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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 3
Comments 389
What does a world without Airbnb look like?
  • The problem isn't that AirBnB gets a cut, the problem is that they make such a process more efficient and accessible. Property is a finite resource, especially when talking about a specific area like a city. We don't want to turn cities into amusement parks that the workers have to commute an hour to get to, even if that's what is the most profitable. Housing should be affordable and available for the people who actually use and make the city run daily.

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • That burden of proof doesn't fall on me. I was rebutting your claims that relied on nature and on mechanisms, and explained why the reasoning doesn't hold up. The reason I asked for a study is because if you can't produce an argument on why we couldn't feed animals in a vegan manner then a study that showed poor health outcomes would at least require me to explain how those specific hurdles are solvable.

    I completely agree with you that I shouldn't have a cat because I have not done the research on how to feed a cat in a vegan manner, but that's something most people have not done because they simply don't care about feeding a cat in a vegan manner. In my view they should not have cats either.

    As for meat grown in a lab, I am fine with it. But ethics aside ultimately I think we shouldn't evaluate food on how natural it is but how provably healthy it is. If we can formulate food that gives cats better health outcomes then we should be feeding them more of that. This is anecdotal, but of the dogs I know through family or friends the ones fed way more plain meat have the worst digestion and I wouldn't be surprised if they died the earliest, but it's hard to talk people out of these naturalistic positions.

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • When I said study I meant an observational or longitudinal study measuring health outcomes, not a description of the mechanisms at play. Such studies are important to concluding that alternative diets are already nutritional or elucidating the flaws so that they may be addressed.

    Don't you think such knowledge of cat digestion would be integrated into feeding a cat in a vegan way? We are incredibly good at synthesizing nutrients these days through both chemical processes and modifying microorganisms or plants. We can produce "higher forms" of things such as vitamin A and D without invoking animal biology, these aren't hypotheticals, such things are already common in the huge supplement and cosmetics industries.

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • Link to studies please.

    Nobody is suggesting we feed cats tofu and spinach. The naturalistic argument and yelling "We don't know!" a bunch really only works if you are proposing we feed cats only raw meat from fresh kills, what they would eat in the wild. Pet food isn't a pet's natural diet, vegan or not, and it all has to be fortified.

    I don't believe in such a naturalistic argument though. Humans are able (key word, able, most don't) eat healthier with modern diets. Why would we assume we can't develop food that is just as healthy or even healthier than an animal's natural diet?

  • 40 Kilobyte Rule
  • PNG is fine for this. A palletized PNG on max compression would be smaller than the game and totally lossless unlike this. First you gotta take this image and map/quantize it to the original palette though to destroy the JPEG artifacts, which produce colors in between ones that would have existed in the game's output.

  • "So many uses!" (Black Leaf 40 ad from Country Gentleman magazine 1939)
  • Everything is poisonous at some dose. These are evolved neurotoxins for fighting insects but in the doses humans use them they are just stimulants and probably neuroprotective. They do have downsides like causing cardiovascular stress and creating chemical dependencies though, but people often don't die directly from caffeine or nicotine consumption.

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • When you eat animals you give the market a financial incentive to breed and slaughter more animals, who inevitably have to eat a bunch of plants to grow. It's not that you eating a burger kills a cow, but you eating a burger helps make it financially sound and socially acceptable to murder cows for burgers.

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • This is bullshit because pet food exists where the proteins are denatured because some animals have serious allergies. Animals can build the proteins they need from the constituent parts. There are surely proteins unique to cats, where do you think they get them, cannibalism? Are you saying veterinarians recommending such products are harming animals?

    Also who said I have a cat companion, even if you were 100% correct about what constitutes neglect it would not apply to me. But you're obviously not engaging in good faith and just want someone to paint as a monster. What's really monstrous is we have an industry that brutally harvests billions of sentient creatures every year just to feed ourselves and other animals.

  • Sleepers of lemmy, do you have your cell phone in your dreams?
  • I've never had a cell phone in a dream but I've dreamed about other pieces of technology like video games. Though in my dreams if I interact with something like a video game there is no abstract medium like a peripheral and screen through which I'm interacting, it's like I'm transported into the game whether it is first person or third person.

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • Obligate carnivores in nature. Why do you care if a cat is fed with fortified plant bits vs fortified animal bits? Neither product exists in nature and the cat can live a healthy life on both. Also breeding cats to be pets is completely unnatural, so why are you fine with that?

  • Why defederation is extremely rare on
  • Thank you. One reason I stuck with ee instead of one of the other instances I made accounts with was that eventually this place was the only place I could go where I could still see content from all the instances I wanted to see. I couldn't just make an account with one of those instances because they were generally defederated with one another.

  • A wordle-like game based on the jokers of Balatro
  • The rules state that only cards with listed probabilities (green text, affected by the dice) will count. Which I don't agree with but is consistent. Perhaps there should be three modes for RNG instead of being a binary yes/no. Anyway, the fact that RNG is such a narrow category helped me get this one in two guesses.

  • Vegan Firefighter Loses Groundbreaking Discrimination Case
  • It doesn't only come from supplements, but it's how most people get it these days. Livestock aren't sticking their faces in wild dirt and flora very much, so most need supplements. Also even with livestock being given supplements there is a surprising amount of B12 deficiency in the omnivore population, arguably more should be supplementing.

  • Vegan Firefighter Loses Groundbreaking Discrimination Case
  • B12 is not an "extensive amount of supplements". Furthermore your average contemporary nonvegan likely consumes way more supplements than a vegan just indirectly through livestock feed, including B12. Even ignoring the "animal" sources though, people these days consume a lot of supplements from cereals, energy drinks, table salt, and more. I'm not sure why relying on supplements would even be a gotcha in the first place though.

    Furthermore I'm not sure why it would matter that there exist healthy diets that include meat, like you said a mostly plant foods diet but including some fish. If anything that reinforces that there are other reasons for people abstaining entirely from animal foods. Veganism is way more than a diet, it is an ethical stance, and extends to far more than what we eat. It just so happens that what we eat leads to some of the most egregious abuses and also butts heads with culture because what we eat and what others eat is so important to us as humans. That's why the way vegans choose to eat gets so much attention.

  • Am I misunderstanding these features or do they just not work?

    I have "Show Read Posts" toggled off and "Mark Read on Scroll" toggled on. I would think that after scrolling past a bunch of posts and then refreshing that would then clear those posts from my feed, but it doesn't seem to be working. Am I misunderstanding this feature? And if so can we get something like it? I do not want to see the same thing over and over again but I also don't want to manually hide every post.


    What team did you use in the Aetherium Wars championship?

    Automaton Spider was the core of my team, it's increasing speed means it eventually is taking 4 turns per enemy turn. This is broken in combination with the Attack Interception expansion. The other expansion I went with was Computation Lock for a free 75% attack.

    The overlord unit I used was the Aurumaton Gatekeeper. If you equip it with Saturated Activation and Sudden Injection then on its first turn it can debuff all enemies and massively delay two of them, this gives Spider the time it needs to ramp.

    I used Bubbles for sustain, their damage doesn't matter so I equiped them with Firewall and Safe Mode for 100% increased health to empower their heals and soak. I gave them Functional Overdraft so they can heal significantly more often. And since they take their turn frequently they are holding Deep Clean for team cleanse.

    My last unit wasn't as important to the team as the other three, but it was a Silvermane Cannoneer. They will always get their max follow ups off if they use skill on Aurumaton turn one and then switch to Spider after that. Their ult can be used to give Aurumaton two energy so that it can do it's AoE Impair -> Sanction Mode -> Imprison combo immediately after leaving Sanction Mode which is very powerful. Backstage Enhancement is great damage for them and Efficiency Optimization let's them always have ult on time.

    The Morale Activation expansion is incredibly powerful with this team as every unit is taking multiple actions for every enemy action. I had Aurumaton hold it but any unit on the team could hold it really.

    If this team survives just a couple cycles it's basically unkillable, and that is not hard to do with the massive debuffs from Aurumaton and sustain from Bubbles.

    Interested in hearing about other people's teams in this event as I'm sure there are many powerful combinations.
