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wrath-sedan wrath-sedan

Just one uncomfortably sentient and angry automobile on a road trip through the fetaverse.

Profile pic credit: - user roland81

Posts 15
Comments 284
Wisconsin Republicans weigh impeaching Supreme Court justice
  • House impeaches -> Senate convicts -> Gov. Evers chooses replacement


    House impeaches ~> Senate does nothing leaving Protasiewicz permanently suspended under Wisconsin law -> Protasiewicz resigns -> Gov. Evers chooses replacement

    Either way I feel Republicans are just delaying the inevitable here. The only downside to option 2 is that instead of a ten year term, she would get a one year term. But Protasiewicz won by such a large margin already, that it might even boost dems up and down the ballot if she were forced to run again due to these anti-democratic hostile takeovers.

  • Wisconsin Republicans weigh impeaching Supreme Court justice
  • With Gov. Evers responsible for choosing her replacement (including just re-appointing Protasiewicz) even if she is impeached this is likely just delaying the inevitable. Also she won by such a large margin (55-44) that a clear power grab over a popular political figure in the state that will ultimately not amount to much will just hurt R’s even more in 2024, especially under non-gerrymandered maps.

  • what decentralized platforms do you use?
  • Never talk to me or my Mastoson ever again.

  • Galileo Galilei’s First Drawings of the Moon After Seeing It Through the Telescope in 1609
  • Something about these is so calming, thanks Gal Gal.

  • Taiwan slams Elon Musk, says it's 'not for sale' nor part of China
  • Thanks for mentioning it, I’d like to add that Taiwan is still a settler state. Taiwanese Indigenous people still live there, and have been waging their own battles for greater rights and sovereignty within Taiwan for centuries. Unfortunately, in all the Taiwan v. China noise their voices and concerns get drowned out.

  • Taiwan slams Elon Musk, says it's 'not for sale' nor part of China
  • There’s a lot of layers there, Han people have been settling in Taiwan since the 17th century and this originally Taiwanese-speaking group makes up about 70% of people in Taiwan. They don’t consider China their homeland anymore than Americans do the UK.

    Han people who came with the fleeing KMT government are more directly tied to China, but even they have been largely Taiwan-ized politically since the democracy and identity movements of the 1980’s. Which is to say, very very few people in Taiwan see China as a homeland these days.

  • Taiwan slams Elon Musk, says it's 'not for sale' nor part of China
  • Should note that the “Taiwan is the real China” brand of politics has basically died out in Taiwan. Yes they are technically “The Republic of China” but China has said that changing that is tantamount to declaring de jure independence which would trigger a war.

    Taiwan (for the most part) just wants to be Taiwan.

    (See also why the “West Taiwan” meme is frowned upon and completely misrepresents what most Taiwanese people want.)

  • California Senate Passed SB 799; The bill's (which give strikers the right to collect unemployment) fate lies in Newsom's hands.
  • Totally fine not trying to say you’re up to something nefarious haha. Just saying that a source I only see from one user that itself is pretty opaque about sourcing and intent makes me approach it cautiously.

  • California Senate Passed SB 799; The bill's (which give strikers the right to collect unemployment) fate lies in Newsom's hands.
  • This user always posts from that website. It seems primarily aimed at criticizing austerity measures but it’s super bizarre. No mention of who is actually putting this research together.

    Like I agree that austerity measures suck and that if you want a family you should be able to afford one, but phrasing it as “stop population decline” is just… weird? Like the examples aren’t bad exactly but the entire presentation and motivations behind the website sets off some serious red flags.

  • Federal Judge Again Rules DACA Is Illegal
  • Andrew S. Hannen, appointed by George W. Bush.

  • Federal Judge Again Rules DACA Is Illegal
  • Meta note: in kbin both the NYT link and archive link look and work fine, but when I check on this post from a Lemmy alt using the Memmy app the archive link is completely broken and there is no image preview. Anyone know what’s going on here?

    EDIT: looks fine from in a browser, must be a Memmy problem

  • Federal Judge Again Rules DACA Is Illegal Judge Rules DACA Program for Young Immigrants Is Still Illegal

    The judge maintained that President Barack Obama exceeded his authority when he created the program, which has allowed thousands of undocumented immigrants to avoid deportation and work legally.

    Judge Rules DACA Program for Young Immigrants Is Still Illegal

    Archive link

    The judge maintained that President Barack Obama exceeded his authority when he created the program, which has allowed thousands of undocumented immigrants to avoid deportation and work legally.

    Can you tell me about any lesser-known local fruits or vegetables in your area that you think more people should discover?
  • Looking at a map of their range they might be in the very southernmost part maybe near Madison, but just barely. You’d probably had to head towards Illinois or Indiana for a better chance of finding them.

    If you use the app iNaturalist you can also find geotagged groves. Taking a quick peek there’s a handful in southern WI like I said, but they really pick up once you move south.

  • Whats your favorite free open source software that everyone should try?
  • Unfortunately I’ve never used LaTeX so someone else will have to answer that.

  • Whats your favorite free open source software that everyone should try?
  • For anyone doing academic writing, I use a combination of Logseq, Zotero, and Zettlr. All open source. Collect articles in Zotero. Annotate and take notes on those articles in Logseq with absolutely amazing PDF annotation tools. Write draft in Zettlr which allows me to enter Zotero citations and reference Logseq notes.

    Bonus shoutout to LibreOffice for exporting and formatting the final draft. And that’s your recipe for one all-natural, organic, FOSS thesis!

  • Whats your favorite free open source software that everyone should try?
  • Yeah seconded that it’s not FOSS but still a great app. Logseq is a good FOSS alternative for a knowledge base, and I really like Zettlr for long form md writing and note taking too.

  • Whats your favorite free open source software that everyone should try?
  • I use a lot of note apps partially for school partially for fun but man Logseq PDF annotation is incredible. That plus native Zotero integration is a game changer for anything academic.

  • Whats your favorite free open source software that everyone should try?
  • Good list I make use of a lot of these too. Keep both LibreOffice and OnlyOffice around depending on how I feel that day but been leaning towards LO quite a bit recently.

    I will say I had Caprine for a while but my god it uses so much memory, it has an absolutely massive footprint on my laptop. I find a nice compromise is using as that way I can still send and read messages without delving into the horrors of FB, plus can keep it in a container.

  • What are some book series like Harry Potter [quaint, pleasant, deep lore] but less childish and bigoted?
  • I got the trilogy as a used box set recently and I really wanted to love them but just didn’t click for me. Don’t read a lot of YA now anyway so maybe missed my chance, definitely see the appeal though and think it’s a good fit for OP’s request!

  • What are some book series like Harry Potter [quaint, pleasant, deep lore] but less childish and bigoted?
  • Yes I think Babel is a little lighter on gorey excess than the Poppy Wars (which I haven’t read but my partner has described in detail to me). Which is to be expected for books designed to depict the horrors of colonialism.

    But mainly mentioning it with a content warning since it’s often tossed around as an HP replacement. I think the first half of Babel captures a similar “wonders of magic school” vibe, although with a lot more caveats about how inequitable the entire system is. It does get extremely harrowing by the end so maybe should include a clearer warning in my post.

  • Ohio will use congressional map previously ruled unconstitutional again in 2024, as court dismisses legal challenges

    The Ohio Supreme Court on Thursday granted the dismissal of two legal challenges to the map the court previously deemed to be unconstitutionally gerrymandered in favor of Republicans.

    Ohio will use congressional map previously ruled unconstitutional again in 2024, as court dismisses legal challenges

    The Ohio Supreme Court on Thursday granted the dismissal of two legal challenges to the map the court previously deemed to be unconstitutionally gerrymandered in favor of Republicans.

    The plaintiffs in the lawsuits, which include the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, the League of Women Voters of Ohio, and the A. Philip Randolph Institute of Ohio, had sought the dismissal of their own cases, saying they don’t want voters to be in limbo ahead of the 2024 election.

    Some additional context from an earlier AP News article:

    > > > The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio, on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Ohio and others, told the Ohio Supreme Court that they are willing to live with the U.S. House map approved March 2, 2022, and used in last year’s elections, “(i)n lieu of the continued turmoil brought about by cycles of redrawn maps and ensuing litigation.” > >

    > > > Democrats netted wins under that map — securing five of 15 U.S. House seats, compared to the four of 16 they had held previously. > >

    > > > The dismissal request also comes as advocates prepare a redistricting reform amendment for Ohio’s 2024 ballot. After an initial rejection, the group Citizens Not Politicians resubmitted their petition language Tuesday. > >

    21 Millions of workers earning less than $55,000 could get overtime pay under Biden proposal

    The proposed rule would lift the salary threshold for overtime pay from $35,568 to $55,000.

    Millions of workers earning less than $55,000 could get overtime pay under Biden proposal

    UPS workers approve 5-year contract, with 86% of votes cast in favor UPS workers approve 5-year contract, capping contentious negotiations that threatened deliveries

    The union representing 340,000 UPS workers says its members voted to approve the tentative contract agreement reached last month.

    UPS workers approve 5-year contract, capping contentious negotiations that threatened deliveries

    Under the tentative agreement, full- and part-time union workers will get $2.75 more per hour in 2023, and $7.50 more in total by the end of the five-year contract. Starting hourly pay for part-time employees also got bumped up to $21, but some workers said that fell short of their expectations.

    UPS says that by the end of the new contract, the average UPS full-time driver will make about $170,000 annually in pay and benefits. It’s not clear how much of that figure benefits account for.


    UPS workers approve 5-year contract, with 86% of votes cast in favor UPS workers approve 5-year contract, capping contentious negotiations that threatened deliveries

    The union representing 340,000 UPS workers says its members voted to approve the tentative contract agreement reached last month.

    UPS workers approve 5-year contract, capping contentious negotiations that threatened deliveries

    Under the tentative agreement, full- and part-time union workers will get $2.75 more per hour in 2023, and $7.50 more in total by the end of the five-year contract. Starting hourly pay for part-time employees also got bumped up to $21, but some workers said that fell short of their expectations.

    UPS says that by the end of the new contract, the average UPS full-time driver will make about $170,000 annually in pay and benefits. It’s not clear how much of that figure benefits account for.


    Indictment returned in Georgia as grand jury wraps up Trump election probe

    A grand jury in Georgia that has been investigating former President Donald Trump over his efforts to undo the 2020 election results in that state has returned an indictment, though it was not immediately clear against whom.

    UPDATE: Link to the indictment which includes 19 total defendants charged under 41 counts.

    17 Federal judges question Alabama’s new congressional map, lack of 2nd majority-Black district

    A panel of federal judges on Monday began a review Alabama’s redrawn congressional map which opponents argue blatantly defies the court’s mandate to create a second district where Black voters have an opportunity to influence the outcome of an election.

    Federal judges question Alabama’s new congressional map, lack of 2nd majority-Black district
    10 Far-right populist posts shock win in Argentina’s primary election

    Javier Milei’s win is a stinging rebuke of the political establishment in a nation battered by economic woes.

    Far-right populist posts shock win in Argentina’s primary election
    32 Far-right populist posts shock win in Argentina’s primary election

    Javier Milei’s win is a stinging rebuke of the political establishment in a nation battered by economic woes.

    Far-right populist posts shock win in Argentina’s primary election