'Ă©tĂ© qui ne bĂ©nĂ©ficient toutefois pas de la mĂȘme exposition.


    Random observations from a Parisian in Tokyo: Japanese urban jungles, roads everywhere despite the great trains, never ending building and rebuilding with seemingly no aesthetic rules.


    Toothpaste tube only runs out when your motivation runs out.


    Tokyo Tower “Tricolore” light up, sending our best wishes to Paris!

    > In order to encourage all the athletes from all over the world attending to Paris, tonight’s light up shines in the “Tricolore” colors that represents the national flag of France.


    Comment le Kremlin influence sur Xitter l'inversion du front rĂ©publicain (contre le RN → contre LFI), Ă©tude par l'Institut des SystĂšmes Complexes (pre-print PDF)

    >### RĂ©sumĂ© exĂ©cutif > >Le projet Politoscope observe depuis 2016 le militantisme politique sur X/feu-Twitter. Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© des mĂ©thodes pour analyser les dynamiques sociales et de dĂ©bats, ainsi que les manipulations d’opinions. > >Permettant de passer en accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© ces dynamiques sociales, il est possible de caractĂ©riser un processus d’affaiblissement puis d’inversion du front rĂ©publicain Ă  l’approche des lĂ©gislatives de 2024 et d’identifier les stratĂ©gies de subversion qui l’ont favorisĂ©. Ces stratĂ©gies de basse intensitĂ©, pilotĂ©es ou influencĂ©es pour la plupart par le Kremlin, se dĂ©ploient sur des Ă©chelles de temps trop longues pour que les acteurs du dĂ©bat en aient conscience. Elles visent Ă  dĂ©structurer la sociĂ©tĂ© française de maniĂšre systĂ©mique pour provoquer une transition vers une sociĂ©tĂ© fermĂ©e ou une dĂ©mocratie illibĂ©rale. > >Dans un contexte de reconfiguration brutale de l’espace politique suite Ă  la dissolution de l’AssemblĂ©e nationale, les efforts du Kremlin sont sur le point de payer. Cette Ă©tude identifie une convergence d’intĂ©rĂȘts entre le rĂ©gime de Poutine et l’extrĂȘme-droite française. Elle explicite certaines mesures actives mises en place par le Kremlin depuis au moins 2016 pour dĂ©stabiliser la sociĂ©tĂ© française et montre comment certaines d’entre-elles entrent en synergie ces jours-ci pour faire tomber voire s’inverser le front rĂ©publicain. Ceci est la derniĂšre Ă©tape avant la prise de contrĂŽle de la France par des personnalitĂ©s politiques moins hostiles au rĂ©gime de Poutine. > >Dans ce dispositif, les communautĂ©s politiques prĂ©occupĂ©es par le conflit israĂ©lo-palestinien et la montĂ©e de l’antisĂ©mitisme ou de l’islamophobie sont instrumentalisĂ©es afin de compromettre tout barrage contre une extrĂȘme-droite banalisĂ©e au second tour des lĂ©gislatives.

    "Minuit moins dix Ă  l’horloge de Poutine Jusque-lĂ , tout se passe comme prĂ©vu" David Chavalarias, CNRS, EHESS/CAMS & ISC-PIF Pre-print de l’Institut des SystĂšmes Complexes de Paris Île-de-France V3 - 3 Juillet 2024


    Random observations from a Parisian in Tokyo: It's Tokyo prefecture governor election this weekend, and some candidates are just memes.

    There's a Samurai and a Joker. The joker says he wants to legalize cannabis and rename the Shibuya district to "drug-addict" district. As far as I understand, Japanese people are fairly politically apathetic and abstention is very high.

    Edit: governor, not mayor.


    C'est bibi


    Aperçu du vote sur internet aux élections législatives 2024 pour les français de l'étranger

    Le lien pour voter se trouve Ă  la fin de la liste des circulaires des candidats de la circonscription :

    Pour se connecter, un identifiant envoyé par courriel, un mot de passe envoyé par SMS. Un troisiÚme code envoyé par courriel pour confirmer le vote.

    Interface simple et efficace, un peu lente depuis Tokyo. Le code de confirmation a mis quelques minutes Ă  arriver, j'ai rafraichi trop tĂŽt par impatience, ce qui a annulĂ© le code prĂ©cĂ©dant. Au bout du 3ᔉ coup, ça a fonctionnĂ©. Au final ça m'a pris environ 15 min, tranquillement depuis chez moi.


    "Pourquoi c’est faux de dire que LFI est un parti d’extrĂȘme gauche ?" Pourquoi c’est faux de dire que LFI est un parti d’extrĂȘme gauche ?

    Souvent releguĂ© Ă  l'extrĂ©mitĂ© de l'Ă©chiquier politique par ses dĂ©tracteurs, le parti de La France insoumise ne jouit pas des mĂȘmes qualitĂ©s aux yeux du Conseil d'Etat. Alors pourquoi LFI est-il sans cesse associĂ© Ă  l'extrĂȘme gauche ?

    Pourquoi c’est faux de dire que LFI est un parti d’extrĂȘme gauche ?

    AppĂąt facile pour Lemmy !

    Plus sĂ©rieusement, je trouve l'idĂ©e intĂ©ressante de dire que LFI n'est pas d'extrĂȘme gauche quand on compare au NPA ou au programme de Mitterrand. Mais j'ai l'impression qu'on peut appliquer le mĂȘme raisonnement pour dire que le RN n'est pas aussi extrĂȘme que son origine, je ne suis pas convaincu par les arguments de l'article.

    > Selon la dĂ©finition de Jean-Etienne Dubois, dans son ouvrage l’ExtrĂȘme droite française, les partis d'« extrĂȘme droite » sont « les organisations qui contestent le systĂšme politique rĂ©publicain et dĂ©mocratique (anti-Ă©lectoralisme, antiparlementarisme, aspirations autoritaires, etc.) et/ou le caractĂšre universel des valeurs rĂ©publicaines de libertĂ© et d’égalitĂ© (antisĂ©mitisme, racisme, xĂ©nophobie, etc.) ».

    Qu'est-ce qui dans les programmes du RN de ces derniĂšres annĂ©es match avec cette dĂ©finition de l'extrĂȘme droite ?

    > Ainsi, « l’origine [du Front national, devenu Rassemblement national], son noyau de militants et les rĂ©fĂ©rences idĂ©ologiques diverses qui s’y cĂŽtoient inscrivent indubitablement l’histoire de ce parti dans la filiation de l’extrĂȘme droite française ».

    Il y a des origines puantes dans Ă  peu prĂšs tous les partis (ex : Mitterrand et Vichy, communistes et Staline, les partis gaulliste et la dĂ©colonisation, etc.), est-ce qu'on peut essentialiser un groupe politique Ă  son origine pour toujours ?

    Est-ce que les nouveaux votants que le RN a gagnĂ©s aux Ă©lections de ces derniĂšres annĂ©es sont des racistes anti-dĂ©mocrates ? Ou est-ce qu'ils sont simplement sĂ©duits par le savant mĂ©lange de populisme de droite (anti-immigration) et de gauche (anti-Ă©lite) que le RN cuisine depuis le dĂ©but de son entreprise de dĂ©diabolisation ?

    Jlecteurs trĂšs Ă  gauche, merci d'essayer d'avoir une discussion rationnelle. Je suis lĂ  pour essayer d'analyser la situation avec tout le monde.

    Édith : Merci pour les rĂ©ponses dĂ©taillĂ©es, je prendrai le temps de rĂ©pondre.


    Random observations from a Parisian in Tokyo: queuing for the European elections at the French embassy in Tokyo. Looks busier than a Parisian vote.
