Can you recommend contemporary music artists without lyrics?
Keyword artist , or band/group name. I'm not looking for a genre, I want to search artists. Tell me about someone you like listening to.
Would appreciate if it's Not symphonic/orchestral movie/videogame OST. I know there is a lot of really good music in this category but I'm trying to avoid recommendations like Hans Zimmerman or Jeremy Soule or Enya etc., since they are either really well known or fall into the orchestral and/or "epic music score" I'm not looking for.
It's OK if some tracks have vocals or even some lyrics/voice samples but I prefer to keep them at a minimum.
I don't think all these are contemporary but as someone who loves post rock and instrumental music here are some artists that make it into my playlist pretty regularly. Hope this is helpful! The ones near the top I probably listen to more regularly right now but it tends to rotate.
We Lost the Sea
Explosions in the Sky
Codes in the Clouds
Russian Circles
Collapse Under the Empire
Secret Gardens
Red Sparowes
Moonlit Sailor
Sleep Dealer
If These Trees Could Talk
God is an Astronaut
The Evpatoria Report
Sigur Ros
False Horizon
This Will Destroy You
There's A Light
Oh Hiroshima
Tides from Nebula
EDIT: got around to checking my library and have a few more.
Distant Dream
Those Who Ride With Giants
For Giants
The Best Pessimist
Saxon Shore
The End of the Ocean
Random Forest
Joy Wants Eternity
Paint the Sky Red
Eleventh Vibration
Shadow of Io
Jake Eves
The Last Sighs of the Wind
In hindsight I don't know if a giant list is the most useful thing but it's here if you want it.
Edit: I’m not old, but old enough that I only really remember their first round of albums. No idea what the newer ones are like, sadly. Just never got around to listening.
I've seen Goodspeed You recommended a few times here but not Aphex Twin. I didn't know either. I think GY!BE is good, but not for me. Aphex Twin though, that's right up my alley. Thanks for the recommendations!
A lot of post-rock bands might be good for you. Usually atmospheric/instrumental music played with typical rock instruments and little to no vocals.
Some of my favorites are Explosions in the Sky, Mogwai, El Ten Eleven, and Sigur Rós.
(although Sigur Rós technically features vocals but it’s a language of nonsense sounds the lead singer Jónsi made up called Hopelandic, so it’s instrumental-voice I guess??)
The term for this would be 'instrumental', which I only mention because it might help you find what you want. If you search streaming platforms for '[some genre] instrumental' it might turn up a playlist.
Here's some favourite albums of mine, which are 'ambient' so you might find them terribly boring, but they certainly are instrumental:
1 2 3 - Pole
And Their Refinement of the Decline - Stars of the Lid
Plume - Loscil
The Sound of Lights When Dim - Slow Dancing Society
try these on for size and see if the genre takes you like it took me. I tried to include some stuff that is more traditional rock in form and instrumentation and some that is a bit more experimental in that regard.
Damn I am digging these ones! The only I don't from this list is Maybeshewill. I think I liked Long Distance Calling and God is an Astronaut the most. Thanks for the suggestions :)
Hello! Thanks for the recommendations.
These are nice and I've seen others suggesting them as well. I appreciate the diversity in style too.
Out of these, Explosions in The Sky has made it to my playlist. I can't say I dislike the others but they also don't hook me when I listen. Not my vibe I guess?
So far out of the recommended postrock over this thread I've really liked Plini. I still got a lot of recommendations to check out though...
Wild, I would've expected Mogwai to hit a little closer because they have a bit more of a radio friendly structure and you said you wantwd to keep away from more orchestral stuff.
Still, glad you dig it and thanks for creating a great thread. This is the first lemmy thread I saved
I listen to Ghost Data and Porter Robinson lots. Both are electronic music, but I like them more than Zedd or Madeon because they sound more unique.
Ghost Data's chord progressions are unique but repetitive (I don't know many other artists that have a chord progression or vocal idea like that of "Queen of Knives", so it's unique, but the main chord progression of "Queen of Knives" doesn't change all that much throughout the song, so it's repetitive). I like that there's sonic variety while exploring singular ideas fully, like how the main melody of "Thy Flesh Undone" repeats through different instrumentations.
Porter Robinson stuff is pretty great because it sounds more emotional than most EDM I hear. It can sometimes have words, sometimes not. The Worlds album is more of an ambient and emotional/inspiring twist on EDM; specifically I'm thinking of "Goodbye to a World" and "Lionhearted" as uniquely happy songs.
I give an honorary mention to "Antirrhinum" by MALO because its rhythms are pretty cool and confused me a lot at first. It was entertaining trying to figure them out.
I enjoy listening to The HU. They are a Mongolian Metal/rock band. Most of their songs have lyrics, but it’s all in Mongolian so I just treat the vocals as another instrument and it may as well be instrumental to me.
Haha great questions. My main objective was to avoid getting classical music recommended, which is not what I'm looking for (although I like a lot of it too).
I like some Deadmau5, though I'm not a great fan. I do love EDM, Eric Prydz is probably my favourite artist in that very large umbrella of music, and I follow Defected Records if that tells you anything. I tend to prefer house over other subgenres and dubstep is probably my least liked subgenre. If you got any other suggestions, go ahead!
I saw you said you like some electronic music, so I'll throw in Prefuse 73 (or really, any of Scott Heren's pseudonyms) and Infected Mushroom. Prefuse 73 has some voice samples but is largely electronic/trip-hop, while Infected Mushroom has a decent split between songs with lyrics and songs without, so I recommend just grabbing an album and picking out what works for you.
If you like proggy stuff I'd definitely check out Arch Echo, they're incredible. If you like acoustic stuff then Rodrigo y Gabriela are also a great listen, and so is Kaki King (though I mostly only know her older stuff)
I'm liking this btw. I never heard of this artist before, there are some good tracks but the Animated Violence Mild album is going from start to finish into my playlist. Cheers
GoGo Penguin is a jazzy trio from the UK that makes midern jazz that is really engaging. I'm really a progmetalhead, but this band is ficking epic.
Bersarin Quartett is another band that I love. It's is a bit tough to get into, but it's really rewarding if you like slowish dreamy complex music. All song titles are in German, but luckily there's no lyrics.
Sure, just
Odesza we were young
Two feet just felt like playing the guitar and not singing
Odesza kusangi
Odesza koto
Brock Berrigan Making Up (70s inspired music)
Hippie Sabotage enlightened energy
Hippie Sabotage smoke room
Hippie Sabotage drifter
Not everyonea cup of tea, alternative/edm but yes let me know your thoughts
Thanks for the recommendations. I'm usually into edm, just not a huge fan of the chill/hop chill/trap sounds. I'm digging Brock Berrigan though, I have a soft spot for vintage and lounge sounds. Nice, cheers!
I only have the Hemvagen EP, and I really like half of songs, with the title track being my favorite. I think the E18 album contains all of the same songs and more.
I've been listening to a lot of music that is featured on the NPR shows Hearts of Space and Echos, which i highly recommend. The following artists/bands are of that type, instrumental, chill, "slow music for fast times", and all are available on Bandcamp.
Check out ENV -- Some of my favorite lyric-less music. There are a couple of playlists on YouTube with their albums. Firefrost is a good song to start with.
Look up Nox Arcana if you want something Gothic. Might be a bit too orchestral for your needs, but it's a dark version that's unlike anything I've heard.
Thanks for the recommendation. I can't say I've had much exposure to Gothic music but it's something I should definitely look more into, I like the dark atmosphere.
Elephant Sessions, Kan, Peatbog Faeries, Monster Ceilidh Band, Flook. Peatbog Faeries have a new album out now that's great, but it is their first album with some vocal samples (not with many words though). All Celtic fusion bands to a greater or lesser degree.
City of the Sun is some fantastic Latin-inspired instrumental post-rock. (That’s probably drivel, idk what genre they are).
Their cover of Young Folks is how I found them, but their self-titled album from 2020 is probably one of my favorites of the last several years. It’s a good balance of calming serenades and powerful melodies.
Hon. mention - The Samuel Jackson Five - Easily Misunderstood is another old favorite of mine. Angrier and edgier, but still haunting in its own way.
The Beastie Boys also have a couple fantastic instrumental jam albums - The In Sound From Way Out, and The Mix-Up.
If the reason you want something without lyrics is so that you can focus on other stuff, you could consider songs in other languages. There's so much content out there to explore, and you might be able to find stuff in a genre that you already enjoy. I don't find it distracting, and it's fun finding new artists I otherwise would have never tried.
When I want pure instrumental, I usually go "instrumental {{genre}}" and just save the playlists.
I really do prefer music without lyrics, although I still like music that feature lyrics sometimes. Right now I would like of the non lyric type, but I think I've exhausted the genres I know, and I prefer to be exposed to something new by artist, not a broad genre.
Adam Young, the guy behind Owl City has made albums under different names, including his own. One of the bands is Port Blue; he made an almost purely instrumental (only vocals are the first few seconds of the second track) album called The Airship. It feels rather experimental, but I use it to calm down. The other works are under his own name: Apollo 11, Project Excelsior, and Voyager 1.
All are well made and they tell a story through the instrumental music. Would recommend.
If I'm looking to maximize my relaxation, then it's hard to go wrong with Sleepy Fish. Chill beats all the way.
If you want acoustic guitar playing that you probably never experienced before, then check out Alan Gogoll. Love his stuff. Always nice to listen to. His song Mulberry Mouse is a favorite of mine.
Aether also has a few instrumental albums. Eshajori is a very melancholic feeling album. Gives me a lonely, empty feeling, but I love it all the same.
In a completely different direction, but you could check out The Glitch Mob. Definitely electronic, but I wouldn't say EDM.
That's all I have on my phone at the moment. Hopefully these are good starts.
I like to listen to the genres Synthwave and Dark Ambiance. Spotify is pretty good to find new music in that regard. Since you asked for artist recommendations and not genres:
Judge Bitch – their Album Horse Blood is pretty good.
Perturbator – sounds like you're driving on some rainy highway at night to your cyberpunk destination
There's also Instrumental Nu Metal, for example:
Andromeda – start with their song Synthesis
MASTER BOOT RECORD – it's just riffs and booms, usually no vocals
A. Yarmak – has some nice metal remixes, for example Hydrogen from the game Hotline Miami
Then there's Dubstep and Breakbeat, for example:
The Prodigy – uses samples heavily, but also has a few tracks without spoken words
Lindsey Stirling – Dubstep and violin, interesting combination.
videogame OST […] either really well known or fall into the orchestral and/or “epic music score” I’m not looking for
Well, there are tons of videogames and many of them don't have an orchestral/epic soundtrack, and even more of them are not very well known. I think you're limiting yourself here.
Thanks for the recommendations, I'll be checking them out for sure. They sound good.
Yes, I am aware that I may be limiting myself there. Feel free to add any OST you think are worthy of mention. Solar Fields is one my favourite artists and also the author of Mirrors Edge OSTs, for example. I just tried to avoid a wall of text explaining in detail what I like and what not, so n1. No lyrics and N.2 to avoid classical styles and well known osts, which I think would be the most likely recommendation types. I think I prefer to be introduced into new music through artist recommendations and not genres.
Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy classical a lot, as well as music with lyrics. The Fat Of The Land is a favourite and I still remember when I first heard it. Blew my mind as a child. Listening to it as an adult is still a guaranteed trip. I like some other things from The Prodigy but that's their high water mark imo.
Nickel Creek is cool! They have songs with vocals too, but some instrumental stuff as well. Kinda bluegrass feel. My favorite of theirs is Smoothie Song