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NexiusLobster Nexius_Lobster

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Behind A Little House - by Manuel Cosentino (1980)
  • Why is this here?

    Oh shit you're right. This was not a painting as I first thought, it's a photograph.

    gonna delete the post now.

  • The Memorial - by Steve R Dodd (2023)
  • the lovecraftian dog ate the rest of it's homework

  • Modulation - by Gustavo Munoz (Archival ink on paper)(2024)
  • I just like the patterns. I think they look cool. If there is a well hidden meaning behind it, that'd be even cooler

  • The Serpent Dream - by vholecek (Acrylic and alcohol ink on panel)(2024)
  • One of the oldest symbols for the universe is a snake eating its tail, which is a reference to the self sustaining and self consuming nature of life and time

    is this related to the symbol of ouroboros by any chance?

    The fire of the snake is reminiscent of the Brazen Serpent in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    I think Neon Genesis Evangelion is where I first heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Your comment has inspired my next rabbit hole

  • [OC] The King In Yellow by L. Lamm (me) 2024, soft pastel and ink
  • Absolutely wonderful!

    feel free to add an [OC] tag to the title (if you want)

  • Trompe-l'œil Still Life- Samuel Dirksz van Hoogstraten, oil on canvas (1664)
  • This has now forever changed my opinion on paintings of still objects.

  • by @dirtyiron
  • You should get in contact with the artist

  • Post-Quantum
  • I don't get the post office part

  • Architectural Landscape by Hubert Robert
  • that makes two of us!

  • The Starry Night - by Vincent van Gogh (1889)(Oil on Canvas)(73.7 cm × 92.1 cm)
  • Here is an animated loop of The Starry Night which enhances the experience

    The stars, painted as yellow-white blobs, appear to undulate. The thin crescent Moon is almost a caricature, with its illuminated cusps almost meeting around back. It, too, appears to undulate against the dark blue sky. The painting feels as though its sky is a living, breathing entity.

    From :

  • by Robert Heindel
  • less of a style more of a skill i think

  • science fiction illustration by Jean 'Mœbius' Giraud
  • I think the super-structure the crew interacted with in Rendezvous with Rama was an O'Neill cylinder, or something resembling an O'Neill cylinder.

  • Meta: Requirement to post year of creation?
  • I agree with @glitter_infection's take:

    I'm in favor of lowering the barrier of entry to adding content to communities on lemmy rather than raising it. I wouldn't want someone to not share art on here because they don't know that info.

    99% of the posts in this 3500+ sub community are made by just 2-3 consistent posters. Any strict requirement you'd want to impose here via adherence to format guidelines would be adding friction to people posting content they want to post, and I really don't think anyone wanting to post an artwork should be subject to researching them prior to posting. Hell half the content i post is just stuff i stumbled onto on twitter.

    Imposing a handful of strict posting guidelines is a better strategy for subreddits like r/art which have hundreds of posters a week, thereby affording them the luxury of being able to filter down their activity level to maintain a standard of quality.

    Traditional_art or just Lemmy in general does not have that luxury. we suffer from a serious shortage of content. We need as many people to supply that content and the best way to do that is to reduce the friction between posters and the ease with which they can post.

    We are just groping at the cusp of expanding so for the time being it's better to act as a place where people can simply share artworks they find interesting without having to have nerd-like knowledge on its every detail. Just having the name of the artist on the title is good enough imo and allows any interested party to reverse search and know more if they're interested.

    And one day we'll be able to achieve a level of activity high enough that one person ceasing to post won't bring down the entire community, and then we'll talk about tightening the rules. Until that point, everybody should just feel free to share as much as they want. If you're a fellow lurker reading this and you're out there and you've got paintings you want to share, I don't care if you don't know if it's acrylic or oil, 18th or 21st century, or even if you're unaware of the title, just post the goddamn suckers here!

  • Time Travelers - by Dariusz Zawadzki (Oil on Masonite Board)
  • The time traveler’s what?

    Whoops, fixed it