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Crackhappy Crackhappy

Developer for 30+ years, father of four.

Posts 154
Comments 3.1K
Microdosing and tripping on mushrooms is on the rise in U.S.
  • Yeah. Tell that to Australian tourists.

  • Undecided voter focus group disappointed in Biden's debate performance
  • He's an unforced error. Still better than demolishing the field though.

  • Supreme Court overturns Chevron decision, curtailing federal agencies' power in major shift
  • No, because Biden doesn't have the balls to put forward more justices. And yes, he could.

  • Stop use docker
  • Lol

  • Microdosing and tripping on mushrooms is on the rise in U.S.
  • I have easy access to them but even so the first time I had mushrooms when I was 12 wasn't cool and I may have some unexpected trauma from that experience.

  • Do you feel that you are operating in a different reality than most of humanity?
  • Oh boy. I apologize, I totally mistook your ND incorrectly. How does it feel to be non denominational?

  • A broad variety of pleasuring
  • Hahahaha holy shit really? Have a link?

  • Price of blood?
  • When was the last time you donated your blood, out of the goodness of your heart?

  • What is *love*?
  • I do not know where you heard that but that's a fantastic quote. I love you.

  • After the walls fell
  • What happened to this community?

  • Judge acquits 28 people accused in Panama Papers case, including law firm co-founder
  • It's rather disturbing that Germany and Japan may be the last major powers with an actual functioning democracy. The irony.

  • Would you consume your own content?
  • Nah. I am wayyy too stupid. I would just start and then leave.

  • Eerie sky over Belgium (asperitas clouds) [OC]
  • I see two men and a fish.

  • The Golden Hind replica at Brixham Devon [OC]
  • Well blow me down, I thought that was a fictional ship.

  • Otters are super cute


    A video of a crazy norwegian in the forest to make your day better.

    He passed away a couple years ago, but his legacy lives on in his videos. Enjoy!


    I adopted a very sweet and lovable very old cat.

    However, despite her 14 years, I am certain her only mission in her remaining years is to make me question my sanity.


    A poem of frustration

    My partner's partner,

    Drives me crazy,

    Whirlwind of need,

    Driving in and driving out,

    Driving me in, driving me out.

    I don't know what to do about,

    About this partner,

    Breath in, breathe out,

    Stick it out.


    The Moon is a mystery

    I've lived in Keizer, OR for a bit over a year. It's just north of Salem, almost an hour south of Portland.

    There is a local low power station that I have not yet figured out. I have done some research (albeit surface level) into it, but have been stymied at every turn.

    I have no idea how they have funding for a fully ad-free radio station. I don't know why they have such a fantastic music selection 24/7. I don't know anything about it.

    It's a mystery.

    I thought I would share that mystery. You can listen online if you wish, but also listener beware, you have no idea what might come on next:

    If anyone can find more information about why I cannot find a way to donate to this station, I'd love to hear it.

    Sincerely, Crackhappy.

    Edit: I contacted the station, and found out that you can donate, it's just not listed on the site at all. @TheMoonOfSalem is where you can send donations on Paypal/Venmo.


    I got a new phone, with all the same accounts, but cannot restore my previous lifetime purchases from sync. I'm not sure how to rectify it.

    Edit: I'm pretty sure that I made a mistake here, in that I tried to use my main credentials to sign in and transfer, but I actually bought the lifetime on a different account. The likelihood that I confused myself with my paranoia is likely high.


    I actually appreciate some details of Star Trek: Discovery

    At first, when I watched it, I thought it was absolutely ridiculous that Starfleet engineers built spark and flame generators into the Discovery's bridge, but thinking about it, given that you have inertial dampers and other things that minimize or completely eliminate the physical feeling you would receive from the ship receiving damage, having visceral feedback mechanisms that are not themselves all that inherently dangerous to give more physical cues to the ship taking damage actually makes sense. At least, that's my head canon I'm choosing to go with.


    [Rewatch] Season 1, Episode 2 - Wendigo

    Sam and Dean follow some coordinates in their father's journal, ending up in the woods, where they start investigating the disappearance of some campers. Soon they find out they're dealing with a Wendigo, a famous Native American legend. Wendigos are creatures that used to be a human who engaged in cannibalism.

    My thoughts: I thought this episode was OK, and further expands on the lore of the series in a meaningful way, as well as expanding on Sam and Dean's relationship. There's a little part where they investigate Jessica's death as well.


    I finally watched Battleship (2012).

    Is it now a Hollywood tradition to make really shitty movies set in Oahu?

    Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy watching this movie but holy fuck is it bad. The premise is nonsensical, the jingoism is super over the top. Is this meant to be a satire?
