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RavenFellBlade RavenFellBlade
Posts 4
Comments 94
Progress collage with a new favorite shot
  • I know it took awhile for me to see this, but I'm glad I finally did. That's powerfully poetic imagery, your masculinity itself being a mask obscuring your true self. I'm glad you were able to tear both masks off.

  • Progress collage with a new favorite shot
  • Autism baby face? That explains so, so much. I didn't know that was a thing, but several of my trans friends are on the spectrum and all of them have very soft, youthful faces.

  • Progress collage with a new favorite shot
  • Your more recent pictures look so much more naturally happy and less masked. You're adorable, you're powerful, and I wish you all happiness and success!

  • Feral girl summer
  • Khajit has skooma if traveler has coin.

  • Peeps nature's most delectable bird
  • I loved that show, and this was probably the best bit from it.

  • Peeps nature's most delectable bird
  • Unicron. Not to be confused with Unicorn.

  • Best funny caption wins!!!
  • Looks like AI trying to draw ET.

  • you left this at my place
  • It's time to make some bruises, it's time to make some welts. It's time to get things started as I'm taking off my belt.

  • Legal experts: Trump lawyer’s “embarrassing” performance “making the jury dislike her intensely”
  • Make no mistake, her job is incredibly simple: stall and waste as much of the court's time as possible and give Trump potential mistrial grounds.

  • It's so cold.
  • I mean, I've seen this meme about Ferengis, so there's that.

  • What's some amazing technology they have in Japan that's very normal to them but would blow our minds here in the US and western world?
  • I've never used your $20 Luxe bidet to know the difference, but I'm going to assume it doesn't have a heated seat, heated water, variable pressure settings, massage settings, and an enema setting. If those features don't interest you, then nothing at all makes it better. Use what you like. My wife just really loves the heated seat in the winter time.

  • What's some amazing technology they have in Japan that's very normal to them but would blow our minds here in the US and western world?
  • I own a BioBidet 2000. My friend Brian has one at his house and he convinced me to just try it. I did. And then I ordered one for myself before I left the bathroom.

  • A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US
  • This isn't "providing and opportunity". This is exploitation. Full stop.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Look, thaht fahkin dubba bettah leave the fahkin Dunkins alone!

  • School board member blames "Holy Spirit" for making her share a Nazi meme
  • And yet: "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil"

    That has never sat well with me. It suggests that God leads the sinful into sin, and capriciously decides whether to deliver or condemn.

  • What Game Boy game do you love that you never hear anyone talk about?
  • For some perspective, the Oracle games are unpopular in terms of Zelda games. Zelda is one of the most widely popular video game franchises in history, though. So an unpopular Zelda game is still much more well known and well received than something more obscure.

    The Oracles are some of the best selling and most well regarded GBC games in the system's library, though they are overshadowed by Link's Awakening DX and the glut of Pokémon games the Game Boy Color had on offer.

  • Anticipation - Nintendo's first video board game
  • Agreed. I am known to hum it when playing board games with friends.

  • Have an RG353V coming today
  • I already did full backups of both cards and moved the games over to a 200gb Lexar card, along with my own ROM archives. The one thing I have found a consensus on with these systems is that the default cards are garbage.

  • Have an RG353V coming today
  • So what makes ArkOS better? I'm looking into trying this.

  • What Game Boy game do you love that you never hear anyone talk about?
  • What? Is this meant to be ironic or something? They're two of the most popular GBC games.

  • Have an RG353V coming today

    I want to stay away from the Site That Shall Not Be Named, so I figured I would check on for some useful info.

    Got an Anbernic RG353V coming in today, and I'm just curious about what I should know getting started with it? I'm trying to temper expectations and have an idea of how to get the best experience possible from it.


    Is there anyone else looking forward to the new Fantasy Life game?

    I absolutely adored the original Fantasy Life on 3DS. Loved Ever Oasis, too. For some reason, I always kinda viewed the two as a pair, even though they had nothing to do with each other.

    Anyhow, I read a couple months ago that there's a new Fantasy Life game coming to Switch later this year, and it really got me looking forward to it. I'm a little worried that there hasn't really been much in the way of promotion for the title, but what I've seen looks promising.

    Anyone else got this game on their radar?


    How is Prodeus running on Switch these days?

    I got into it Prodeus on Xbox and really enjoy it, but I have read that the game was in a pretty sorry state when it released. I haven't really seen much to suggest that it's improved significantly, but I kinda want that Prodeus experience on the go. Anyone been playing it recently who can chime in on the current state of the game?

    Reddit Was Fun RavenFellBlade

    Baconit on Xbox still works

    For anyone still interested in browsing the dumpster fire, for some reason, Baconit is still working on Xbox. I don't know if the app can still be downloaded, but it still accesses the site with no issues.
