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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 11
Comments 716
violently cries and sobs
  • Sorry that it has taken me a long time to respond, I've been at the cabin, away from my phone.

    Yeah the problem is that because of the history of discrimination we don't have words for relatively harmless discriminatory tendencies. So if I were to say

    I have racist tendencies

    it sounds like I'm admitting to being a "capital R" racist, when what I mean is,

    I was taught incorrect stereotypes by media as a child, and sometimes despite my best efforts to be egalitarian, these biases cause me to make bad judgements. I try to notice when this happens, to make sure I treat people fairly.

    Yeah I'm not saying anyone is a jerk for having sexual interest only with feminine people with vaginas and boobs, I'm just saying that it's kinda trans-erasure (and therefore technically transphobic) to say

    I'm exclusively attracted to cis-women

    Because a person doesn't know the assigned birth sex of every woman they've ever been attracted to.

    OurToothbrush was offended because she is a transwoman and attracts men that think they're exclusively attracted to cis-women. She's on the front line of transphobia, and searching for a partner puts her at a too real risk of being murdered by a transphobe.

    Yeah it sounds like absolution is a relevant term. People like to think that there are only biological males and biological females and that's that. It's not that simple. People like to think that there are racists and non-racists and that's that. It's not that simple. People like to think that there are transphobes and non-transphobes and that's that. It's not that simple. To me, being an ally is is about supporting a community to defeat unfair discrimination. Imo supporting individuals with friendship isn't exactly the same but it's better than nothing.

  • violently cries and sobs
  • Sorry that it has taken me a long time to respond, I've been at the cabin, away from my phone.

    Yeah the problem is that because of the history of discrimination we don't have words for relatively harmless discriminatory tendencies. So if I were to say

    I have racist tendencies

    it sounds like I'm admitting to being a "capital R" racist, when what I mean is,

    I was taught incorrect stereotypes by media as a child, and sometimes despite my best efforts to be egalitarian, these biases cause me to make bad judgements. I try to notice when this happens, to make sure I treat people fairly.

    Yeah I'm not saying anyone is a jerk for having sexual interest only with feminine people with vaginas and boobs, I'm just saying that it's kinda trans-erasure (and therefore technically transphobic) to say

    I'm exclusively attracted to cis-women

    Because a person doesn't know the assigned birth sex of every woman they've ever been attracted to.

  • Democrats immediately start calling Trump too old
  • It wasn't the age, it was the cognitive decline. The sort of cognitive decline that makes it difficult for a person to form coherent sentences, and absorb new information, answer questions instead of falling back to talking points. It wasn't that he had been getting worse for years, it's that it's this bad now, imagine what it will be like in 4.5 years.

    Conservative Americans deserve a better candidate than Trump.

  • installing awnings?
  • We put blackout cell shades in our east facing mud room and they made a big difference. You want something with a reflective component, not just like curtains.

    I think the best would be something external, like shutters.

  • violently cries and sobs
  • Yes saying that you're exclusively attracted to cis women is an easy short hand.

    I think OurToothbrush is frustrated with the erasure of transwomen that you fail to identify as trans.

    I think when you said:

    I had never met a transfem whose body I found attractive.

    You don't actually know if you've ever found a trans-woman attractive because you don't know the birth details of every women you've ever found attractive. Some of them could be trans.

    It's not something I was particularly cognizant of either before seeing OurToothbrush's reaction.

    I think I would have trouble getting it up for a blow job from a smoking hot women after I learned she had a penis. I'm willing to concede that that is technically transphobic. I don't think it changes the fact that I am an ally of the trans rights movement.

    Just say you're a cis-het male ally and I think everyone will know what you mean. It's too bad this has been sick an ugly experience, it's still a hell of a lot easier than gender dysphoria.

  • violently cries and sobs
  • Hey MapleEngineer,

    I've seen you around before and know you're acting in good faith, and I believe you're an ally, or at least a potential ally, to the trans community.

    I'm chiming in here because I replied to OurToothbrush earlier to give her a cis-het male ally's perspective, and suggest that she might have more success with a less confrontational strategy.

    She suggested I might have better luck explaining her objection to you, or at least that she would appreciate me trying to help you understand her point.

    Both your comments are coming fast and furious so I'm trying to respond to your latest.

    So here goes:

    Your basic point was that you're exclusively interested in cis-women, and that this is a preference you have, everyone is entitled to preferences so what's the big deal. It doesn't mean you're not an ally.

    Life is complex. Just as there's nobody that's purely "racially white" (race isn't real, but that's beside the point, or maybe it is the point....), there's nobody that's purely female or male. Obviously most people's bodies develop either testicles or ovaries not both, but: there is a sizable portion of the population where it's not so clear cut. Ultimately: Every person has mutations in their DNA that skew their body towards and away from what's considered masculine/feminine.

    While sexual orientation towards masculine/feminine people doesn't seem to be strongly influenced by culture (ie I don't think you can raise a kid to be gay), what a person perceives to be masculine/feminine/trans IS strongly a product of their culture and conditioning.

    Viewing sexuality and gender through the framework I laid out above and considering her experiences may help you understand why OurToothbrush sees transphobia where you see sexual preference.

    OurToothbrush's experience seems to be that lots of 'cis-het-men' say they aren't attracted to trans-women, but are in fact attracted to trans-women like her. When they discover that she is a trans-woman they have very negative reactions. Since the (former) suitors were attracted to her until they guessed she was assigned male at birth, but before they had learned the status of her genitalia, how can she conclude anything other than transphobia? Do you see how their reaction is basically the same as your statement?

    I pointed out to her that transphobia and homophobia are beaten into men/boys and if they have a negative reaction to learning that a women that they're attracted to was assigned male at birth, it doesn't mean they aren't allies, just that they haven't unlearned that phobic conditioning. It's a type of internalized latent transphobia that has infected me too. I don't dwell on it because as a person in a committed monogamous relationship for over half of my life, it is unlikely to matter, and I suspect it would be a monumental undertaking to unlearn. The effort is better spent healing rifts between allies.

    Can you understand why when someone says "I'm exclusively interested in cis-women" a person with OurToothbrush's experiences might hear "trans-women are gross".

    Tldr; I think I see where you're both coming from. We cis-het-men are notoriously fragile, especially when our allyship is questioned. I think it will be more effective for people trying to point out people's latent transphobia to take an educational/ collaborative tone at first, and it's something I'm going to try to do a better job of helping people understand.

    Honestly, thank you two for having this spat so that I could map it out in my head better, I'm not sure I've done the best job typing it out though. You're both welcome to tell me to fuck off.

  • violently cries and sobs
  • Having read about your experiences (elsewhere in the thread, you hadn't posted them when I started my prior comment) I understand your reaction better.

    I'll try to explain it to MapleEngineer.

  • violently cries and sobs
  • Are you nitpicking an ally for using "exclusive" instead of "principal"?

    MapleEngineer doesn't actually know for sure that he has never been attracted to a trans woman. So it's important to correct him when he says he has an exclusive sexual interest in cis-women.

    Is that your point? That failing to acknowledge the nuance that sexuality exists on a spectrum must be addressed confrontationally because it's erasure?

    Transphobia and homophobia are too often literally (yes, I mean literally) beaten into men. We have to work to unlearn it. If an ally says he wouldn't be able to keep it up if he learned the woman he was courting was assigned male at birth, believe him, but don't discount him as an ally. Imo your efforts are better spent combating active transphobia than policing your allies. If their terminology hurts you, suggest better ways to articulate their points but do it collaboratively instead of confrontationally.

    Just my two cents.

  • B.C. Conservatives' health-care plan pitches private clinics - B.C. United says its opponent is stealing its health-care ideas
  • "Ultimately, you're just getting the same care for a higher cost with less oversight because it's happening in a private facility."

    Yes, but only the rich get it. Which means that the rich actually DO get it. Which is why political donors like the policy.

    Instead of a properly funded system where everyone gets the healthcare they need, or an underfunded system where the care available is distributed according to patients' need (at least nominally).

    They want a public system that's just barely adequate to hold revolution at bay, AND a separate system where care can be distributed according to patients' cash.

  • Elon Musk says SpaceX and X headquarters moving to Texas, blames California trans student privacy law
  • Honestly I'd be happy to examine my behavior, because my support for the trans community is real. I don't think I'm on trial but if you want me to provide evidence I can.

    I don't agree with the strategy of the previous poster which was to intentionally mislabel Elon. But I think it is appropriate to ironically adopt someone's insincerely adopted pronouns. That said, I'd be happy to read an explanation of why this is a bad strategy.


  • He'll Be Fine
  • I think the actual action is to engage with the democratic political process.

    So yes, vote. But also go to town hall meetings, and park board meetings, and parent advisory council meetings. Write a letters to your representatives, and then go to one of their events and tell them what you think of their response.

  • YSK there is a massive Google Doc of U.S. gynecologists that will tie your tubes without asking about your kids, marital status or age.
  • As a man, I think it's the sort of experience that men struggle to understand because of patriarchal dynamics.

    What I mean is: if a doctor were to:

    • ask me if I have considered other forms of birth control
    • and then explain all the different birth control methods to make sure I actually understand,
    • ask if I've talked about the decision with my wife,
    • and then explain that a general impression of her opinion isn't the same thing as sitting down together and reviewing all the data,
    • ask if understand how the surgery will affect my body
    • and then explain the hormonal changes my body would go through
    • etc

    before agreeing to schedule a vasectomy.

    Interpretting these questions through the lens of my lived experience:

    These are thorough but pragmatic questions. The doctor is trying to make sure I understand all the options. The doctor is a peer with special expertise and wants to make sure that I understand all the risks.

    But women too often grow up in an environment which tells them:

    • Women should trust the men in their lives too make the best decisions for them.
    • That having children is the most important thing they can do in the world.
    • A woman's value is proportional to her utility as a wife and mother.
    • Women that have sex for fun are disgusting sluts.

    So when they get asked a barrage of questions identical to the ones I'dve been asked, they experience them very differently. Women are not irrational to hear the exact same questions very differently if they are interpreting them through the lens of their experiences. Maybe they experience those questions as:

    • "Why don't you just stop having so much sec you slut?"
    • "Don't you know how to have sex with out getting pregnant you dumb bitch?"
    • "Do you have your husband's permission?"
    • "Does your husband know you're a slut?"
    • "Do you understand that you will be destroying your value to society if you don't have kids?"
    • "Do you understand that you will become any even crazier bitch after this?"

    And too often, the doctor really does mean that.

    Edit to add: I'd value other people's takes too.

  • Just had someone say they are going to have a Fatwa put on me . What the hell does that mean? Do I need to report it or something?
  • I just want to point out that saying things to people with the intent of making them fear for their life, is probably a crime.

    If OP is worried for real, maybe a restraining order is possible.

    Not because a religious judgement really means anything violent (or even specific) but because there is someone trying to intimidate OP.

  • I met a Ukrainian today

    I met a Ukrainian today. He is my age. I met him at school drop off, our sons are in the same kindergarten class.

    They recently arrived here from overseas. I welcome them, but I wish we had done more to help Ukraine.

    There are numerous places in the world where people are being displaced by state violence, but I don't think there's anywhere that it's being done by a global power so directly. It's similar to Gaza/Palestine & Israel, but Russia can end the war by simply going home.

    If we had been meeting our NATO obligations for the last 30 years, would this family have been driven out of their home? I don't know. (I actually know almost nothing about their personal circumstances)

    I just feel like we should have done more, and that it's not too late.


    Movies that you appreciate differently now?

    I have recently rewatched the movies Inside Out and Home Alone, having previously seen them while childless (I.O. as a young adult, H.A. many times at various ages).

    The parental behavior draws a lot more of my attention, and it really changes the movie for me.

    The parental panic when they don't know where their kid is, or if they're safe, just hits so much harder. Like, it's not that I didn't understand the movie before, I guess I just have a new appreciation for the parents emotions.

    Are there any other movies that you appreciate differently now that you have different experiences?


    noob hardware question

    I know this isn't build a pc, but everything over there is so gaming oriented I thought I might get better advice here.

    I'm a noob that wants a home media server for sharing photos of my kids with my family (across the country), video library sharing to some family members, and streaming my music collection to my phone (and maybe my dad's).

    But I'm considering ripping my father in laws extensive bluray collection (well seeing it up so he can rip them into my library) so I reckon a full tower is required for HDDs.

    I'm imagining unraid, with a big pile of used drives. What I like about that approach is that I can economically add storage as the video library grows as I/we rip. Or are used HDDs a false economy.

    I think the only processing intensive thing in the use case list is ripping and video library sharing. I have no concept of what sort of processing is required. Should I get a graphics card?

    There's a Lenovo TS-140 (E3-1226 V3) available available used for $80 Canadian. Is that a good place to start?



    Vancouver police report that they seized $60k in drugs, and a loaded gun after stopping a no-helmet cyclist Vancouver police seize gun, drugs after stopping no-helmet bicyclist - BC |

    A man was arrested after being found with a loaded gun and thousands of dollars worth of drugs in Vancouver.

    Vancouver police seize gun, drugs after stopping no-helmet bicyclist - BC |

    The cyclist was riding on the sidewalk, and ran a red light (a bit more justified to flag him down). He fled, eventually ditching the bike and fleeing by foot.

    I hope the police didn't screw up by performing an unjustified search.


    Helping a depressed friend

    My friend John mentioned that he has been feeling depressed lately. There have been some bad things in his logs that would make anyone sad but the things that normally bring him happiness aren't doing anything for him lately. It's something he has struggled with in the past. He has a counselor and has been prescribed anti-depressants. I'm not worried about him harming himself.

    My understanding is that part of being a friend to someone facing depression is reaching out to spend time with them.

    How much should I reach out? I don't want to harass him, and he has a wife and other friends (that are emotionally closer than me). His wife for sure knows what's going on, but I'm not sure about his other friends (our kids go to the same school so I actually see him more then most of his friends).

    I understand that sometimes depressed people neglect chores in their life, should I ask his wife if there's anything I could help him/them with?


    my sister in law saw a 'beaver' cake on a baking show and 'absolutely not'

    The bake off one:


    Sister in laws:



    Today when I was getting my kids bundled up for the cold weather I helped them put on their gloves and said...

    I glove you.


    How can I help someone with a gambling problem?

    My neighbour (40/m) ("N") confided that his recently retired father (70/m) ("G") has started going to the casino twice a day (all day but he comes home for dinner).

    G's losses affect the food they eat (multi generational household).

    N doesn't really know what to do. I'm not so concerned for N, moreso his mother/G's wife.

    It's not my business but, when I was a kid my boyscout leader committed suicide after gambling away his house so I'm pretty sensitive to this sort of thing. I'd like to help if I can.

    Any advice?


    Adopted by Goose

    This goose has adopted my parents, and is attempting to establish residency in their cabin. We suspect it is domestic and escaped from its coop. It's a seasonal cabin and they're planning to close up soon. What should they do? Central Ontario. Near Bracebridge.

    UPDATE: A neighbor of theirs is set up for chickens, so could accommodate a goose. And shortly after making that arrangement an ad appeared in the community message board. So the goose is going home.


    What would happen if we mixed nuclear waste into gasoline

    I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the scale of the problem of nuclear waste. If we took all the nuclear waste produced in a year and evenly blended it into all gasoline burned in a year would the radiation be deadly? Dangerous? Detectable?

    It's easiest to get numbers for the US.

    2 000 000 kg of waste per year

    510 000 000 000 Liters of gasoline

    Obviously this isn't a real proposal, although I think it would reduce carbon emissions...


    is Luke Skywalker a superhero?

    Wikipedia says

    >A superhero or superheroine is a stock character that typically possesses superpowers, abilities beyond those of ordinary people, and fits the role of the hero, typically using their powers to help the world become a better place, or dedicating themselves to protecting the public and fighting crime.

    So yes, he is definitely dedicated to protecting the public, but it feels wrong to call him a super hero. What do you think?
