If you just took a shower and your balls are still "dirty" your problem isn't the order in which you dry yourself.
If you can take a shower like a functional adult, it turns out skin is skin and wiping water off your ballsack is fundamentally identical to wiping water off the back of your hand.
Why is this gendered? I use the same towel on my cooch as my face after I shower, I would be pretty impressed by the dedication to doing laundry of someone who has a specialized crotch-drying towel.
I start with my hair first, then face, and work my way down, but I do the butt hole last. That way my hair washes most of the fecal material out of the towel the next time I dry myself off and I don't have as much butt stuff all over the rest of my body. Because that's how things work.
I don't really pay attention to whether my valet uses one towel or several. I think he switched things up between face and body, for sure, but beyond that shrug.
There are way dirtier things being done in a bedroom or playing outside sports. Why does it matter if you are clean? Why is a woman asking that silly question like as if we don't kiss the mouth of someone who just gargle them balls
The point being that if one needs to at the end go back up to the face to make sure everything is perfect, one needs not worry about the possibility of that meaning one is rubbing one's face on ball-sweat.
Weird, everybody in the comments assuming that she's grossed out by men using the same towel on our faces we used on our dirty balls. But she asked about a separate ball towel, which seems to imply that it's the balls that require special treatment, but not ass, feet, or pits. Maybe she's grossed out by men using the same towel on our balls that we used on our dirty faces?
I fry my face, body, bits, face, body, legs, face, whatever… I’m clean. If imma eat my partner’s ass after a rave, why would I care if my face gets a little touch of clean grundle?
No seperate towel. Clean your balls in the shower and even if you keep them sucked into your anus all day, which is bad for both organs so don't leave em in for long, you can clean the most gnarly of sacks. My point is clean them.
My partner used to have a roommate that thought that because he only used the towel when he was "clean" after showering, that meant he never had to wash the towel. What started out as a white towel turned into a yellowing black stained horror. I can't imagine the smell. 🤢
This is just not correct. Sweat and folds and proximity to other parts, probably double wrapped all day in plastic clothing... Not washing your arms and not washing your balls for a day has very different results.
I honestly bet my balls get more washing than my face.
My hair doesn't behave well, so if I'm not wearing a hat I jump in the shower and give it a quick wash. I never get out of the shower without giving the pits and balls a quick lather.
Generally I also shower in the evenings kind of regardless of the morning routine.
If you washed your balls clean enough, it doesn't matter. It's not like being a girl and having to deal with your period continuing while you wash and dry.
i'm single and i have two separate towels,,, but to be honest i only use the big one for everything, the small one is so guests don't dry their hands on the towel that dries my entire body
I'm a single guy and I've got several matching body/ small towel combos. I wrap one of the small ones around my face bank robber bandana style when I wash my beard 2 or 3 times a week. On the other days I start with my head and work my way down with the same towel, hanging the unused small one by the sink as a hand towel.
Nah, these guys ain't straight and/or cis. If touching their own balls makes them that uncomfy then they've got some stuff they're hiding and need to work through.
Edit: even so, tho, the OP doesn't look like they're a dude; which makes me wonder if she has a different towel for every part of her body. Like, damn bitch, granted I ain't straight or cis, but I use two towels, one for my hair, one for the rest of me. I may be a gal but I don't need more than that, and the hair one is mainly because my hair holds enough water that I kinda need a second towel.
For me it's more I don't want my head hair wrapped around my junk. It's uncomfortable, and behind deliberate about how I dry my body has made sure it doesn't happen anymore.
I put the tag in the same place every time and dry my ass with the opposite side as my face. It's my asshole I'm a little more "worried" about. It's mostly the thought of it touching the same place.
Start with the side of the towel that has the tag. Hold the towel so the tag is facing away from you (critical to a later step!)
Dry hair with the top, then face in the next section down, followed by chest.
Left arm is dried with the left side of the next section, right arm with the right side. At this point you should be about half way down the towel.
Dry balls with the next section.
Legs are next with the remaining section of the towel.
Flip and dry the back and butt.
I got tired of finding head hair in my underwear so this method keeps the head drying section quite a bit away from the ball section, and keeps the ass drying away from hands arms, chest, face etc.
This is exactly how I've been drying myself for years! It's really simple, as when I'm done with the towel, I always hang it to dry on the hook the same way, and then grab it in the same way when I get out of the shower the next time. It takes no thought, and mostly ensures each "section" gets evenly distributed moisture absorption.
It didn't make sense at first, but I realised bald men may indeed start with the balls or leg hair first and work up. Wherever has most hair holding most water, really