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Buelldozer Buelldozer
Posts 11
Comments 1.1K
AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling
  • They’re not giving him immunity for everything he did as president, they just aren’t interested in being the authority that decides what is or isn’t an “official act”. They are letting lower courts decide that.

    That's pretty much what they did but that's not how it's being presented by the media so you've got 30,000,000 people all riled up and ready to riot. I would have preferred if SCOTUS found a way to definitively settle this without the Remands but I understand why they did it.

    The lower court will take about an hour to decide that this stuff was "unofficial" and write the legal narrative supporting that. Hell I'd be shocked if it wasn't already done. This isn't even close to over.

  • Analysis: The fertility crisis is here and it will permanently alter the economy | CNN Business
  • You can have both a labor shortage and mass unemployment. It occurs when workers are skilled for an industry with decreasing or no demand while another industry that requires different skills has increasing demand.

    A good example of this is the high demand in the US for so called "Blue Collar" jobs. We have a shortage of trades people (Electricians, Plumbers, HVAC, etc) and far too many Business and Marketing people. There's 100,000 MBA's out there looking for a job and there's 100,000 Plumbing Contractors trying to hire someone.

  • Drones trespassing in my property
  • Almost. Any drone that weighs more than .55lbs must be registered with the FAA and as part of that it is required to be compliant with RemoteID. RemoteID requires the drone to broadcast both its identification and location of the control station.

    If it's being operated over a home then it will almost certainly have to follow the rules on Operation Over People and those can be quite restrictive, especially for drones that weigh more than .55lbs.

    There ARE Federal Rules for this in the United States, drone operators cannot legally fly any type of drone anywhere they want at any time.

  • Drones trespassing in my property
  • I'm somewhat surprised that there's no purchasable solution to this problem as all of the technology to make a short range drone interdiction system already exist. To detect one all that's necessary is an appropriate camera setup and a system hooked to it capable of recognizing them, both of which are already prevalent in the market. Add an inexpensive laser range finder so the system can know if the drone is truly over your property and at an altitude acceptable for interception.

    Once that's done it becomes a matter of how to interdict the drone. One relatively safe option would be for the system to deploy a high speed short range interdiction drone to overfly the other drone and drop something on top of it meant to snarl its rotors, for instance fishing line with weights.

    None of that is necessarily easy but its certainly doable.

  • Putin warns South Korea: Sending killer weapons to Ukraine would be a ‘big mistake’
  • “World War III started 3 years ago” is the stuff of a conspiracist’s fever dream and is not based in any objective reality

    I would have said that too...until I watched the Ryan McBeth video about it. I'm still not sure he's correct but he does make a convincing argument that were not only in it but that it started in 2014.

  • Director Kevin Costner's Western "Horizon" poised to bomb at the box office
  • The advertisement I saw for this film struck me as some white supremacist nonsense

    Racism in a semi-historical film that covers post Civil War America? Shocking

    Seriously tho', WTF are you expecting for a film set in that time period? If it pulled the racism it wouldn't be accurate. It's going to be chock-a-block with sexism too and for the same exact reason.

    If you don't want to see it that's fine but intimating that the film has unnecessary racism in it is ludicrous.

  • The Supreme Court upholds a tax on foreign income over a challenge backed by business interests
  • Banks lend money based on your assets. And when you have very large asset holdings, those loans can have very favorable terms.

    Yes and there's two problems with this scheme; one is large and the other could be an apocalypse.

    The first problem, the large one, is that the wealthy aren't paying taxes on the money they receive from those loans. This starves the Government of the funding that it needs which causes endlessly escalating deficit spending as the rest of the population cannot provide enough tax revenue to cover everything the Government needs to do.

    The apocalyptic problem is that their scheme only works when those assets appreciate in value. If they decline in value, or even just hold steady, it collapses. Right now the wealthy take out another loan, either on a different asset or on the same assets appreciated value, in order to repay the original loan. However if assets decline in value, or even hold steady, they're unable to keep "flipping" loans like this and they'll need to come up with the cash to actually repay them. Which means that they'll have to actually sell some of their assets, as this spreads to more and more of the wealthy the marketplace will enter a value reduction spiral (too many sellers and not enough buyers) and as that happens the Lenders, the banks, will be left holding assets that have increasingly less value. This will quickly lead to an unstoppable chain of Bank failures.

    We're arguably already in the spiral with Commercial Real Estate values continuing to decline and CRE Mortgage default rates are climbing. We'll likely reach the tipping between late 2024 and mid 2025, then the bank failures will really start to ramp up.

    Somewhere in there the stock market will start to deflate as the wealthy seek liquidity to stave off foreclosures. Once it deflates enough it too will collapse.

    If you're not familiar with the pending CRE crisis this Business Insider article explains it pretty well.

    It's quite possible that we're standing on the edge of another "Great Depression" event.

  • Battery electric vehicles lose their spark in Europe as hybrids steal the show
  • Since the study was from Europe I'm going to assume that the primary thing holding people back from plugging in is that they can't. Many, if not most, of them will live in multi-tenant dwellings and most of those dwellings likely don't have the infrastructure to make it possible.

    It's the same problem that apartment dwellers here in the US have, there's nowhere convenient to recharge.

  • South Korea will consider supplying arms to Ukraine after Russia and North Korea sign strategic pact
  • It sure seems that we're slowly walking into a much wider conflict.

  • Romania to send Patriot defense system to Ukraine
  • The poor US military has only over 100 left that are sitting idle.

    Citation needed. In 2022 the US had 50 Batteries spread between 16 Battalions. It's pretty unlikely we've more than doubled that number in the last 18 months, let alone built that many just to have them sitting around doing nothing.

    The damn things cost 1.1 Billion each to build plus another 690 Million to fully load for a combined total (each) of something like 1.7 Billion dollars or 170 Billion dollars for 100 of them. There's no way the US Army, which is who operates the Patriots, fit that into their 2023 Budget. It's simply not possible.

  • Netanyahu Blasts Biden Admin For ‘Withholding’ Weapons From Israel In Harshest Criticism Yet: ‘Inconceivable’
  • At this point, I honestly don’t care if the Arab world stomps them flat.

    You would likely end up caring a whole helluva lot when Israel hammers their red funni button and turns the capital cities of the attacking nations into glass.

    People can claim that they wouldn't do it but THE use case for nukes is existential threat...and that's exactly what you're describing. Its in those exact situations that Atomic Fire comes out to play.

  • 376 boys in blue sat around and let 19 kids and 2 teachers die
  • How did they get 376 to show up without any of them roid raging their way into doing something other than dicking around?

    Some of them tried and were actively prevented from doing it by other Officers. The whole situation is actually worse than most people realize.

  • Internet forums are disappearing because now it's all Reddit and Discord. And that's worrying.
  • Or had ticker skins and just /ignored assholes.

    That was the answer right there. Stuff the assholes in your ignore list and forget that they exist. Too many people on the internet are wanna-be cops out to police everyone else's ideas, language, or tone. The other person in a dispute is always a Commie or a Fascist and needs to be silenced as quickly and brutally as possible.

    The internet wasn't for normies and making it easy for them to participate was a serious mistake.

  • Who have war on the Pacific on their 2024 bingo cards?
  • God Dammit China...knock this shit off!

    "A new Chinese law that came into effect Saturday authorizes China's coast guard to seize foreign ships "that illegally enter China's territorial waters" and to hold foreign crews for up to 60 days, the Reuters news agency reported."

  • China's Xi accused the US of trying to trick him into invading Taiwan, but said he won't take the bait
  • First link: Members of A Company, so you're looking at 100 people maximum and likely less. Not exactly a large fighting force.

    Second link: There's nothing "quiet" about it. It's been blaring on Western News non-stop for about 6 years now. The US has been completely open about weapons sales and training schedules.

    Third link: We gave President Tsai Ing-Wen a medal. Okay, and?

  • 15 Russian air defense systems have been hit in occupied Crimea in the last two months.
  • I'm pretty sure that's the point of these attacks. Ukraine is reducing the coverage and effectiveness of Russia Air Defenses in preparation for flying F-16s.

  • Supreme Court strikes down Trump-era ban on bump stocks, gun accessories used in 2017 massacre
  • The law was written by gun controllers some 90 years ago.

  • House Republicans launch investigation into news rating group NewsGuard
  • So literally no 1A violations can possibly exist, and nothing is being censored.

    You need to check closer. The DoD has a contract with them; which means that NG has a financial interest in doing what the DoD tells them. An arm of the Federal Government interfering in private media, and yes that includes fact checking, absolutely has the possibility of creating 1A violations.

  • New York Proposes Crackdown On Major Gun Company (It's Glock)

    New York may become the first state to bar gun companies from selling pistols that can easily be converted into machine guns.


    Is Proton a good choice for what I want to do?

    I read the sidebar and didn't see anything about asking questions so apologies in advance if this post breaks a rule.

    I'm in the U.S. and wanting to knowif Proton Family is a good choice for my use case.

    Two decades ago I got tired of changing email addresses whenever my ISP changed so I registered my surname as a .net vanity domain and started running my own email server at home. When Google started offering Google for Organizations for free if you had less than 10 users I folded up my personal email server and shifted everything over. We use it for e-mail and basic family calendaring.

    Last month when going through bills my wife and I were once again frustrated by coordination required to sign into various accounts. "Hey what's the password for $CreditCard?" or "What's the MFA you just got for $BankAccount?" or "What's the password for Disney"?"

    That got me started looking for a family password manager so we could easily share and keep this stuff up to date.

    At the same time we realized that were paying for YouTube TV, YouTube Premium, two YouTube Music, and an Amazon Music subscription. Whoops.

    Well, no problem. We'll just "family share" the YTTV and YTP subscriptions so everyone has everything and we save some money.

    Nope. G-Suite doesn't allow family sharing. So we're all going to have to create seperate addresses to make this work. Oh, and I'll have to shift the YTTV subscription from my vanity domain to a regular @gmail as well. Which breaks the entire idea behind the vanity domain in the first place.

    While I researching a Family Password Manager of course I found Proton Pass. While I was looking at the pricing for it I realized that they also have a "Family" setup for email which looks interesting.

    So now I'm considering porting my vanity domain and all it's email out of G-Suite and over to Proton Family. At nearly $300 a year it's not exactly inexpensive, since I'd basically be paying it until I die, and it will be a fair bit of work to switch everything over so I don't want to do it unless it's going to work.

    So would Proton Family be a good choice? Are there any significant technical challenges to migrating a custom domain and email out of G-Suite and into Proton?

    Edit: This post was rambly and unclear. The TL;DR is that I’m increasingly annoyed with G-Suite and since I’m looking at Proton Pass anyway I'm wondering about Proton Suite (which includes Email, Calendar, and Pass).


    Automation Question - What am I missing?

    Always surprises me when I go to do something in HA and realize that I can't figure out how.

    This time its lights, specifically making sure that they don't get left on.

    Until now I've simply been creating an automation for each light switch so that if it changes state from Off to On and when it's 30 minutes after sunrise it's starts a 15 minute wait and then changes the state of the switch to off.

    This approach mostly works but it's less than ideal.

    First I'm having to create an automation for each device. How do I do it by Area, or list / group of devices, instead?

    Second if a device is turned on too early there's no state change for the automation to catch and it never fires. I could fix this by creating another automation that checks for it but then I'll have even more of them to manage.

    Third this doesn't work very well if you want different things to happen on the weekends as opposed to during the weekday. For instance on a Saturday I may WANT that closet light to stay on longer because I'm putting away clothes.

    It'd be really nice if I could program HA like this 'On a weekday if you see any device on this list turn on 30 minutes after Sunrise I want you to turn whichever one(s) it was off again 15 minutes later.'.

    I'm must be missing something here because surely HA can do this, right?


    Anyone else having lots of problems after the recent update(s)?

    Both FireFox on PC and Connect on Android keep signing me out, throwing general "error" messages, and refusing to load the next page.

    Liftoff on iOS can't even find in order to add it as an instance!

    I'm not seeing any discussion of these kinds of problems elsewhere but they've been consistent since the .19 upgrade and they've persisted after the .19.1 update.


    Have a ratGDO v2.5i and no case for it?

    Shortly after the ratGDO v2.5 was released I ordered one and a couple of days later I ordered a case from Etsy to go with it.

    Two days later the Etsy seller messages me asking if have the v2.5 or v2.5i because the cases are different. WTF? There's already a new version?! I tell the seller to make it the v2.5i because that's probably what I'll get.

    So last week I received a very nice red case from the Etsy Seller HighTower3D out of the North Carolina. Seriously, this thing is nice. The build quality is high, it has magnets in the bottom for mounting, comes with allen screws (and the allen wrench you need) and a couple of little zip ties.

    So this week my ratGDO shows up's v2.52i! A quick check of the website shows that there's now a v2.53 and that makes four revisions in the last month!

    You can't make this stuff up so all I can do is laugh...and give away the v2.5i case that I spent $26 on and doesn't fit the ratGDO version I ended up with.

    I have no use for this case so I'm giving it away to someone who can; make sure you have a v2.5i though because this call will NOT fit any other version.

    If you are in the United States and can use this case then leave a reply below. 😊


    Correct way to control Sidewalk Heating Mats

    I ordered some sidewalk heating mats from HeatTrak and I want to automate them with HA so that they come on when it makes sense to do so based on the data from my Tempest Weather Station.

    According to HeatTrack my mats will have a combined resistive load of 5A which is well within the spec of the Zooz ZEN05 or ZEN14, both rated for 15A resistive loads, but when I asked them about it they did not recommend using either of them with heated mats. They couldn't, or wouldn't, explain why and it doesn't make sense to me why this wouldn't work.

    My next thought was to simply swap the outlet to something smart but this is an outdoor outlet so it needs to be GFCI and there's essentially no Z-Wave GFCI outlets made.

    Do I really need to use something like an Enbrighten Z-Wave Plus 40-Amp contactor for this or am I missing something here?


    How do I add a cool down to an automation?

    I have an automation that turns my driveway lights on when motion is detected. It normally works fairly well but it was windy last night and that caused the automation to trip endlessly as my trees and bushes were whipping around. Lights would come on, shut off 10 minutes later, then turn right back on again. It basically did this all night until I disabled the automation.

    I'll do some fine tuning of the motion sensors which will help and I'm considering adding a condition to the automation where it won't trip if the wind speed is above a certain level but how can I add some kind of cool down timer to the automation to prevent it from endlessly engaging?


    I need some help choosing how to setup lights and camera for my driveway.

    First the layout. My garage is setup similar to this one, although mine is attached, has three light fixtures, and my driveway is 4 cars wide.

    The wife wants me to replace the three basic on / off fixtures that we have (they're getting rusty) and keep them all matching. If I'm going to do this I want to add a camera to the setup.

    Functionally I'd like the lights to have or work like they have dual bright capability where they come on full bright at sunset then after a couple of hours they dim down unless they detect motion. If they detect motion then they come back to full bright for a period of time then dim back down again. They do this for a set period of hours, say 4, then they turn off completely unless they detect motion.

    My current lights are already automated for on / off (but not dimming or motion) through the use of HA and a z-wave switch.

    Where I'm getting stuck is that I can see at least three ways to do this but none of them are perfect.

    1. Replace my dumb carriage fixtures with new dumb fixtures then change the switch to a dimming version plus add a motion sensor and camera out front. Then setup HA for the functionality I want. The upside of doing it this way is that it's very easy to get matching fixtures. The downside is that the motion sensor and camera will not be well integrated visually.

    2. Replace my dumb fixtures with ones that have dual bright built in. It's easy to do, and I could even keep the HA Automation I have setup now, but again the camera setup is not going to integrate well visually. I'm also concerned that three motion sensors controlling three lights will cause trouble for the camera (or each other) because they will react to different things and turn themselves on and off independently.

    3. Replace my dumb fixtures with smarter ones. In the center position I'd use one that has an integrated motion sensor and camera. This Reolink seems like it would work pretty well. However RL doesn't make any fixtures that match it, which means my center fixture would look different than the other two.

    I may just have to deal with mismatched fixtures but does anyone have any suggestions? Am I missing an option?


    Why shouldn't I use Reolink Cameras?

    The next step in my HA journey is adding cameras; indoor, outdoor, and doorbell so I've been exploring my options. I had originally intended to do a Frigate setup, I even have a Coral module and PC to do it with, but then I discovered Reolink.

    Without having any experience with them they look nearly ideal. They seem to have tight integration with HA 2023.3 or later and their pricing and functionality look good.

    They seem like a no brainer but I've noticed that they're often NOT the first recommendation in the HA Community. Why is that and why shouldn't I use them?


    Where in the file system does the UDMP-SE store it's ipsec tunnel configuration?

    UDMP is running UniFi OS 3.1.16 and I need a specific VPN configuration that StrongSwan supports but isn't possible to do in the GUI. Three years ago the files I need were located in /run/strongswan/ipsec.d/tunnels/ but they are no longer there. Does anyone know where they live now -or- how to edit a VPN config outside of the GUI?


    State to back carbon storage, nuclear microreactor projects with $19M

    The state’s top energy office has recommended two energy projects for a combined $19 million in support from a Wyoming taxpayer-funded program established to provide matching dollars for federal energy and carbon capture grants.

    Some $9.1 million would go to the Sweetwater Carbon Storage Hub in southwest Wyoming, and $10 million would support a “nuclear microreactor” effort to assess the manufacture and deployment of small-scale nuclear reactors in the state and beyond, according to the Wyoming Energy Authority, which manages the Energy Matching Funds program on behalf of the governor.

    The awards, pending Gov. Mark Gordon’s final approval, would be the first appropriations from the state program. The Legislature created the fund last year with a $100 million allotment and added another $50 million to it earlier this year. The idea is to give Wyoming-based clean- and low-carbon energy projects a competitive edge by providing matching funds needed to land federal dollars available via the Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure, Investment and Jobs Act.
