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DestroyerOfWorlds Destroyer Of Worlds

Salvador Bowie with a hint of Hunter S. Thompson and a dash of Ian MacKaye.

Posts 13
Comments 66
Success Saturday - 9th September 2023
  • that guys is clearly in the US. somehow that is perfect for this sub.

  • Not our chosen leaders. Not our way of life.
  • SO ITS ME AND I AM BEING IN TWO PLACES AT THE SAME TIME OMFG...test test test, deleting soon

  • Twitter/X new ID Verification - First Look
  • "take a sefie" followed by TOS

  • Getting my Mac gaming on with the Beige G3!
  • I would rock Descent and a proto pipe all night long. if I wasn't rendering a mad landscape on Bryce 3D.

  • WebMD speaks
  • you have diabetic aidshingles

  • Asteroid City, Wes Anderson (2023)
  • I did a cut of this movie with only the "Asteroid City" movie and none of the actors, writers, directors, backstories, production cards, or narration. It came out to an exact 80 minutes of a tight (if not sorta bland) movie.

  • This gives me a headache.
  • Willy Wonka and The Migraine Factory

  • Is there a business in your town, which you are 100% sure is a front?
  • I found a really niche state patrol office to pay a fix-it ticket. It was on the third story of an off site parking garage for a mall type thing. With only two "visitor" spaces. There were like 4 cops in this tiny office just yucking it up when I walked in. They all did the "oh look busy now!" dance when I surprised them. I think this was one of those "put him on desk duty so he'll still get a paycheck while he gets cleared" type places. Nice enough for cops, but they had that shitty kid just got away with something vibe, bigtime.

  • Oppenheimer review I saw on my walk today.
  • that review forum need some more piss, maybe a broken bottle and a couple of needles too.

  • [image] Since many people seem to believe you can't tow with cars, here's roughly what dutch people end up doing on vacation.
  • if you saw the sheer scope of trailers, campers, Tour Bus RV's, custom toy haulers etc that invade the coastal areas of where I live, you would realize the problem isn't the semantics of tow vehicle size. the whole "adventure camping" myth when two people bring a 800 square foot Motorcoach with a car in tow makes me want to vomit. its like a car brain with sepsis. leave your fucking house at home.

  • Not interesting
  • I read your post.

  • What do you think would happen if there were a type of bear that never killed or seriously injured people, but instead slapped them in the face?
  • if it slapped me in the face and threw the glove at my feet I would take it as an insult and demand a duel. pistols at dawn.

  • pealed hot dog
  • really raw-dogging it

  • Bites the peach and just leaves it there.
  • I'm convinced these are the same people that leave "half a banana on the counter in case you're hungry"

  • Is it normal for a person to "feel" less as they get older?
  • Getting to the point in life where you realize how the sausage is made, packaged, marketed, distributed, sold, cooked, consumed, digested, defecated, flushed, mixed with other waste, and either separated into solids and liquids or dumped into the ocean will do that to you.

  • VHS
  • I can program a VHS machine to record a show while I'm not at home. Bow to your GOD.

  • What is something really stupid you purchased that turned out far better than expected?
  • 10 lengths of 10 foot 1/2" copper pipe. when I bought it it was cheaper than now by a lot. I ended up never using it for plumbing because we went with a larger diameter and different material. Now I have the coolest patina curtain rods ever.

  • Joe Despenza by one of my favorite Youtubers

    This video does have some possible triggering clips of neck injury via "chiropractic adjustments". Georg Rockall-Schmidt has some well researched takes on a bunch of flim flamery type quacks and grifters.
