The normal parishioners wouldn't come because of the Trump attendance so his faithful filled out the crowd (meaning, were the entire crowd) to help feed his misrepresentation of the event. The church was so full. So full. And everyone there loved me, I can tell you that.
(Not a quote, just a likely facsimile.)
Regardless, I'm white and I would refuse to sit among a crowd of carpetbagging Trumpers who showed up to displace me from my own church (if I went to church), I sure wouldn't do so if I were black.
Traditionally, men should remove their hats during prayers or hymns, whereas women might choose to keep their decorative hats on. However, this practice can vary greatly depending on the denomination and local customs. Observing other attendees and being aware of the norms can help you navigate this aspect with grace. src
given this wasn’t even a service, but just using the space as a venue, i will say that the hats are the least disgusting thing happening in the image
99% of "normal etiquette" is just a bunch of outdated rules that make no sense. If even the "return to tradition" crowd is starting to feel comfortable wearing hats to church, it may be a sign that nature is healing.
I still see the tradition of men not wearing hats in church. However the women having to wear hats thing is gradually fading. Basically everyone who does it chooses to as a form of obedience
the fact this isn't front page photo in every newspaper in the country tells you precisely how much the media wants the horserace, and not the best outcome for democracy. the fact trump keeps saying there's "88,000" missing illegal aliens during bidens admin so he can keep repeating the number 88 over and over and over again, and THAT is not front page news how the presumptive Republican nominee for President is coding neo nazi slogans into his speeches says everything about how much the media wants the horserace, and not the best outcome for the democracy,
there are some righteous journalists, there are some righteous media outlets, but they are too few and far between to drown out the incessant "both side" fucking nonsense which will see fascists come to power, and end their freedom of the press. the owners, and shareholders of these media outlets trade on the immediate eyeballs they can leverage into short advertising revenue
once the fascists take power and start curtailing these media companies rights to free press, they'll sell out, or simply abandon them, to go hide behind their walled communities, safe from the ruin they will have facilitated in the ruination our best effort egalitarian secular democracy
What media companies are you talking about? You mention there are some righteous ones but they're too few and far between. All of the other ones are owned by like 5 right wing billionaires. Those few and far between ones are all we have.
It’s pretty interesting how you somehow turned this into a both sides hyperbole.
So you go on this rant about how mainstream media has assisted the slide into fascism, how Democrats will be the savior or free speech and ethical journalism.
I seem to have missed what the DNC have done to fight back against this slide into fascism for the past 50 years. In fact they actively helped Trump get elected because he’d be easier to beat.
Can you explain what Democratic leaderships plan is to right the list and get this country functioning again?
the reporting on this could be better which sucks because it’s obvious it’s going to be memeified for months now
was this actually a church sponsored event or was it just being hosted in the building as a venue?
not coming at this with any assumptions or narratives i just wish there was more reliable original data than some twitter links i can’t look at without an account :/
edit, my take: wow that pastor seems like an upstanding guy and i would be nervous for his decision if i didn’t have hindsight and see it played out in a way that clearly only showed his guest’s hypocrisy.
The Satanic Temple come off as solid Democrats if not anarchocommunists or something. If it was a Satanic house of worship, it could possibly be the Church Of Satan (who, at least in Anton LaVey’s time, were dominance-oriented Ayn Rand assholes philosophically indistinguishable from today’s Republican Christianity), or if they’ve mellowed in their old age, the Order of Nine Angles (who, conveniently, are also neo-Nazis).
Well, I can see many people in there who are not perfect representatives of the Arian Race (people whose hair is not blond enough or whose eyes are brown rather than blue), so they should be counted as black, thus making this a mixed race audience, most of which are black.
Trump people only "identify as religious" they aren't the terrible people that traditional attend and hate. Lol I'm sure there is a slight overlap in the Venn Diagram.
"In the ordinary moral universe, the good will do the best they can, the worst will do the worst they can, but if you want to make good people do wicked things, you’ll need religion."
I mean just because the church is black - it might have be a satanist church and that's why they painted it black - doesn't mean that the people inside have to be black.
I am wondering if the parish at this church is majority white normally anyway. I had a friend in high school whose family went to the evangelical baptist church in town and they were white. He invited me one time, and I was surprised that there was only about 3 black people in attendance. I expected it to be mostly black people because that's how this denomination has been presented and stereotyped in media.
If you look at the photos of the church at other times, you see a whopping TWO white people ... total ... and it appears they're with their spouses and mixed race kiddos.