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A New Reality Show Will Pay Cash if Players Can Convince Experts the Earth Is Flat
  • tell them to fuck off without pay

    Nah. Appearing will get you money (and visibility), rewarding these loonies.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • "Fake news fake news, everything is an opinion, facts don't exist! Israel is just defending itself! Genocide doesn't exist! Palestinians are animals, you can't genocide animals!"

    How did you enjoy your birthright year?–Palestinian_conflict

    Genocide hasn't been determined, as again, ICC procedures take time. Why are you ignoring this? Why are you claiming there is no evidence, when there is enough evidence for the ICC to find "reasonable grounds" for prosecuting and seeks arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant?

    1. The Prosecutor seeks arrest warrants against Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, and Yoav Gallant, the Israeli Minister of Defense, on the basis that they committed the war crime of ‘intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare’ under article 8(2)(b)(xxv) of the ICC Statute. The Prosecutor also seeks to charge the two suspects with various other war crimes and crimes against humanity associated with the use of starvation of civilians as a method of warfare under articles 7 and 8 of the ICC Statute. These include the war crimes of ‘[w]ilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health’ or cruel treatment, wilful killing or murder, and intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population. The proposed charges also include the crimes against humanity of murder, extermination, other inhumane acts and persecution with respect to deaths and injuries resulting from or associated with the systematic deprivation of objects indispensable to the survival of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. The Panel notes the Prosecutor’s statement that other alleged crimes, including in connection with the large-scale bombing campaign in Gaza, are actively being investigated.

    2. The Prosecutor seeks to charge Netanyahu and Gallant on the basis that they made an essential contribution to a common plan to use starvation and other acts of violence against the Gazan civilian population as a means to eliminate Hamas and secure the return of hostages as well as to inflict collective punishment on the civilian population of Gaza who they perceived as a threat to Israel. It is also alleged that they had effective authority and control over their subordinates and knew of their subordinates’ crimes but did not take necessary action to prevent or repress these crimes, leading to their criminal responsibility as superiors.

    3. The war crime of ‘intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare’ requires ‘depriving [civilians] of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions’. The crime is not limited solely to the deprivation of food, but includes other objects indispensable for the survival of civilians such as water, fuel and medicine.

    4. The Panel notes three preliminary points relevant to its analysis. First, as a result of a number of factors, including the imposition by Israel of restrictions on the movement of people and goods from and to Gaza in the aftermath of its 2005 disengagement, Gazans were highly dependent on Israel for the provision of and access to objects indispensable for the survival of the population even before 7 October.7

    5. Second, although Israeli officials have a right to ensure that aid is not diverted to the benefit of the enemy and to stipulate lawful technical arrangements for its transfer, they cannot impose arbitrary restrictions -- such as restrictions that violate Israel’s obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law and 7 international human rights law, or that contravene the principles of necessity and proportionality -- when exercising these rights.

    6. Third, parties to an armed conflict must not deliberately impede the delivery of humanitarian relief for civilians, including humanitarian relief provided by third parties. And when a territory is under the belligerent occupation of one party to the conflict, there is also an enhanced active obligation for the occupying power to ensure adequate humanitarian aid for civilians, including by providing such aid itself insofar as this is necessary.8 In the Panel’s view, while it can reasonably be argued that Israel was the occupying power in Gaza even before 7 October 2023, Israel certainly became the occupying power in all of or at least in substantial parts of Gaza after its ground operations in the territory began.9

    7. With this in mind, and based on a review of material presented by the Prosecutor, the Panel assesses that there are reasonable grounds to believe that Netanyahu and Gallant formed a common plan, together with others, to jointly perpetrate the crime of using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare. The Panel has concluded that the acts through which this war crime was committed include a siege on the Gaza Strip and the closure of border crossings; arbitrary restrictions on entry and distribution of essential supplies; cutting off supplies of electricity and water, and severely restricting food, medicine and fuel supplies. This deprivation of objects indispensable to civilians’ survival took place in the context of attacks on facilities that produce food and clean water, attacks against civilians attempting to obtain relief supplies and attacks directed against humanitarian workers and convoys delivering relief supplies, despite the deconfliction and coordination by humanitarian agencies with Israel Defence Forces. These acts took place with full knowledge of the extent of Gazans’ reliance on Israel for essential supplies, and the adverse and inevitable consequences of such acts in terms of human suffering and deaths for the civilian population.

    8. The Prosecutor has also sought charges against Netanyahu and Gallant for the war crimes of wilful killing or murder and intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population, as well as the crimes against humanity of extermination or murder and persecution for deaths resulting from the use of starvation and related acts of violence including attacks on civilians gathering to obtain food and on humanitarian workers.

    9. In the Panel’s view, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the suspects committed these crimes. The Panel also considers that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the crimes were committed in the context of a widespread and systematic attack against the civilian population of Gaza, pursuant to State policy.

    10. The Panel’s assessment is that there are reasonable grounds to believe that Netanyahu and Gallant are responsible for the killing of civilians who died as a result of starvation, either because the suspects meant these deaths to happen or because they were aware that deaths would occur in the ordinary course of events as a result of their methods of warfare. According to material submitted by the Prosecutor, a large number of Palestinian civilians have already died in these circumstances. In relation to extermination, the number of deaths resulting from starvation is sufficient on its own to support the charge, according to standards set out in international jurisprudence.10 And this number is, unfortunately, only likely to rise. There are also reasonable grounds to believe that the starvation campaign and associated acts of violence involved the severe deprivation of victims’ fundamental rights by reason of their identity as Palestinians. This can be qualified as the crime against humanity of persecution.

    11. The Prosecutor has also sought to charge Netanyahu and Gallant with the crime against humanity of other inhumane acts and the war crime of wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health, or cruel treatment, with respect to the non-lethal suffering inflicted through starvation of the civilian population of Gaza. The Panel assesses that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the suspects committed these crimes against many thousands of individuals in Gaza.

    12. Based on the material it has reviewed, the Panel assesses that there are reasonable grounds to believe that Netanyahu and Gallant made essential contributions to the common plan to use starvation of civilians as a method of warfare and commit other acts of violence against the civilian population. This is evidenced by their own statements and the statements of other Israeli officials. It is also evidenced by the systematic nature of the crime, and the involvement of the suspects at the apex of the Israeli governmental apparatus, with effective authority and control over their subordinates and leadership positions in the War Cabinet and Security Cabinet, in which all key decisions on the conduct of the war -- including blocking and limiting humanitarian aid -- have been made. The Panel is also of the view that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the suspects can be held responsible as superiors given their knowledge of the crimes and the fact that they took no steps to prevent or repress their subordinates who committed them.

    But no, there's "no evidence", right? You're not just being a willfully ignorant brainwashed git who's ignoring all the literal evidence and having a tantrum, right? But you won't even read those chapters, and even if you did, your programming won't allow you to accept them. It's despicable. Get a fucking grip on your own head.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • it's literally war?

    Again, your lack of education on the subject is quite entertaining. No, it isn't war. Is the nation of Palestine at war with the nation of Israel? No. Israel claims to be at war with a vaguely defined terrorist organisation. There's quite a lot of literature about the war on "terror" and how it enables authoritarian military action. Of course you haven't read any of that.

    War has a definition.

    War is a phenomenon of organized collective violence that affects either the relations between two or more societies or the power relations within a society. War is governed by the law of armed conflict, also called “international humanitarian law.”

    Hmm... and what does that "international humanitarian law" say about this conflict? Should we ask the experts, perhaps? Unless you think you're so much more knowledgeable in international law than literally every single expert on international law?

    Since you seem to be partial to Wikipedia (probably because of it's simplicity):

    But also, from an actual source:

    The Prosecutor seeks arrest warrants against Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, and Yoav Gallant, the Israeli Minister of Defense, on the basis that they committed the war crime of ‘intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare’ under article 8(2)(b)(xxv) of the ICC Statute. The Prosecutor also seeks to charge the two suspects with various other war crimes and crimes against humanity associated with the use of starvation of civilians as a method of warfare under articles 7 and 8 of the ICC Statute. These include the war crimes of ‘[w]ilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health’ or cruel treatment, wilful killing or murder, and intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population. The proposed charges also include the crimes against humanity of murder, extermination, other inhumane acts and persecution with respect to deaths and injuries resulting from or associated with the systematic deprivation of objects indispensable to the survival of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. The Panel notes the Prosecutor’s statement that other alleged crimes, including in connection with the large-scale bombing campaign in Gaza, are actively being investigated.

    Report of the Panel of Experts in International Law

    nah i just don’t remember what i typed

    "No my gf lives in Canada you wouldn't know her, but she's definitely real"

    "The information you gave from the United Nations, the UN Human Right Office, they mean absolutely nothing, or they straight up lie."

    And you say you could equally well say to me that my facts don't make sense? Mmm-hhmm, yeah. I keep showing actual sources from the United Nations and other reputable institutions and experts on international law. You keep having a tantrum and kicking your feet, screaming "fake news fake news." You might delude yourself into thinking we're both on the same footing in the debate, but you are the only one who's even slightly buying that.

    Keep sealioning, kiddo, it's not gonna make your delusions real. You still refuse to answer very simple yes or no questions: is Israel committing warcrimes? Is there a genocide being committed? You pretend to answer, but you only equivocate. And your equivocation isn't even on the level of Trump, and that man is demented as fuck.

  • How can Philly “shut down” Kensington’s massive open-air drug market?
  • Drug markets.

    Legalise drug markets.

    Why are you being so facetious?

    But yeah, the ironic part is that there are actual fentanyl lollipops, from the same country that fucking panics every autumn about "fentanyl laced candy".

    Opiate abuse would go way the fuck down. Legalise all main recreational drugs. Legalise, educate, tax and regulate.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • And how exactly did you get "I hate reading" from "I hate genocidal fucks like you"?

    No need to equivocate like that, your stance is clear.

    What the fuck do you mean? I have explicitly stated what my stance on this is, multiple times, it’s the same everytime, if you think it’s any different that’s a problem with your comprehension.

    Weirdly you keep avoiding actually mentioning any, just going on with vague "both sides" bullshit and "not enough evidence" patheticism.

    Since it clearly missed you; DO YOU THINK THERE'S A GENOCIDE GOING ON IN GAZA?

    Do you think Israelis are at an equal risk of being the victims of genocide as Palestinians are?

    ANSWER CLEARLY; since I'm clearly incapable of perceiving anything other. (Or you just equivocate because you know what is the right side of history but you don't actually want to go against your brainwashing of DO NOT CRITICISE ISRAEL DO NOT CRITICISE ISRAEL.)

    perhaps, one could argue that i was making a point about the intricacies in small things making determination of larger concepts a much harder process

    You didn't read it, got it. You skimmed and concluded "there's no sentence" and thought that's it. That's exactly my point about the way you "argue."

    just for the record here, i’m not going to do it

    Yes, I knew you wouldn't, because you don't have the spine to stand behind this garbage with your own name, face or even voice. Probably because it's high and crackling. You can't put your money where your mouth is, because you don't believe or even understand what you're pushing.

    it is extremely difficult to give a concise answer to the question, adding all of the propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation out there on the internet, from both sides

    No, it isn't, unless you're pushing Israeli propaganda.

    Again. Literally the vast fucking majority of the world agree it's a genocide.'s_genocide_case_against_Israel#Other_international_responses

    Algeria[179] Bangladesh[4] Bolivia[180] Brazil[181][182][183] Chile[184] China[185] Colombia[181][186] Comoros[187] Cuba[188] Djibouti[187] Egypt[189][190] Indonesia[191] Iran[192] Iraq[191] Ireland[193] Jordan[194] Lebanon[195] Libya[196] Malaysia[197] Maldives[198] Mexico[199] Namibia[4] Nicaragua[4][200] Pakistan[201] Palestine[4] Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic[202] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines[203] Slovenia[204][205] Spain[206][207] Syria[208] Turkey[197] Venezuela[4] Zimbabwe[209][210] African Union[211][212] Arab League[213] Organisation of Islamic Cooperation[214] Non-Aligned Movement

    Some more alliances, less stately:

    Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights[277]
    Amnesty International[278]
    Boycott from Within[274][276][279]
    Democratic Socialists of America[274]
    Human Rights Watch[27][282][4]
    International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network[274]
    International Peoples' Assembly[131]
    Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions[274][276][283]
    Israelis Against Apartheid[274][276][284][285]
    Jewish Voice for Peace[274]
    La Via Campesina[131]
    National Lawyers Guild[272]
    Nelson Mandela Foundation[286]
    New Zealand Labour Party[287][288]
    Palestinian Centre for Human Rights[277]
    Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions[131]
    Palestinian NGO Network[131]
    Progressive International[280][272][273]
    People's Forum[280][272][273]
    Women's International League for Peace and Freedom[289]
    World Beyond War[280][272][273]
    World March of Women[131]

    These are just the ones officially supporting South-Africa's ICC case. Not every country which condemns Israel.

    At Emergency Special Session, General Assembly Overwhelmingly Backs Membership of Palestine to United Nations, Urges Security Council Support Bid

    The Assembly adopted the resolution titled “Admission of new Members to the United Nations” (document A/ES-10/L.30/Rev.1) by a recorded vote of 143 in favour to 9 against (Argentina, Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, United States)

    You know why a majority is for giving Palestine official UN status and Israel and other pussy-states are against it? Because as soon as it goes through, it's much simpler to show that the legal definition of a genocide (which you tried looking up on fucking wikipedia :DDD, here have an actual document lol.

    Here's the Israeli Defence Minister directly announcing that they are fighting "HUMAN ANIMALS". (Perhaps google the word "dehumanisation".) (edit forgot to add this link)

    In short, i have no reasonable way, manner, or method, to make a well informed opinion of the events taking place

    Yeah, because you're **PURPOSEFULLY IGNORING ALL THE INTERNATIONAL LAW EXPERTS AND GLOBAL HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANISATIONS LOUDLY CRYING GENOCIDE, GENOCIDE GENOCIDE." You're like a Flat Earther insisting he's using objective science. You're like a scientologists, denouncing psychiatry. You're like a transphobe screaming "there are only two genders." ALL the fucking experts disagree with you, but you're not man enough to admit when you're wrong, or even man enough to understand you should stop shaming yourself online.

    "NO WAY OF KNOWING :///////"" (and that's from last october)

    Ah, there's nothing I can do to fix a sick puppy like you, so I don't know why I'm wasting my time on a propaganda-troll. You will never admit Israel is raping and pillaging Palestinians, and it's disgusting and it should make you really, really fucking concerned about your own psyche that you have this sickly desire to acquiesce to shit you know isn't real.

    But I guess those UN offices are just "anti-semites looking to genocide Israel", huh?

    For the record, I love reading. It's just that you're not producing text. You're producing gibberish you think is convincing rhetoric. It's sort of like watching a five-year old play kitchen. You have absolutely no idea of the words you use and your rhetoric is elementary.

    You ignore the evidence , then you equivocate and move the goalposts.

    You ignore the fact that ICJ and ICC courts take a significant amount of time. If you were right now being held for trial for allegedly having raped 800 children and there were hundreds of hours of filmed evidence of you doing it, do you think it'd mean you're innocent because you've not yet got a guilty verdict?

    You're despicable. And it shows from you getting so utterly pissed when I sussed out so easily that you're probably part of this group and of Jewish American descent, went to your birthright (because you couldn't afford a holiday anytime else) and got brainwashed so bad that now you're getting literally cross-brained trying to not to admit what the scum of Israel are doing.

    Why do you ignore all the evidence?

    I read all your childish garbage utterings. None of them have a lick of an argument behind them. It's like piss-poor rhetoric from a malnourished Soviet official who started vodka on an empty stomach; zero literacy and stumbling all over in a panic because they know they're in trouble.

  • Freeloaders
  • "Also the bit about usury being illegal, that's over now."

  • things you can only do with boys
  • They’re way too far up inside her for a camera to capture.

    Unless the cameras are designed for that. Usually found in hospitals and on plumbers. And the pictures that come out of those are not identifiable as who they're from.

    I definitely agree with you that "nards" is in no way gender neutral as a term. I wonder how "gender neutral" @[email protected] would think it to refer to an infant boy as having a "hoo-haa", "vag" or a "pus"?

  • How can Philly “shut down” Kensington’s massive open-air drug market?
  • How about legalising it ffs.

    It's not going away, but the abuse and violence can.

  • Ye Employees Sue, Allege Black Employees Called ‘Slaves,’ Denied Pay
  • Even the whiff of money blinds greedy fucks from seeing any consequences.

  • Anon doesn't like simps
  • Being an incel is a choice

    It's short for "involuntarily celibate", though.

    Although I guess identifying with those words is the choice you're talking about

    aren’t mentally ill. The most generous descriptors I could give them is that they’re either misguided, brainwashed, or both.

    I'd argue that their brains are at a state of did-order, be that due to someone having pushed propaganda on them or not.

    Some people are less capable of being critical of their own thoughts. For example, young children are very impressionable. Lots of people grow out of it. Lots of people don't.

    If I harassed you with say, targeted ads and some videos I made on YouTube, it could definitely make you stressed out, thus me having affected your mental health.

    Now being a racist because you grew up in a small racist/sexist/homophobic town or something might not be the exact same thing, but the point I'm trying to make is that their wrong choices — like "choosing" (I use quotations because it's not exactly a conscious choice people make, although displaying those attitudes definitely is) to be racist or transphobic or whichever kind of bigot — are a symptom of the disorder they're having.

    That disorder usually being amathia, willfull ignorance.

  • yikes rule
  • I mean I'm somewhat interested in how the Wizarding world manages to keep hidden despite all the kids from the muggleworld supposedly having friends and connections and things before Hogwarts.

    I mean, which 11-year old wouldn't want to tell their friends they're special? Hmm.. perhaps ones which fear some sort of "witch-hunt" if they out themselves as being different?

    How about why don't muggles just address the weird looking wizards who they see on the streets (at least in book 1 chapter 1) and on King's Cross station. I mean, I can always spot a wizard.

  • me_irl
  • Light exercise should relax, heavy exercise energise.

    As backwards as it sounds.

    As in a relaxing walk in the evening may aid getting sleep, but doing an insane gym session wouldn't, it'd wake you up. It might make you physically exhausted, but not sleepy.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • Like I said, people like you make me sick to my fucking stomach.

    alright then big man, link me to the resources that define these things.

    So... either you're completely incapable of using Google, or you're arguing in bad faith, because you just don't even want to try and look up the definition. I can't know for certain, perhaps you're just so stupid you literally have never used Google?

    Also if this is such a hard concept for you to grasp, i will simply point you to asian, european, slavic, african, all of these are arguably ethnicities, though broadly defined, as there are usually more specific subsets for these. Palestinian is arguably a subset of these more broadly defined groups (though i left out the middle east)

    Your childish word-salad is making me laugh out-loud. You don't even get a "good try". Sorry boy-o.

    So you deny the Genocide in Gaza?

    No need to equivocate like that, your stance is clear.

    You need to read it more clearly. Your grasp of language is horrible. You don't understand the differences between terms like state, ethnicity, nation, nation-state, and refuse to even read about them, the PROUDLY IGNORANT American you are. It's not my fault that you can't even grasp your native language on a level that you'd be able to have this conversation.

    You don't understand what it takes for the ICJ and the ICC to admit that there is a case here. They do not admit to genocide lightly, and the trial is still open.

    WHO is arguing that there ISN'T a genocide?

    A majority of countries have decided that yes, it is indeed a genocide and yes, Israel is criminal scum and only a tiny minority of countries (like the US) deny the genocide.

    There are THOUSANDS of experts on international law who don't hesitate a second to call it what it is; GENOCIDE

    But you stand on the side of the Nazis. Fucking disgusting.

    this literally is real life, and i’m right here, and you’re right there

    Alright, come have an actual voice chat and webcam with me which I will record it and post it here. With your own name, of course, as this is real life we're talking about.

    But you won't do that, because you're a scared little kid who has been brainwashed and is unable to question said propaganda, which is why you push it despite not really believing in it, which is why you have to argue in bad faith, which is why you pretend Lemmy is "real life"* and which is why you pretend you don't know how to Google and which is why you equivocate two pages of utter gibberish.

    So, you would outright deny that there is a genocide in Gaza, is that right?

    You'll equivocate a bit more while denying the genocide and avoiding showing your face, just like the sick nazi fucks perpetuating it.

  • CAM ON
  • UK and Irish sports chants are God tier compared to Americans.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • I've noticed through-out the years that a lot of people on forums like Reddit and Lemmy have very weird and unrealistic ideas about what having kids is like.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • I might note here as a Finn that this prudishness concerning the naked human body seems very American.

    You're not allowed to go to a public sauna in your swimming wear here. And if you're a dad and have a small daughter, you're obviously going to have her in the men's changing room. And when I was a kid, I was in the women's changing room with my mom.

    Even at parties it's not uncommon to have a mixed-gender sauna where everyone is naked. I'd say most commonly it's women wearing a towel and men wearing nothing, or if it's in a sauna near a beach/lake then people will have their swimwear on most times.

    Still, just being naked isn't considered sexual in any way. You can even see the non-sexual nature for about 50% of the people who are naked. (Vis-a-vis their lack of visible arousal.)

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • You genocide defending fucks make me sick to my stomach.

    "More legally and specifically" as if "ethnicity" isn't well defined in international law. gtfo noob.

    it’s really not, is an individual state in the US considered to be it’s own ethnicity? Genuine question.

    Does the state share cultural and historical background with the rest of the NATION-STATE they belong to? Yes. They do. They share a cultural and historical background.

    am i going to tell them what to do? No, it’s not my fucking land, and it’s not my fucking government. This is literally not my problem to answer.

    So if you lived a hundred years ago, you would say that the Nazis aren't on "your land" and thus "literally not your problem to answer"?

    We live in an global interconnected world and you bet your goddamn stinky arse that it's also your problem, no matter how indirectly. The war in Ukraine isn't your land, thus "literally not your problem", right?

    Russia's war in Ukraine has caused significant disruption to global wheat markets. Wheat prices are estimated to increase by around 2% globally.

    And that's a very simple example (for what I assume is a very simple person), but people could list literally thousands of ways how this is your problem as well.

    because i’m not even sure this would be classified as a genocide, it might be.

    Do you live under a fucking rock?

    The motherfucking INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT has said there are "reasonable grounds" for a genocide, and their standard of proof is a bit higher than some random asshole online who admits they don't know anything about anything that's outside of America.

    In the South Africa v. Israel Order, the Court was unable to draw on reports from UN human rights investigative bodies for its factual assessment, as none exist yet. However, for potential incitement to genocide and possible genocidal intent, it referred directly to statements made by Israeli President Herzog, Defence Minister Gallant, and (then) Energy Minister Katz. Furthermore, the Court took into account statements by UN bodies (such as OCHA, WHO, CERD), high-ranking UN officials (like the Under Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator and the Commissioner-General of UNRWA), and UN experts. Overall, plausibility emerges as a notably flexible standard, contingent upon the specific rights, claims, and factual circumstances presented before the Court.

    ICC case-law aligns the ‘reasonable grounds to believe’ standard with the ‘reasonable suspicion’ benchmark used by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in cases concerning pre-trial detention (for example, Abd Al Rahman, §28). According to the ECtHR, Article 5(1)(c) ECHR requires sufficient elements ‘to satisfy an objective observer that the applicant could have committed the offences of which he was accused’ (§32). In Şık v. Turkey (No. 2), the ECtHR emphasised that ‘it is essential that the facts grounding the suspicion should be justified by verifiable and objective evidence and that they can be reasonably considered as falling under one of the sections describing criminal behaviour in the Criminal Code’ (§§121-122). Notably, regarding the factual aspect of the existence of the ‘reasonable suspicion’, the Court required the government only to demonstrate (which it failed to do) the ‘plausibility’ of the acts described in the charges. In this case, at least, the Court suggested that plausibility may be sufficient to establish a reasonable suspicion.

    The ICJ’s determination that there are plausible violations of the Genocide Convention in Gaza could therefore carry weight in the ICC’s assessment whether reasonable grounds exist to believe that a crime within its jurisdiction has occurred. Although mere plausibility of the criminal acts may seem too low a standard to accuse an individual of grave crimes, it is important to recall that proceedings under Article 58 of the Rome Statute represent an initial phase. Only at the trial stage does the Prosecutor need to establish that a crime within the Court’s jurisdiction has occurred.

    It beggars belief that people like you exist; saying that what is very clearly an intentional genocide isn't one and that no-one should do anyone about it. Do you have no fucking morals? Were you just brainwashed so horribly on your Birthright?

    If this were real life, you wouldn't even dare to say aloud that "why would it even be considered a genocide", because you'd be so ashamed because everyone would look at you like the drooling moron you are.

    Educate yourself

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • "Maximise your reading potential! Avoid difficult words!"

    (Why didn't they use "hard" instead of "difficult", I wonder. "Difficult" seems such a long and difficult word for people who are looking to 'maximise their reading potential.')