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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 36
Comments 1.6K
Gender rule
  • I truly believe that if we were more culturally aware of the diversity of gender norms throughout history, modern people would be more accepting of trans identities. It's no surprise that BBQ Dads think their kids are just going through a fad. Most people haven't heard of this stuff from the past few centuries beyond fringe caricatures or post-21st century.

  • Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you
  • that sounds hard. i cant give you medical advice - you know yourself better than me anyway. one thing i can comment on is that changes usually take a combination of medication and behavioral changes (aka therapy). so it's not surprising that things didn't improve after 3 sessions. it takes a lot of effort!

  • Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you
  • a lot of stuff about childhood experiences. it's helpful to have someone present who knew you as a child, but failing that, you can talk to them beforehand I suppose. I imagine this sounds like a headache, so don't worry about calling mom if it sounds stressful or confrontational. id say the ideal is a teacher who knew you well but doesn't have stakes in the diagnostic label like a parent might. maybe a sibling.

  • Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you
  • All emotions are valid. Even ones arising from psychosis. That doesn't mean the experiences that create the emotions are based in reality. Stop with the wordplay. You aren't as smart as you think you are. What you described is NOT a diagnosis - not any more than the burn marks on my toast are Jesus. Calling it so does not make it so.

    If you want to take this as "There's nothing wrong with you" then that's on you. Maybe we will revisit the phrase, "You're not as smart as you think you are" as evidenced by this interpretation. Funny how self-diagnosers are so willing to engage in wordplay but cannot see any other meaning here than "There's nothing wrong with you."

    As far as the broken arm bit, WHY NOT REREAD WHAT I SAID ABOUT TREATMENT?! And let me reiterate for the self-diagnosers in the back, You aren't as smart as you think you are. See a fuckin doctor, get a ddx, try techniques that work for you, don't claim to have a diagnosis without one.

    If this feels bad, GOOD, it should. This is hard news. But I won't lie to you to make you feel good and sell you products like OP.

  • Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you
  • Damn right I'm confrontational because this is literally medical misinfo being peddled by a grifter and you're eating it right out of her hand.

    The differential is what matters. We go to a professional to figure out what it's NOT.

    I think it's ego. People probably can't handle the fact that they aren't as smart as they think they are and don't want to admit that maybe they're wrong about their """diagnosis""". But that's just a generalization. Go to a doctor. Fuck OP.

  • Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you
  • There's no such thing as self-diagnosis. That's my point. What you said about coping mechanisms is exactly what I said in my response: that diagnosis informs treatment, so just try different behavioral applications that help you without worrying about the diagnosis.

    Holy shit, I just realized that you're one of the mods. This is absolutely embarrassing. I can't believe you're spreading this garbage. STOP telling people to diagnose themselves! You're contributing to genuine harm of the TikTok Diagnosis era.

  • Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you
  • Self-diagnosis is not valid. By definition. Not even a psychiatrist can diagnose themselves. What you're talking about is either 1) advocating for your own diagnosis or 2) self-treatment.

    Both of these things are valid.

    Advocate for yourself for a diagnosis from a health professional if it will unlock new treatment options. But also just look into how others with similar problems have successfully managed their problems. Consider how you could implement similar things. That's what's at the heart of therapy for ADHD anyway.

    But diagnosis itself is only useful as a tool for describing symptoms and informing treatment. If a collection of symptoms speaks to your experience, then the only point in putting a diagnostic label on it is to say "Maybe these things that helped others with similar symptoms will also help you." But in order to do that effectively, there also needs to be a differential diagnosis to ascertain what it is not. This is why healthcare providers need to be involved in the process. Two different things can look very similar but have very different etiologies and different treatments.

    Social media needs to quit putting so much emphasis on diagnosis and more emphasis on treatment. This post should be removed for medical misinfo, but I hope people at least read the comments to see why this person seems to be such a snakeoil influencer.

  • Phone calls still assume the people on the receiving end are attached to a desk.
  • because it seems like nowdays everyone isolates and pretends their discord relationships are real, and then complains when an actual human being calls them. there's already no connection between people, no communal spaces, no in-person relationships. it's so hard to see anyone anymore. and now you all want to shit all over one way to connect more directly?

    and how almost every commenter in this space has the same mentality. it's horrifying. are you all shut-ins? it reveals something dark about the kind of people that post on this site and really undermines other communities.

    and seeing people moralizing mental disorders instead of taking responsibility for them. that does real harm to others. anxiety is manageable and treatable. retreating into these closed systems only exacerbates it, and encouraging others to do the same only exacerbates theirs.

  • Phone calls still assume the people on the receiving end are attached to a desk.
  • oh no you might be uncomfortable!!! that's so sad. whoever calls you is totally responsible.

    anxiety sucks but stop blaming others for it. it's not their fault you choose to avoid the phone. maybe seek help for learning how to do a very basic human function instead of blaming others for it? or encouraging others to become defunct in a basic human function?

  • Phone calls still assume the people on the receiving end are attached to a desk.
  • here we go, socially awkward redditors moralizing their awkwardness around phones again

    It's called a human conversation, try it some time assholes. I'm sooooo sorry someone speaking to you is inconvenient.

    have you considered returning to monke? nah then you'd just whine about fecal baseball being awkward

  • Ms. Rachel Trades Her Overalls for a Cardigan as She Takes Over Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood
  • I'm not sure it's fair to say that someone succeeds Bob Ross when they have less than 5k subscribers. They could have 500k and still be virtually unknown. That's not to nitpick at popularity, but rather to point at how, well... there's a million Beyonces out there who become nothing. Talent alone isnt what made these people great. They came into our homes and touched lives. If 5k is all it takes then I'm Bob Ross too.

    edit nevermind TVs still exist im dumn

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • Very cool! Wish there were more of us on here. r/therapists is still one of the main reasons I use Reddit. Well, uh, I guess you and I could talk? But at that point, with you as a super-super and me as a first-year post-grad, it would just sound like shoddy anonymous online supervision!

  • Is "food" a social construct?

    Hear me out. There's nothing innate to an object that makes it "food". It's an attribute we give to certain things that meet certain qualities, i.e. being digestible, nutritious, perhaps tasty or satisfying in some way, etc. We could really ingest just about anything, but we call the stuff that's edible "food". Does that make it a social construct?


    How to unfilter keyword?

    I accidentally added something to the filtered keyword list and i dont see a way to remove it.

    (Please don't include the word "fat-taco" in your response...)


    Help me understand Voice Recognition tech

    Help me understand Voice Recognition tech

    I am interested in getting an app that would allow me to make notes via voice-to-text. I work in a field with HIPAA protections. I'm having trouble figuring out the nuances of privacy related to these apps.

    First off, is this kind of software considered "AI"? How does it even recognize that a sound equals a word? Do they use LLM tech? Does the tech learn to recognize my voice better over time? Does it use my recordings to learn to understand other's voices? Is this all a black box? How can I take precautions such that no one except me hears the things I transcribe?

    This is just such confusing tech! It seems like it's fairly old and common but the more I think about it in relation to current age AI, the more creeped out I get! And yet my doctor uses one regularly... I'll be asking her about it too, don't worry.

    Thank you!


    is there no way to rotate landscape gifs?

    I appreciate all the hard work you do, but this is a hard No for me. I can't use an app that forces me to view landscape gifs in portrait mode. Is a rotation button a feature you'd consider?


    I dont like video games with story

    Someone told me to post this here and that's all I got to say.

    My popular opinion is that I don't like this flavor of subcommunity


    Rendering Tr as Chr ?

    Huh! In my speech, the Tr in "tree" or "trigger" is really close to Chr as in "chree". In fact to pronounce "chree" I have to aspirate so hard to distinguish it from /tr/.

    Is this common? [ˈt͡ʃɹi:] instead of [ˈtɹi:]? Why does this happen? Is there something about going from a plosive to an approximant that creates an affricate?


    Practicing advanced Sudoku techniques - anyone see anything fun here?

    I'm working on becoming familiar with wings, chains, uniques, and all the sea animals and skyscrapers. Whatcha see here?


    What should I do with old electronics?

    I got a box full of a bunch of stuff from over the years. Some big, some small, some expensive, some cheap. It seems like a shame to throw it all in a landfill, with or without personal data.


    When dies, how will Lemmy grab more users?

    I don't see Old Reddit lasting long. They've cut beloved features before, and they're still calling New Reddit a "beta feature". After they've pumped enough resources into developing it, I'm sure they'll move past the "test" phase and just cut Old Reddit out entirely. That's probably going to be Lemmy's next big user surge.

    Does Reddit suppress mentioning Lemmy? I remember for a while this past June 2023 there were a lot of auto-deletions for mentioning or linking to Lemmy. I was never clear on who was deleting things and where. I guess linking to the r/Lemmy subreddit (or a fediverse sub) could work as long as the subreddit doesn't get banned.


    I accidentally clicked the sub and now I gotta post

    Surprised this place doesn't have more shitty posts like this one if ppl actually followed the rule


    Talking Over Women

    Assuming that boys are socialized to be more confident, bold, and outspoken, the end result is that men will end up talking over women. In an open forum setting, such as a professional or educational one, when the floor is open to anyone, it seems like men are more likely to speak up first.

    Part of me thinks, "Well, anyone can speak if they wanted to! If I can count to ten and still be the first to talk, then so be it!" But part of me also wants to help uplift others and give them a chance to speak.

    How might men navigate this?


    Glad to see the PD community here!

    Really nice to see players like all of you AND devs like Evan showing up on Lemmy. It's been sad to see so many game subs stick to Reddit this year. It's honestly been kind of slap in the face to see a place like r/Terraria sticky this big protest automod message to the top of every thread but not make any kind of move to relocate here.

    Just wanted to show some appreciation to the PD crowd!


    Several months in and core functions still missing

    No gatekeeping on links. I click a link and it opens instantly without giving me a chance to view URL. Malware inc.

    Cannot properly view parent comments/context when reading inbox replies. If I get a reply to something and I cant remember what i said, I have to dig through the entire comment section of the original post. my parent comment doesn't appear half the time, it's inconsistent. and if I have several replies to one comment, there's no way to navigate to my parent comment and all its replies; I can only view one comment thread at a time if navigating from inbox, or all comment if navigating from OP.

    does anyone know if any other lemmy apps have these basic functions?


    How to bypass Twitter's forced login?

    Haven't used Twitter in years, fully deleted my account when Musk took over. Unfortunately I need to see a user profile now. I just wanted to see one old page, but apparently I can no longer do that without logging in.

    Is there any up-to-date method for bypassing this? I tried uBlock zapper to no avail.
