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676 Banned Books List
  • There are some weird choices in here. Skimming the list I can see a few things I've read that surprise me. Fable by Adrienne Young is just a fairly generic YA fantasy thing for example, I can't think of anything in that that would bother anyone. Victor & Nora: A Gotham Love Story is a melancholy backstory of a Batman villain, this is insane. I see a Catwoman book in there too, but it's by Sarah J Maas and everything of hers appears to have been blanket-banned. I'm assuming that was included because Harley and Ivy are in it and they're probably bi in that universe.

    How were these books chosen? Was it just a ctrl+f for words they didn't like? There are some things missing that I'd have expected to see based on what I read back in high school, but I was more of a public library kid than a school library one because that's where you could find the good stuff.

  • doesn't even compared to Gwent
  • Caravan was great back at launch on xbox, the opponents didn't play properly and you could effortlessly clean out entire inventories of shopkeepers because they'd bet their store earnings. Then I moved to PC and it was a lot less braindead & not worth the effort, it actually knew how to use the face cards.

  • I have removed myself as a moderator at least three times recently.
  • Congrats on the three promotions mate :)

  • What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? June 25
  • I finally finished The Way of Kings which I've been reading since last July. I love a good slow burn and was enjoying reading a chapter a week or so, but I couldn't put it down for the last dozen chapters, it got so damn good. I'm taking a couple of weeks off work soon, so I might wait until I get back before I start the next one.

    For tonight I'm in a bad mood so I think I'll stick with something quick and dumb like Kissing the Coronavirus to cheer myself up a bit. Or skim through an old comfort read like The Lies of Locke Lamora.

  • Alex Jones' Infowars to Be Shut Down, Assets Liquidated
  • The families don't care about the money, the point is to get him to stop doing this. He's still saying Sandy Hook was a false flag, just like he does every single time there's a shooting. He's still spreading propaganda and lies every day, and still defaming people. His own lawyer argued that the amount was excessive specifically because Alex was going to keep doing the same thing anyway so the fine wouldn't matter and they might as well reduce it. This isn't about letting him do what he does and seizing the profits.

    There are so many people doing guy with a microphone news, as you put it (not that InfoWars can be considered news), that without his studio and company he'll just be another one of these extremist grifters ranting on X 24/7 and will hopefully fade away. Reducing the amount of damage he can do to people is the goal.

  • Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • "I do shoot myself in the foot from time to time, but at least you know it is genuine, not from the PR department," he admitted.

    Well, at least the advertisers know he meant it when he literally told them to go fuck themselves. That'll help, I think.

  • A cool guide of commonly believed myths
  • A couple of these are interesting, but for my own sanity I have to refuse to accept most are commonly believed at all. Some are myths either way, like Satan ruling Hell or not isn't real so it's kind of a strange thing to include. I think the only one that really surprised me is the banana tree one, which is some interesting trivia but is so pedantic that if someone said that to me in person I'd just want to leave the room.

  • Globle June 18, 2024
  • 🌎 Jun 19, 2024 🌍
    🔥 1 | Avg. Guesses: 8
    🟨⬜🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟩 = 8


  • Fuck this guy
  • Are the original reddit posts bots? Between this and Bloodborne there have been half a dozen or so posts that are just a picture of a dude and a really generic content-farm title.

  • get between two countries
  • I mixed up Macedonia with Mongolia and almost failed. Got it on the last guess.

  • Jumblie #255
  • Jumblie #255 🟢🟠🔵🔴 4 guesses in 1m 26s

    I've never heard of this game and had no idea what exactly it wanted from me

  • They're just telling us what the aliens wanted us to know.
  • I need to take notes. Hang on, let me get my crayons.

  • [Playstation Lifestyle] PC Players Still Confused About PSN Requirement for PlayStation Games
  • This might be the most pointless article I've ever read. It doesn't say anything.

  • Seeing a lot of cake icons lately (meaning it's been a year you have been here, which makes sense if you got here during the Reddit API changes), so happy Lemmyversary to most of you!
  • That perfectly describes me. I don't touch Reddit, got off FB and Instagram years ago, never had Twitter, etc. Lemmy is the only thing I use now, I subscribe to a few dozen communities that get maybe 15 new posts a day combined. If I'm in the mood to waste time on here I'll see the new posts and hide them as I go. When they run out I'm done for the day. I won't act like it's the right move for everyone, but for me personally cutting my social media (or similar) internet usage down to around half an hour a day max has made me a lot happier.

  • Surf Dracula®
  • Do you listen to the Weekly Planet by any chance? I've never seen this before, then they mentioned it in the latest ep a few days ago and now it's popped up.

  • What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? May 28
  • I really like it. The free version is completely useless sadly, but I paid for a month of premium, then when I tried to cancel the subscription they offered me 3 months at half price so I took it. I'll probably keep it at full price when the discount period ends.

    I use it alongside Duo and Memrise (which is meant to be getting overhauled again sometime very soon) and I find it by far the most useful and enjoyable. I'm really only keeping those going for the streaks at this point.

    In LingQ you build a database of words you've seen which gets tracked across all media. You get a news feed of simple lessons and real atricles/videos, and you can import your own links so that you're learning from real content, I used it for 3 weeks or so before importing an ebook. You tap new words to see their translation, then from then on its highlighted based on how familiar you are with it, and all lessons are broken down by the number of new/learned words so you can judge how difficult it will be before you go in.

    If you want to try it I can give you a referral link that will give you an extra 100 free words (I think it's only 20 to start with, which is why I said it was completely useless up top - that's like 2 sentences), and if you do end up paying after that I think I get a percentage towards my premium or something, idk.

  • ‘Make them come through a chain of patriots’: Alex Jones calls for fans to blockade his offices as Sandy Hook families ask judge to liquidate his company
  • There are definitely times when it seems like he's had a hit of something during commercial breaks. He's often drunk on air (and drinks during the show) so it's certainly possible.

    Edit: I just listened, he's drunk on air during this episode. And the headline is a quote from Steve Bannon, bit misleading.

  • My RuneScape-inspired fitness RPG, WalkScape, has a new Closed Beta wave starting one June 1st!
  • I was in the Summer event and came third or so for Jarvonia overall. Like a dope I stopped using Discord right after that and haven't seen anything from the game since. Looks awesome, can't wait to get in.

  • PlayStation's CEO drastically underestimates the Steam crowd's patience, thinks PC gamers will buy a PS5 for exclusive sequels
  • I have enough games in my steam library that I could never buy another game, and be perfectly content

    So, just Rimworld then.

    Honestly though, same. I was really interested in Ghosts of Tsushima when it launched. Now years later it's finally on PC but it costs more than I usually pay for new games. Fuck that. The only way I'm buying a PS5 is if a friend wants one and is willing to let me get it, play FF7 & 16 then sell it to them in a few months.

  • Monster Hunter Wilds - Gameplay Trailer
  • I avoid trailers and other pre-release stuff because I like everything to be fresh and surprising when I play games, but I've been jumping in and out of World for the last couple of weeks. I'm so ready for Wilds, this wait is going to be agonising.

  • Mod to manage entire colony's work bills?

    I'm looking for a mod that'll let me set up a master list of work bills that can be done by multiple pawns across multiple workstations without having to edit the bills list of each one. Does this exist?

    I currently use a mod (one of Dub's I want to say?) that can clone and link bills, but you still have to set up each workbench individually and remember to link anything new you add so it still gets tedious in a large colony. Something used to do this iirc, possibly Fluffy's Colony Manager, but I'm sure it didn't in the previous verstion or two and I've only started getting into 1.5 in the last week so I'm not sure if anything new has popped up.

    Alternatively, if this isn't already a thing and anyone's up for making it I'd be happy to throw some money your way.

