187 1 ReplyWhat if you learned that karma is gone? No more dopamine hit for your beans here. Shit posting is now shit posting for only shit posting's sake
Upvote everything!
168 3 ReplyAs a white person I must upvote the beans.
104 2 ReplyI was here.
78 0 Replythanks for the post but I gotta go now 🕑🏃
76 0 ReplyDownvoted for misleading description: the beans aren't fucking. Not even snogging.
70 0 Reply63 1 ReplyI think this is not only the most upvoted post on Lemmy, but beanposting effectively tested the network and worst case system performance by hitting the database from everywhere at the same time. The fact that Lemmy didn't go down is in itself an amazing feat considering it's never been tested at this scale before. Even if the servers are unstable it shows that the idea is sound.
Where is the traffic coming from? Everywhere, it's coming from everywhere!
52 1 Reply50 1 ReplyCanadian here, y'all need them Maple syrup beans with cut up hotdogs in it!
46 1 ReplyYeah you think this is just a can of fucking beans when in fact what we are looking at here is a socio political commentary on the state of late stage capitalism. Which is in fact a long arse way of stating the simple fact that who the fuck can afford branded beans in this day and age.
38 0 Replythis is currently the #3 post in the "top all time" view on lemmy.ml
32 0 ReplyUploaded the image for you
28 0 Reply"Don't upvote this!"
Any reddit platform ever
28 0 Reply27 0 ReplyTo be fair, those are British-style baked beans.
I was born and raised in the US (and have returned there) but spent the last 4 years living in London, and British beans in tomato sauce are very different from American baked beans in BBQ sauce. Both have their charms, but British beans are basically a breakfast food as main, American beans are a BBQ side-dish. Beans on Toast is a wonderful British breakfast, but Americans haven't heard of it, and those who have might turn their nose up at it.
Very different cultures, and so much we can learn about multiculturalism for one can of baked beans - no, one picture of a can of baked beans.
So, yeah, I think it deserves and upvote.
26 0 ReplyHi internet historians
25 0 ReplyWe are hitting ludicrous meme generation time now.
Or is it bean generation?
24 0 ReplyIt's bean nice being in this community.
21 0 ReplyMmm theater food
24 3 Reply21 0 ReplyThis can of beans has become the most popular post, top quality content right here.
20 0 ReplyA vital part of preventing pooping for three days.
18 0 ReplyShit they figured out the algorithm. Here's an up vote.
19 1 ReplyYou want upvote, you get upvote. Now, would you like updog?
18 0 Reply“Fucking” beans, now you have my attention!
18 0 ReplyCame here for the no poop group, stayed for the beans.
17 0 ReplyThe blue cans are maple beans in Canada, and essential to chilli
Easily one of the sexiest beans (if not, the sexiest)
16 0 ReplyImage Transcription:
[An image depicting a light blue 13.7 ounce can of 'Heinz' brand beans with tomato sauce on a white background.]
^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^
16 0 ReplyMy favorite bean is the coffee bean
16 0 ReplyI'm a simple man, I see a can of beans, I upvote it.
15 0 ReplyHow are you supposed to fuck without some fucking beans?
15 0 Reply15 0 Reply15 0 ReplyLiar. These beans aren't fucking.
15 0 ReplyI'd like to upvote you but I'm more of a maple beans guy.
14 0 ReplyBait and switch! On closer inspection, none of these beans are actually fucking!
14 0 ReplyGood thing Karma doesn't exist here.
14 0 ReplyBut the beans are not fucking. I am now fucking disappointed.
Do you like it in this position, Disappointed?
15 1 ReplySell-out for upvotes
14 0 ReplyReddit tier post. I wish I could downvote it twice
19 6 ReplyMy god I still chuckle when I see these bean posts.
14 1 ReplyBean there, done that!
12 0 ReplyI was just thinking how I haven't seen enough cans of beans today.
12 0 Reply11 0 Reply11 0 ReplyIt's not just a can of beans, it's what the can of beans stands for.
11 0 ReplyUpvoted with extreme prejudice.
12 1 ReplyBeans beans, the magical fruit
11 0 ReplyBeans, beans, the musical fruit
The more you eat, the more you toot
The more you toot, the better you feel.
So let's have beans with every meal
11 0 ReplyThat's not just a can of beans. Those are the finest beans on the market.
10 0 ReplyCan I get some non-fucking beans?
I prefer my legumes to be virginal.
10 0 ReplyI hope, one day, my grandchildren will read this comment in their history class
10 0 ReplyI'm not personally into effortless bean-memes but thanks for sharing
10 0 Reply4.34K votes, 282 comments. A vote bot army going on?
10 0 ReplyWow so many upvotes, not to long ago 100 upvotes was a lot
9 0 ReplyMost upvoted most on lemmy? 🤔
9 0 Replyspoiler
9 0 ReplyIt's bean fun
9 0 ReplyI, for one, welcome our new Heinz overlords
9 0 ReplyI didn't even know there where this Manny people in Lemmy brahv
9 0 ReplyRoll that beautiful bean footage
9 0 ReplyI upvoted the can of beans.
9 0 ReplyThis is a beautiful, beautiful can of beans
8 0 ReplyHi I’m a Lemmy user, yes I’ll upvote anything
8 0 Replyb e a n s
8 0 ReplyPROTIP: beans spelled backwards is snaeb
8 0 Replysolid beans mate
8 0 ReplyIt's not only beans it's the start of an English breakfast. Yummy!
8 0 ReplyLOL this already stomps on Reddit, take that Spez!!
8 0 ReplyGet a load of Andy Warhol over here
9 1 ReplyBeans
7 0 ReplyMmm love me some beans
7 0 Reply🫘‘s turn you into a human trumpet 🍑💨🎶🎶
7 0 ReplyAll hail the can of beans!
7 0 ReplyBEANS
7 0 Reply7 0 ReplyDude, we don't upvote anything, we just really love the choice of beans.
7 0 ReplyBeans beans beans…
7 0 ReplyMexican approved, will bean
7 0 ReplyNot just beans... Heinz beans!
7 0 ReplyI was here on this day.
7 0 ReplyCan fucking beans vote?
6 0 ReplyThis is not true. I upvoted because they are pictures of baked beans.
Nature has given you tasty food rich in fibre and protein, please be grateful to the bean.
6 0 ReplyMake sure the guy that won't shit for 3 days doesn't see this!
6 0 ReplyNot just beans, there's also tomato sauce
6 0 Replythis is my first comment here, hi
6 0 ReplyThis is a weapon of mass destruction
6 0 Reply"I was there when the beans happened"
6 0 ReplyThats not fair. Beans are amazing
6 0 ReplyI;m thinking about thos Beans
6 0 ReplyGod dammit, you is right!
6 0 ReplyI'd say this is not literally a can of beans, in the vein of both Magritte and Warhol.
6 0 ReplyDude who wouldn't upvote BEANS??
6 0 ReplyBeans beans the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you poop!
6 0 ReplyMmm yeah, look at those moist beans!
7 1 ReplyMaple bacon beans tho...
6 0 ReplyMan I'm jealous I can only find the no fuck beans at my market.
6 1 ReplyI like beans, I upvote.
5 0 ReplyBean nice meeting yall
5 0 Reply5 0 ReplyThese are the proper beans for beans on toast. In the US (at least where I live) you’ll find them in the International section of the grocery store, not with all the other canned beans.
5 0 ReplyMy top three flavors of beans:
- Baked
- Refried
- Fucking
14 9 Replylet's go beans, new lemmy mascot
5 0 ReplyHave some respect. It isn't just a can of beans. The can clearly says it's with fucking tomato sauce.
5 0 ReplyBees?!
5 0 ReplyFucking beans are sexier than regular beans.
5 0 ReplyWith Tomato Sauce
5 0 Reply390 grams of Beans!? Sign me up 😎
5 0 ReplyYou lied, that's not just beans, there's also tomato sauce in there.
5 0 ReplyAndy Warhol would freak out
5 0 ReplyYeah but Heinz beans are the best beans so they always get an upvote. Op is cheating.
5 0 ReplyOkay Mr Bean
5 0 ReplyAmazing, please share more beans!
5 0 ReplyBean there, done that.
5 0 ReplyNot even some UK teabagger and I'll upvote your beans.
6 1 ReplyYes, we do upvote anything.
5 0 ReplyI'll upvote anything especially a can of beans.
5 0 ReplyBeans, the DNA of the soul! They shape our will. They are the culture. They are everything we pass on. Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate. They become a carrier. Envy, greed, despair: all beans, all passed on. You can't fight nature, Jack. Wind blows, rain falls, and the strong prey upon the weak!
5 0 ReplyThis is the most upvotes I've seen ever on Lemmy.
My app is slow scrolling through these comments.
We have arrived, everyone.
5 0 ReplyWho the fuck doesn't love beans? I'll beat that mf up
5 0 ReplyTake my first upvote on here
6 1 Replyyou chose right OP, I will always upvote beans.
5 0 ReplyI'm here for the canned bean party...
5 0 ReplyAll hail the can of beans, the one true Lord
4 0 ReplyCool beans.
4 0 ReplyHey, don’t sell your beans so short, they also have tomato sauce!
4 0 ReplyAww yisss. Beansss
4 0 ReplyYou damn right we will.
4 0 ReplyBeeeeeeenz
4 0 Replythis is the quality content I signed up for
4 0 ReplyBeanis
4 0 ReplyMhh... Beans.
4 0 ReplyLol as if this post is top of all time
4 0 ReplyWhat have you done!?
4 0 Reply4 0 ReplyGood thing Karma doesn't exist here.
4 0 ReplyThe color of that can is trademarked
4 0 ReplyTake my upvote, I'm having bean soup for my lunch
4 0 ReplyCame for the fucking beans, got only beans.
4 0 ReplyGlad to see this is the top post of all time.
4 0 ReplyWe all witnessed
4 0 Reply4 0 ReplyYou're obviously the next Warhol, and this art installation deserves all the upboats.
4 0 ReplySounds great, I'm in on this, toast forthcoming
4 0 ReplyOh no. It's br*tish :(
7 3 ReplyBig if true
4 0 ReplyDownvoted for the principle
4 0 ReplyCan't argue with this logic :)
Beans it is!4 0 ReplyHe’s a shitposting Warhol - a genius, and a fool
4 0 ReplyI'm here for the shitposts
4 0 ReplyNot even good beans. Branston is the way.
4 0 ReplyAh yes, the magical fruit…
4 0 ReplyRather just have one big bean
4 0 ReplyYou've just been BEAN'D!!! 😱🤣🤫
5 1 ReplyBeans
3 0 ReplyThere you go, take that upvote
3 0 Replythose are pretty nice beans tbf
4 1 ReplyBeans.
3 0 Replythis speaks to me on an emotional level
3 0 ReplyStrong /r/ultralightjerk vibes. I approve.
3 0 ReplyTest
3 0 ReplyNice
3 0 Replyerror loading comment
3 0 ReplyQuality post
3 0 Replyme_irl
3 0 ReplyAll right after seeing this comment for the last 6 hrs I had to give in and upvote
3 0 ReplyI disagree.
3 0 ReplyI for one, welcome our new fiber-rich overlords.
3 0 Replyproceed to turn the bean into bean toast
3 0 ReplyHello, we’ve bean waiting for you.
3 0 ReplyYou have a wonderful kitchen, cousin. (where my sietchposters at?) 😂
4 1 ReplyI live for beans
3 0 ReplyI love these beans
3 0 ReplyBeantastic.
3 0 ReplyConfidential as hell https://youtu.be/chD6qQk7JcY
3 0 ReplyIt is not just a can of fucking beans. It's a can of fucking beans in tomato sauce.
3 0 ReplyBeanus likes beans!
3 0 ReplyThank god for beans
3 0 Replyyeah but beans are good.. and a staple food in DayZ, popular with those damn kids. Upvoted.
3 0 ReplyI upvote just to mark as read without having to open comments...
4 1 ReplyAnyone else eat directly from the can?
3 0 ReplyI would eat those
3 0 ReplyMy dog pinto he ran away. But he came back the very next day. I asked pinto where he been. Pinto been Pinto been!
My dog Lima he ran away...
4 1 ReplyRather just have one big bean
3 0 ReplyBut maybe we hate Kidney beans.
3 0 Replyいいね
3 0 ReplyWe have not bean amused.
4 1 ReplyAnd everybody laughed
3 0 ReplyHell of a can though.
3 0 ReplyYay, beans.
3 0 ReplyIt's beautiful.
3 0 ReplyIs it? Or is it a can of magic flatulence nuggets?
3 0 ReplyLemmy lore in the making.
3 0 ReplyBoom boom boom! I like it with my doom!
Beans saved my life in the past yaer3 0 ReplyBEANS!
3 0 ReplyBeans
2 0 ReplyHeinz beans are awful, disgusting and taste like shit. Branston beans is the way
2 0 Reply5000 upvotes? op is probably having a stroke rn
2 0 Replybeans
2 0 ReplyA+ can of beans.
2 0 ReplyI won't upvote. We don't have that brand. 🤔
2 0 ReplyYeah let's fucking go
2 0 ReplyYou fucked up. You need to put rule in the title to get upvoted.
4 2 ReplySorry that's the European version I only upvote the American version of the can.
2 0 ReplyNot even good beans lol.
Post some chickpeas or canelli beans or something coward.
2 0 ReplyThe Messiah has arrived! He has brought with him the Content That Was Promised!
2 0 ReplyI see beans, I upvote. It's my thing. I can't wait until lemmy is big enough to have a decent beans sub.
2 0 ReplyToot, toot out of your boot.
2 0 Replyomfg to the moon
2 0 Replyfart
2 0 ReplyBoston baked bean boy
2 0 ReplyIn DayZ, I kill people for these beans.
2 0 ReplyThese are underrated asf, coming from the US, and being cheap. F outa here with those Bush’s Baked lol.
2 0 ReplySort by "controversial", get the beans.
2 0 ReplyFranks n' Beans
2 0 ReplyI don't like fucking beans. I prefer eating them.
2 0 ReplyThat reminds me, that have bean work to do.
2 0 ReplyBeany was the name that they gave me
2 0 Replyoooo beans!!!
2 0 ReplyWild time
2 0 ReplyBest beans ever. US beans are horrible. I pay $4 a can for these glorious beans.
2 0 ReplyBeans yummy
2 0 Replythose are pretty nice beans tbf
2 0 ReplyI'm here for them bEanz
2 0 ReplyThose are some HQ beans good sir.
2 0 ReplyIt's not just a can of beans, Its a can of beans with tomato sauce 🍅!!!!😯
2 0 ReplyFrijel Migoles - "Come mas frijoles."
2 0 ReplyIt's not just a can of fucking beans. This is a well known and beloved DayZ prop and lifesaver.
2 0 ReplyHow do you know the beans are fucking without opening the can?
2 0 ReplyBased.
2 0 ReplyHell yeah
2 0 ReplyThose are done great hecking beans! I'll upvote that
2 0 ReplyJust Herr to comment on this famous post.
2 0 ReplyI wish I can upvote here, but it never works for me. I'll give you a upvote which you can't see here.
3 1 ReplyB E A N Z
2 0 ReplyI'd prefer a can of regular beans tbh.
2 0 ReplyIn YouTube a poor girl would carve wooden shoes for her ailing mother and she only got one vote they said.
1 0 Replybeans
1 0 ReplyMore beans, sir.
1 0 ReplyHeinz beans is good 😋.
1 0 ReplyThis is the content I signed up for. Chock-full of meaning. And beans.
1 0 ReplyI like beans
1 0 ReplyI upvote everything just so it hides the post. Am I doing my part?
2 1 ReplyBranson or go home
1 0 ReplyThe best can
1 0 Replylolol
1 0 ReplyBeans.
2 1 ReplyYo I love those beans.
2 1 ReplyWhoooooo!!!!
1 0 ReplyDownvote from me. The Heinz English Recipe baked beans are much better than the standard version.
1 0 ReplyI came for the beans...
1 0 ReplyPerfection
1 0 ReplyIndeed ∆
1 0 ReplyTotally loaded with sugar.. Has anyone tried the cheesy beans..?
1 0 ReplyI have a bean addiction. My favorites are Pinto and Baked.
1 0 ReplyI can't fucking beliave that the most popular post of all times, what a shame
2 1 ReplyChocked full of beany goodness.
1 0 ReplyWhat response was expected? Welcome to the internet
1 0 ReplyI think the key words are "I heard."
1 0 ReplyNothing tops baked beans
1 0 ReplyYou should’ve bean there.
1 0 ReplyMmm beans
1 0 Replybewtifool
1 0 ReplyI hear they're a magical fruit.
1 0 ReplyHoly shit beans
1 0 ReplyWe've all Bean there
1 0 ReplyBut what about Pork and Beans?
1 0 ReplyYou all know this is an ad, right?
1 0 ReplyHey, watch it!
1 0 ReplyI upvoted this on the first day, and that was enough, but now I want to be part of the history.
1 0 ReplyGreat, now I want beans
1 0 ReplyBeans!
1 0 Replybeans stomach gurgles
1 0 Reply