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Nearly 1 in 5 US abortions now provided through telehealth, with thousands accessed under shield laws each month, report says
  • The world isn't just black and white, go and read some history.

    Are you saying that people who helped the underground railroad should have been jailed too? What about people who helped save lives during the holocaust?

    Both admittedly extreme examples, but forcing someone to carry a child they do not want is unjust and cruel.

  • Pulsar, the best code editor
  • About 6 months since I've switched away from vscode. To make Helix worth it you also need to use software that compliments it.

    I work in DevOps, so I don't do a ton of programming but everything I do is via terminal. I use Kitty Terminal, ZSH with oh-my-zsh for the shell, Zellij for an emulation layer (think tiling and tab manager in kitty), nnn for in terminal file manager, and helix for editor.

    I almost never leave the terminal now, except when web browsing.

  • Self-hosted or personal email solutions?
  • I use both. I have a self hosted docker compose instance of mailcow, which alerts me when an update is available.

    I also use protonmail as well.

    Self hosting was a pain in the ass to get working, but I've had no issues with it once up. I tossed it behind a reverse proxy to keep it from directly touching the internet.

  • Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours
  • I mean what game has been around with active development for 15 years? Most games development stop at 5sh. I paid $45 8 months ago with no reason to spend more.

    While 15 years is stupid, at least it's a fun game. So I'll continue to enjoy it while not spending anymore money on it.

  • Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours
  • It seems a lot of people haven't played it. It's quite playable and has less bugs than the average new AAA game.

    It's currently got 4 planets, each with 3 or more moons, and many stations that can be visited. 6+ game loops and around 30 flyable ships.

    Yeah people spend way too much real money on it, but 90% of the fly read ships are purchasable in the game. At least give the damn game a shot before you shit on it. The community is super nice and willing to help new comers.

    Edit: Not sure why everyone is so upset. This is my experience and every argument I've seen against sc is about bugs or spending real money on ships. Let people enjoy the games they want without getting so mad cause someone likes a game you don't.

  • What was the last dumb phone you had before your first smartphone?
  • I wish phones would go back to being unique. I want a slider with a physical keyboard (like the HTC EVO Shift). My Pixel 6 Pros battery is showing wear already but there's nothing on the market I feel is worth switching to.

  • Overview Dashboard


    Are there any dashboards that work with Proxmox, VMs in proxmox, networking equipment, and maybe an iDRAC(optional)?

    I'd like to see things such as traffic, resource usage, power usage, etc. While having a way to embed links to my self hosted sites.

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