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Tylith Tylith
Posts 14
Comments 53
*Permanently Deleted*
  • I call her sis and she calls me little bro ¯\(ツ)

  • xkcd - Spirit
  • An all too common occurrence
  • This was driving me crazy so I made the cursor big and inverted colors, no problems finding it now.

  • Sock rule
  • wtf bro why would you cum in a sock just eat it like a normal person

  • biking rule
  • This is the bullshit I have to ride through every day in Orlando

  • NO RULES!!!!

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    "Mid game"
  • Dunno why I can't reply... can reply to myself but not them.

  • "Mid game"
  • @[email protected] Only have two pawns with a bionic leg right now and a bunch with prosthetics. Archotech soon™

  • "Mid game"

    After 6 years I have finally achieved a semblance of stability and can start fixing my disabled pawns.

    Lemmy Feedback: Open links in new tab (Not sure if appropriate place?)
  • Thanks! Nice to see it is being considered.

  • Lemmy Feedback: Open links in new tab (Not sure if appropriate place?)

    Something small that has been annoying me about Lemmy. I keep clicking posts I think are images that are actually just links and get redirected, when I go back everything has changed.

    Sorry if this is not the best place for feedback. Thanks for reading.

    Uh, did get hacked?
  • Yikes, at least it's not just me!

  • Didn't like that base anyway! (Rehosted)
  • Wowww my builder/animal guy has had muscle parasites for a year, just after I finally got him a prosthetic leg! My best colonist wasting so much time trying to keep the animals from going wild.

  • Didn't like that base anyway! (Rehosted)
  • Great idea! I normally end up laying down some concrete hadn't thought about just roofing to kill the veg, thanks!

  • Didn't like that base anyway! (Rehosted)

    Sorry for last post, anyone know better site for webm hosting now that gfycat is shutting down?

    What's your "old person" trait?
  • Where I work the pay and benefits are good, volume is very low, my boss is cool, but my customers make me hate life. They come in screaming about stuff like how they have no service and they need a credit for the past 6 months they've been having issues (that they never notified us of) and then they refuse to do stuff as simple as reboot. After you finally convince them to do it (and of course it fixes the problem 90% of the time) they bitch about them having to do my and job and hang up without a thank you.

    In the service industry at least, working conditions are not entirely up to the employer.

  • This is fine.
  • Still going, had to sacrifice the wyrms.

  • What's your favourite mod?
  • Fair, probably not an issue for most unless you are having TPS issues, and EdB with point buy is definitely more balanced if you can't control yourself.

  • This is fine.
  • It's not over!

  • Ambitious beginnings
  • Randy giveth and Randy taketh away

  • Ambitious beginnings
  • Bless Randy!

  • Ambitious beginnings

    Anyone else plan out the whole base super early or you just build organically? I can't sleep until I know where everyone room is going to go.

    My first time playing 275x275, always played 325+ with large pops but tired of the late game slideshow ruining my save.

    egg_irl Tylith




    Never heard of 196 before today, but I'm no rule breaking heathen!
