Lemmy could definitely use a bit more comment activity on a lot of posts.
I think it’s because nobody really wants to be the first to comment and offer an opinion that might end up going against the grain when a thread develops. There’s no ‘reading the room’ as it were.
I’m doing my part by commenting on threads. Like this one.
Reddit for sure is toxic. Generally, it’s much easier to be toxic in a large, anonymous group with an endless amount of subreddits to retreat to. Here, it’s maybe 10-20 people talking, so there’s not much room to hide, as it were. You keep running into the same faces, so it’s a bit more important to stay polite.
It's not even just "the first" post. Lemmy is exactly like Reddit where any comments or posts, no matter how high quality, that can be interpreted as "against the grain" will be attacked. Lemmy has the same strong tendency towards group think that Reddit does, it's just lower volume and the bias runs even farther left. Shrug.
Occasionally see something similar in real life, run a bar n grill. Just the other night had to tell that crew that I do have a menu, after the 6th order from the same table for dry ribs. Had the first guy ordered wings or a burger, same thing would have happened.
I always tell people, hey, I'm not a bot here posting things, I'm trying to share things I feel you guys would enjoy. If nobody comments, it doesnt incentivize me to continue posting, it makes me feel like a crazy person talking to themselves. I encourage people to say something, even if it's just "I really enjoyed this, thanks for sharing!" or something. I do that from time to time on others' posts. If they're showing me something new, of course I don't know anything about it coming in, but I can let them know now I do know thanks to their contribution here.
All these posts pop up all the time, "dang, it's so dead here" but if instead of making, liking, or commenting on that post, you could thank someone that did post, or share something that you think others might like. I was never a poster on Reddit. I'm no expert on what I post on. I just find stuff I think people would like, and now after doing it for the last few months, now I do know a lot more and can give people better insight than I could in the beginning.
Comments have been feeling low on my posts, and I think when is the point where me making 2 or 3 posts a day isn't worth my time anymore, but then someone will say "oh this post really made my day" and so I come back the next day and post again.
Well, comment anyway. You never know what’ll happen.
And even if you have a boring, vanilla opinion on that topic, post it anyway. Because it’ll lower the bar for others to comment as well. (As this entire thread demonstrates)
Exactly. This thread is a perfect example. There’s literally no real topic to discuss, and yet people are talking. And that’s a great thing to encourage if we want to grow this platform 👍
This has been one of the biggest things I've taken away from my time here too. Especially when I first joined and it was even more barren. I was probably the first comment on over half the posts I viewed for the first few months. Often nothing substantial but it would lead to insightful comments from users who may have never even opened it if they saw zero comments.
The last couple years on some other site really reduced the amount I commented. I'm not yet out of that initial instinct of just moving on without trying to engage, it just wasn't worth it a lot of the time over there, had mostly positive experiences here though, experience wise.
I think it’s because nobody really wants to be the first to comment and offer an opinion that might end up going against the grain when a thread develops. There’s no ‘reading the room’ as it were.
Why offer an opinion when one can ask something about the post instead?
I've noticed that this effect is much more positive on my reception and well being.
The same comments on Reddit often feel like a coin toss, between positive reception and getting voted into oblivion and hated at. I welcome this change.
Considering a big problem with conversion on Reddit is people just reacting to the headline I’d say it’s a win. I’ve noticed here when people do comment it’s more nuanced because they actually read the article.
Also, I'm often like...
there's one comment and I generally don't agree with it, but I also don't want to make an ass of myself, so let's skim that article first and pick some good parts to slam this dude with.
Often I find that I was wrong.
I wonder if the reason for this is not due to having less comments, but instead because Lemmy simply has a different demographic. For one, I've noticed significantly fewer bad-faith arguments compared to on Reddit. And discussions topics that would have otherwise been trolled to hell and back ended up having reasonably impartial conversations.
I've read that Lemmy users are generally fairly old, compared to users from other social media. I wonder if that has a role in how discussions play out on Lemmy
Not really. People may talk shit about comments, but if it was just a matter of getting just articles, you might as well stick to the news sites. Even as far as pure news aggregation goes there are better options than relying on whatever a handful people decide to share here.
There's value in public commentary too. It may not be as polished as these articles but it provides a variety of perspectives, questions and criticism that might be pertinent, and for as lacking or biased as they may be, it's much easier to tell compared to sources trying to pretend impartiality.
There's a reason why we are here and not on, say, Feedly. This particular community only highlights it further, since it's entirely based on the interpersonal element. Ain't nobody looking for journalism or scientific articles on !Showerthoughts
100%. i'd be more interested in knowing what some guys in a bar in NYC were saying when hitler died versus reading an article about it. articles are just facts put in order. biased opinions make us human.
A great thing about Reddit is that because of its size you would sometimes get an expert in that field or even the person who wrote the paper popping up. It wasn't crazy common but did happen a decent bit.
That is ofc balanced by it being full of complete assholes who have no idea what they're talking about.
True. I regularly finish all the comments in a Lemmy thread. On Reddit the pile of garbage is far too big and 90% is people saying the exact same thing.
I really don't find the conversation any better, I think this place still needs to grow out of its echo chamber stage where it's a niche place with few commenters or diversity of opinion. I recall Reddit in its early days, different but similar.
I also really appreciate about Lemmy how there can be a 2 day old thread on everything and I throw in my 2 cents and even after 2 days, that comment gets read. It really beats the endless reposts (and bots reposting top comments!) of reddit.
I'll sometimes comment on stuff but overwhelmingly I don't. I was the same way on reddit. I just feel that I don't have anything meaningful to say so why say anything.
I find myself commenting a lot more here. It's more conversational than reddit. Comments are longer and not just one liner's, and the smaller community means my comments won't be buried. It also feels like a gateway drug to posting. I should post something today. I won't, but I should.
And that's the right way to approach it, but in a platform were niche communities are so empty, even a meaningless comment counts
But yeah, I try to follow the same approach, I'm interested in many things, and subscribed to a lot of communities, but why should I comment if it doesn't help or adds anything to the theme of the post
Well, If anyone reads this, keep this as a good habit, even if it feels a bit weird in here, comment when you are of help, and learn from others when you have nothing to say
I love how the replies to this are doing the exact opposite lol, take care boys, I actually got a good laugh from this
I just don't feel like I have anything insightful or meaningful to say.
But, I feel like I should in the community I mainly frequent since it's really quiet a lot and the main mod feels like the only person keeping things ticking along.
Moving to Lemmy made me realize how much time I wasted lurking on Reddit. I didn't bother to participate because someone would have already said what I thought. Sometimes I could even read one thread for days because there was just so much to read.
But I don't know if it's good or bad if there are so many comments. Maybe it's good if you learn something useful but I don't think it's that useful to read for days about random subject you don't need. At least it's a some form of entertainment. I think I just read less now that I'm on Lemmy.
Weirdly I've somehow adjusted for inflation. On reddit I wouldn't bother commenting if there were more than 1000 comments, here I don't bother if there are already 100.
I delete about 80% of the comments I write before posting. Even if I took the time to write a long response. This is because of the general nature of the Internet and reddit culture is definitely here on Lemmy. But, like this comment, I'll try to engage more because I also miss the discussion aspect on posts.
Most people are guilty of that to some extent. You want to make a good response, but end up overthinking it and moving on. Which is a shame. God only knows how many awesome comments end up in the digital wastebasket.
Besides, what’s the worst that can happen? Who really gives a fuck about downvotes anyway.
I do the exact same thing, once my comment reaches a paragraph long I just think "this is way too much stupid information to add, fuck it all, cancel." Maybe I should shitpost random thoughts either way and let the chips fall where they may.
I often realise as I've written it that I may be doxxing myself (sharing an anecdote about my past etc) so often that's my reason to delete. It's pretty paranoid but I do value my anonymity here.
The quality of comments on Lemmy, I've noticed, are far better than Reddit comments on average.
When you remove all the fluff, there's about the same if not more useful stuff in comment threads here, however on Lemmy there's way less fluff (again just what I've noticed).
ive found a similar problem. i actually started reading the microblog/twits section of the verse when the bots are done doin their thing.. lemmy is missing half the 'verse.