Anytime I've done some world building in my head for the great human empire :tm: it involves some sort of rotational labor period in each citizens early 20's to give them exposure to a few different styles of work
It's a nice way to give back to the community while also getting to see how the rest of the world lives
I'm sure there's flaws with it but sounds a hell of a lot better than what we have now
I've had similar thoughts. Maybe not a rotation, but a compulsory period of service following high school that where people can select from a variety of public service assignments.
Compulsory service exists in many parts of the world and it is rarely good.
Forcing people to do work they don't want to do leads to very unproductive environments that are also very open to abuse. Being forced by law to do the work has a tendency to create super unhealthy power dynamics.
Likewise, I think 2 years of public service or military should be compulsory. The truth is we do need a defense force given the world, but it'd also be nice to have americorps or something expanded to fit the service option. Make military service more enticing than the other, I don't care, but provide room and board, and a spending allowance at the very least for both.
I think if you could opt out of you really really didn't want to do a particular job then it would be fine. Maybe if it's a job that a lot of people dislike, like sanitation, you could provide an incentive to make it worthwhile - like you get the next season off.
Well I imagine it like high school electives. You get to pick from a selection and go through 3 or 4 until you're ready to settle one some sort of career
I for one will be sowing all my seed incredibly close together, the plants will grow stronger together. Also all birds are now counter revolutionary, get out your noisiest banging pans my dudes.
Over a decade ago, Obama proposed significantly expanding AmeriCorps, the tea party Republicans basically did everything they could to water down the expansion to amount to basically nothing.
I wonder if Twitter Republicans even know AmeriCorps exists...
Anyway, what we should actually do is mandate that everyone who earns double area median income for 3 years in a 5 year period has to spend 6 months working in a call center, retail, customer service, fast food.
I feel like everyone should go through this at least once. It’s eye-opening. Even people who we generally think of as crazy rich, like the average hedge fund manager, are just a drop of water in a pond compared to the ultra-wealthy.
Yeah people don't get this. Many of those people may agree with you and were simply lucky enough to get comfortable in life. They are certainly not the main contributors to inequality in our society.
To be fair, we can't get to higher taxes and social services without both mass labor organization and recent successful Socialist revolution, which is what allowed the New Deal to go through. Socialism is still a necessity, and that starts with organizing.
+3,000 student athletes in The A-Team. And yes it went horribly wrong. Some students started unionizing immediately.
"Then you go out in the field, and the first ray of sun comes over the horizon. The first ray. Everyone looked at each other, and said, 'What did we do?' The thermometer went up like in a Bugs Bunny cartoon. By 9 a.m., it was 110 degrees."
Garden gloves that the farmers gave the students to help them harvest lasted only four hours, because the cantaloupe's fine hairs made grabbing them feel like "picking up sandpaper."
The farmers sheltered them in "any kind of defunct housing," according to Carter — old Army barracks, rooms made from discarded wood, and even buildings used to intern Japanese-Americans during World War II.
Yeah, can't wait to see what a bunch of bored teenagers and twenty somethings will do to our food supply after the first couple of seasons fucking around. Forced labor also doesn't mean quality labor.
Authoritarians never learn that forcing people to act like they want doesn't work.
RFK Jr has seriously proposed sending drug addicts, which he defines as people taking prescribed medication for mental health reasons, as well as your more stereotypical hardcore drug addicts... to basically agricultural work / detox camps.
No meds, no phone, live in a barracks, do farm work... while you and everyone else are cold turkey quitting heroin, or fentanyl, or ritalin or zoloft or wellbutrin.
Its actually been done before and most teens quitted or were fired within weeks because of the inhuman working conditions. The quality of the work they would do is completely irrelevant.
The thing about forced labor is that quantity is its own quality.
You can also use certain government controlled documents as an incentive. For instance, it was common in the Soviet Union to use agricultural service as a requisite for graduation.
It does make sense and the issue here isn't communal service periods but for making it only the young which "by chance" makes it so almost everyone who had any hand in it wouldn't have to do it ever.
If it were every citizen had to do some form of labor for some period I don't think anyone would have much of an argument.
When we still had mandatory military service in Germany, one could alternatively choose to work in social services for 1-1,5 years. I worked a year in a hospital as an assistance nurse. Others worked in youth centers, community center or retirement homes.
That year was not a pleasant one, as Zivis (thats what we were called) got exploited by the hospital stuff (always getting the worst shifts, always getting the shitty jobs, being used for jobs we were not qualified to do and so on).
Despite that I honestly think it was worth it. It helped to find oneself to do something different before starting university and it also helped to improve social and medical services.
The only real criticism I have is the aforementioned exploitation. There should have been better mechanisms in place to prevent this. And maybe the payment should have been a little better. I think we got ~8€/calender day plus free board and lodging; this wasn't great.
I honestly unironically support it. Lots of people should go touch some grass sometimes. It gives you some movement, builds an understanding for where our food "really comes from", and connects people in a way similar to the military, but less targeted on warfare.
Military service exists for a reason though, and a good one. I disagree with it but I understand its need all too much.
This, however is just the new extremist and inept government making decisions that break things, so to fill those holes they'll just break other things.
I think all citizens should have to go through the military’s Basic Training when they hit 18. No need to do the 4 years of service if they don’t want to, but do have to make it through boot camp, even if you want to go to university.
I dunno... being trained in individual and squad movement tactics might come in handy over the next 4 years. Firearms training too, that in restricted states can let you skip classes you'd otherwise pay for is cool too, and would be handy for a lot of peeps.
Not really talking about the guns part. More the working out, the team building, the discipline. When I did basic training we only had like 1 or 2 days for training with guns. I was in the navy tho.