Keep using it! That'll fix it! It's like when a company gives you shitty service you keep giving them your business and eventually they'll give you good service!
This is what I don't get, people not migrating from a shit platform. Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, etc.
They all just reach this critical mass where people decide the benefit of everyone else using it outweighs all the negatives of the platform being abusive to its own users
As soon as Musk bought it I reactivated my long-dormant account so that I could delete it properly, I can't understand why so many people are using X.
You're all patrons of the nazi bar, only in this case the nazis bought the bar. Twitter is dead. Migrate to somewhere else like you probably have multiple times before if you've been on the Internet for any amount of time.
I still have an account, but I've only ever posted 6 times and haven't deleted it because I don't wanna jump through the hoops of "sign in to see this content", also because once and a while I'll see a linked tweet about a game or artist or something and give it a heart
I offered to help anyone on Facebook migrate with me to mastodon who wanted to. These are people I've known across three towns and five different jobs. I've gotten and given leads and references for jobs from and to so many of them, and hope to in the future. That's the only reason I even still have Facebook. I'm about to completely call it quits and wipe everything off the account and just leave a pinned post on my profile with a link to a mastodon profile with my real name.
I put out the first version of that post while I'm getting my data fully packed up. Not a single response. Not even a like. I mentioned it on a post by an LGBT content creator I've kept up with since I worked with her ages ago. She's been building up a portfolio of reviews of everything from beauty products to sex toys and has actually gotten some pretty interesting brand deals lately. She'd never even heard of mastodon.
These big social media sites are so ingrained in people's lives in so many different ways. Ultimately you're right but every time I see a comment like this it gives...
Meh, there are a bajillion other ways to participate in society. Not the same thing at all. I've been off Facebook for over fifteen years now and it's been great. I text or call people, and if they care about me they do the same. Sometimes I even get cards in the mail still. It's wonderful.
To be fair, it’s far more precise, being a subset of racism, especially given the context of some racist slurs being filtered while others aren’t, depending on the targeted race.
In today’s fucked up world, it wouldn’t surprise me if anti-white and anti-black slurs were filtered but anti-hispanic and anti-asian slurs weren’t, for instance, maybe to drive nationalism regardless of race. I appreciate the additional clarity.
It's possible that they are more vocally anti-black, but it has been my experience that hateful people are just full of hate. They go after the most convenient target, and have no problems with changing to another target if it is just as convenient.
People, please stop using twitter. Stop giving your attention and money to terrible people. Some people, like that white lady, are weak-minded and they will never learn.
It's simply amazing though how many people don't want to admit it. I mean they're not hiding it at all but there's so many places even here on Lemmy that love to stick their head in the sand and don't want to acknowledge how bad it's gotten.
I treat people who have twitter accounts the same as I would someone who chain smokes in public areas: you're part of the mesh that prevents the substrate for nice things to exist.
Hopefully it's as much of collective social stigma as smoking is soon.
Unclear analogy - is the substrate going through the mesh the process of nice things existing? Maybe I'm thinking of substrate in a chemical sense rather than biological, or I'm just cooked. Is the mesh some sort of filter that allows bacteria to grow on the substrate (host)?
IDK How to tell you this, but fascist racists own everything and are planning to kill a whole bunch of people soon. I really think people are under estimating the severity of the vision these people have for the world.
Can you quantify soon here? I agree with you that they don't have good intentions, but I think that framing it as like, a planned genocide is not accurate. More realistically what can happen is more systemic injustices and consolidations of power to prevent anyone from resisting.
To start with, their plan for mass deportation probably already counts as a displacement genocide. There will be thousands of deaths from it leaving aside everything else wrong with it.
There are also approximately 3 million trans people in the US. Every single one of them is in danger as the fascists' chosen scapegoat.
Is the holocaust really your measurement for the meaning of "killing a bunch of people?" I don't think things have to get all that bad to be justified in saying "a bunch of people died."
When you look into where contemporary right wing ideologies comes from, and what journalists are reporting on in online right wing spaces, a holocaust doesn't seem out of the question. The Turner Diaries is worth looking into. Robert Evans is also a pretty informed journalist on the matter.
Anything less than tens of millions dead falls short of your comment. And that’s likely not the reality.
Trans people, the group currently most targeted for elimination by the right, represent about 1% of the US population. Jewish people in pre-Nazi Germany also represented about 1% of the population.
When Republicans past eliminationist laws meant to persecute trans people, deny them from public life, and kill them by taking away their healthcare, they are committing crimes of the same order as what Germany did in the 1930s.
Rwandan genocide? The Holocaust? Israeli's war on Palestinian. Armenian genocide? US chattel slavery? Tulsa Race Massacre? China and how they threat neighbors? South African
every day it gets more incredible to me that people are so fucking addicted to fake validation and fake likes from fake friends that they still use fucking twitter
There's a pretty big difference between drinking mild poisons at a Nazi bar and a local bar. Zoomed out, sure, drinking alcohol at all can be considered pretty dubious, but the difference between the two scenarios remains.
edit: replace what autocorrect put as "consistent" to "considered"
Being able to disregard being called "cracker" is itself a form of white privilege. As a white guy, I don't have to care if some black person expresses hatred against me because I have power that they do not (e.g. they're not likely to act on their hatred because if the police are called they're likely to take my side, etc.). The implied threat is not credible.
In contrast, black people do not have the freedom to ignore white people calling them the n-word, because historically that has been accompanied by a real risk of attack. The likelihood may have waned over the years, but that implied threat remains credible. (That goes double for the fact that, as casual/mainstream use of the word has fallen out of favor, those still willing to use it are all the more extreme/violent-tempered.)
This is exactly how systemic racism works. White people weren't kept as slaves and called 'cracker' as a label. Black people were kept as slaves and called the N word as a label. The implication, via the word, is that they were less-than-human. We're just about back to the time period where lawmakers openly use the N word again. I'm in Canada, yet even from here I can see it happening, and it's terrifying for me, so I can't imagine what it's like for American people of colour, or women, or 2SLGBTQIA+, etc.
If you are one of those people, whomever is reading this, just know you have allies.