You can remove any film from your memory. What do you pick and why?
Some people want to be able to watch a movie "for the first time" all over again. Others want to forget a rubbish one. If you could remove just one movie from your memory, which would it be?
Wait, is this a good genie wish or an evil genie wish? I feel like the spirit of the wish would make me forget sequels to any movie I specify or that'd just make it impossible to properly forget.
Perhaps you did saw it but managed to gmforget it to watch it again.
Realistically the matrix is a bad idea to forget, if you watched it when it came out it was awesome, if you watch it for the first time now it's sort of obsoleted and slow. I still like it, but I think it's because I first saw it when it came out.
Ape* makeup. Not monkey. Ape. Have you forgotten the scene in which Mark Wahlberg's character called them monkeys and one of them got on him and corrected him?
Honestly, rewatching Fight Club when you already know the twist and can see all the small details that lead to it is, imo, even more fun that to forget it and watch again.
People hated TFA for all of the wrong reasons (and several REALLY wrong reasons), but it was actually a decent and competent action/adventure movie. Albeit not a great Star Wars movie, but pretty decent. TLJ was hot garbage. I didn't even watch TRoS. Still haven't.
I remember going to see TLJ at Leicester Square on opening night me and my brother and sister all paid silly money relative to other cinemas and I just came out of it going I don’t know if I even like this while my brother was raving about how it was the best thing he’s seen in years lol
I think he got caught up in the moment.
Honestly it’s also like when I saw Star Trek 09 with a friend at the BFI imax and I came out of it with him having had the time of his life and the only positive thing I could say was “ I liked the music “
The film is a masterpiece. The fact that people would rather have never watched it is due to how well executed it was. Personally, I still enjoy watching it every couple of years.
My friends kid started smoking weed and getting into trouble at 14 he was bitching about it to me and I said "Make her watch Requiem, I'm a grown ass man who did drugs and that movie makes me scared of drugs"
Few weeks later he had to pick her up from a friends house when the parents caught them smoking a joint after dinner at a sleepover.
She was all surprised he wasnt yelling and screaming and said "So, am I in trouble?" He just said "Nah, lets go home and watch a movie."
In high school, most of my friends were into weed and normal shit like that. But then, our group started to get into ecstasy. After a few particularly weird e experiences, my ex and I were sick of it. We decided to decline an invite to go take ecstacy with some friends and watch this film instead. To this day, I have never touched ecstacy again. It reprogrammed us!
Fucking Elf. I hate that fucking movie and yet due to the people I was hanging out with at the time somehow ended up seeing it 5 times. Didn't like it the first time, spent the whole time annoyed the second, don't know why or how I tolerated it 3 more times, but I'm never watching that shitty fucking movie ever again and wish I could bleach it the fuck out of my skull.
Dumbass is almost too nice lol. I was really wanting to hang out with people at the time.
I stopped hanging out with them once I couldn't tolerate it anymore. Decided being alone was more fun.
There are a lot of others that live in that same vein. Ones that are closer to slice of life or drama and don't have the tropes associated with most anime. Anime can be as broad as all of film as far as content and story.
A few you may enjoy if you liked 'Your Name'
A Silent Voice - A bully grows up and tries to make amends with the deaf girl he once tormented.
Your Lie in April - A young pianist loses the ability to perform the piano after his mother's death, and his experiences after he meets a violinist
Violet Evergarden - An ex-soldier whose recent employment at a postal company tasks her with writing letters that can connect people
Garden of Words - A student opting to skip class on a rainy day encounters a woman skipping work. They share a covered bench and a relationship begins to form
Weathering with You - A runaway befriends an orphaned girl who has the ability to control the weather
Belle - A very different retelling of Beauty and The Beast
Bubble - A very different retelling of the Little Mermaid
I'm really picky about shows and movies and I've found all of those to be excellent.
When I first watched it I hated the fuck out of it.
After thinking about it, I realised its genius; it is immune from criticism. The movie is shit on purpose.
Don't think of the movie as a Matrix sequel - because it isn't. Lana didn't want to make this movie (as explicitly stated in the first act), but she also didn't want anyone else to touch it.
So, she permanently and deliberately sabotaged her legacy. There is no ambiguous ending; she executed her baby in the messiest way possible and I respect the fuck out of her for it.
If I remember correctly the wachowskis were about to lose some rights to Warner Bros or Warner had to remake to not lose rights or so.
Therefore the one Wachowski sister did that one...
That's similar to a lot of the direct to dvd sequels that are done by disney. They remain to hold the rights.
I was reading the comments and realized that most people would want to forget a good movie so you can enjoy it again for the first time. But the first thing my negative ass thought of is "well I really wish I could remove the movie Tusk from my mind".
I'd never heard of it so I looked up the synopsis on Wikipedia and holy **** I cannot believe the sheer volume of horrible things happening. every fucking line I was going "dear Lord, it gets worse???" I cannot imagine seeing this as a child. how did your parents not realize how fucked up it was and turn it off in the first couple minutes? I am astounded something like this even exists, what could possibly be the audience for this? people with a craving to just watch the world burn??? I simply do not understand. truely, you are most deserving of being at the top of this thread. if there were only one forget-a-movie pill made for all the world to share, I would give it to you, no question. my condolences for your murdered childhood innocence after watching that. holy fuck.
Lol thank you for your sympathies. I don't know the exact conditions for how my parents came into possession of this movie, but I was left to view it in its entirety without interruption. I appreciate the brains capacity to repress traumatic events - I only remember bits and pieces. Upon watching it as an adult, I was shocked to realise it was much worse than I remember.
All of the animal torture scenes were completely in bad taste. I met Ruggero Deodato once. I told him that I really respected how raw and violent Cannibal Holocaust was, and the legalities behind the movie were fascinating, but that the animal cruelty is beyond reproach, truly disgusting.
Oh no, I also remember the giant water tortoise. Specifically how disgusting the shell opening was with all the guts and slimy white body fat. Nothing I've seen in any other "hardcore" horror movie has come close to this scene.
I've seen the movie in German, it's called "Nackt und zerfleischt" (Naked and mangled/mauled) here.
A Serbian film... That ending I just cant... It is the only movie I actively tell people to avoid. My wife and I like to watch the most mind-fuck movies imaginable, but that one took it a step too far. We literally just stared at the screen for like 5 min after it was over.
I agree. Saw a lot of fucked up films, but "A Serbian Film" I will never watch again. Similar feeling about "Irreversible" and this one endless scene...
Salo was for a long time the ultimate clout getter in conversations about fucked up films. A Serbian Film shit all over that upon its release. I actually think Salo is a bit interesting as a commentary on power and abuse, if not completely over the top, but ASF has little if any redeeming value. If it is trying to make any point it completely fails in making it because the content of the story is so awful It's impossible to reflect on what that could even be.
Interstellar. I'd love to watch it for the first time all over again. I was so completely enthralled by it but also so heavily affected by it. It's one of those that stuck with me for weeks. Incredible movie.
I'm not the OP but I can understand both sides. The first 3/4 or so was great. Good plot, great characters, pretty sweet science. Then at the end... all this jazz about love. It felt like they didn't know how to end the story.
Additionally, if you're a big sci fi nerd like me, the ideas of
people lying to be rescued from an awful situation, the earth becoming uninhabitable, decades passing in minutes and everyone you know dying or getting older...
all of that has been done before. I mean shit, in Star Trek
both Picard and O'Brien have lived decades or lifetimes in false lives only to return to where they left from and been expected to resume living as if nothing happened.
I developed a moderately effective technique to suppress memories to the point where they're functionally removed. Perhaps not coincidentally, I don't know of any movies I want to forget.
The technique is actually pretty simple: whenever you remember something you want to forget, think of something else instead. My go-to memory is "O Cara Mia" as performed by Rockleetist. I sing the song when I perform my technique, but I don't think that's actually necessary for everyone. Eventually, I start singing the song when I feel like I might remember some nebulous thing that feels like I might not want to, because the neural pathways of the memory and performing the song get interlinked. (probably, I'm 100% conjecturing the neurology of it) Eventually, the neural pathways that led to the memory instead lead to the song, and unless you get a strong reminder, you're unlikely to conjure the memory unbidden.
“I saw a commercial on late night TV, it said, "Forget everything you know about slipcovers." So I did. And it was a load off my mind. Then the commercial tried to sell me slipcovers, and I didn't know what the hell they were.”
I have been reminded of events that I intentionally blocked out, and the resurfacing memories typically come with memories of me intentionally going through the process to forget them. Also, I've had fewer intrusive thoughts of momentary shame from long-distant social faux-pas, which is what I think I usually use it for. I don't think I've ever suppressed the memory of a substantially lengthy piece of media though; I don't think the technique is that effective over reasonable time scales.
Probably the ring +/- the adjacent films. Absolutely fucked me up for most of my childhood where I had issues falling asleep, looking under covers, etc. Not as bad now but certain things will trigger me still and it takes a few days to get back to normal.
The ring is probably my all time favourite movie just because it fucked me up so much. Love it when a movie makes me question if there really are monsters lurking in the darkness.
The Irishman. The fact that I lost 3 hours to that pointless slog is so painful I'd rather just forget all about it. I'll never get those 3 hours back, but at least the regret will be gone.
This movie was so bad and the worst thing about it was how everyone was praising it. Are they all just pretending to like it cuz it’s Scorsese?? It was such a piece of shit movie!
Insurrection is the worst star trek movie ever, or it used to be until these dumb nu trek "pew pew pew look at the pretty ugly CGI" movies were made. I was impressed they managed to make movies even worse than insurrection
I mean, I've seen ST-V: We Let Shatner Direct This One. ...And I think any movie that forced a 51 year old Nichelle Nichols to perform a fan dance to distract a couple of guards... is gonna be tough to beat for "worst star trek ever"
THAT THRILL throughout the whole movie, you feel that there's something odd, but you can't quite put your finger on it, and towards the end you know that something big needs to happen, or else...
And then it happens, but isn't it too late...?
And when you finally know what it is, then it is priceless, you feel like you should have seen it all the time, but you just couldn't.
And then you want to see the whole movie once again, immediately, in order to collect all the little hints and see them right... the whole plot gets a new meaning after you know.
But if I could forget it, and start newly without knowing, that would be soo nice.
I fucking hated this film. The Mulder and Scully parts didn't feel like "oh, they finally got together". They felt like slash fanfic. "we had a kid off screen and it died, feel sad for us. Oh, also, we finally fucked." Stupid, stupid.
The trouble with removing a crap film is that you might accidentally watch it again, so I’ll have to go for empire strikes back coz the vader twist for the first time would be crazy
Oh shit, good call. I was thinking the Johnny Depp Sweeney Todd because that movie was so bad I'm still mad that I wasted time on it, but I generally love Tim Burton, so I'd probably just end up seeing it again.
The movie itself is fairly well made, albeit low budget af because it's a Netflix movie. The problem is the plot.
A kid that Jason Bateman's character used to bully in high school grows up and becomes a terrifying stalker out to get revenge. Jason Bateman's wife at first is terrified, but then leaves him after it's revealed he used to be a bully. Because THAT'S what you should focus on right? You should definitely be concerned with the type of person "someone who wants to kill you" says your husband used to be 30 years ago. Not the "someone who wants to kill you" person. Nope. They're alright.
That movie fucked me up. I've seen some shit on the Internet and thought I was pretty calloused to graphic, depraved brutality. The ending of that movie is something I'll never forget.
I was warned that the end was intense and read the synopsis because I was curious. Even with the spoilers I wasn't ready for it.
I'd like to forget it, but not beyond "this was an extremely well made and moving movie. Never watch it."
Mother! has been on my watch list for years and this comment might be what pushes me to watch it tonight. Without giving any spoilers, does it have any scenes if sexual violence or rape?
Knives Out. I love watching every little detail of that movie, now I could do it all over again for the first time and find the same details again with additional rewatches.
Fight Club. Really good, but just hasn't ever had the same impact on repeat watches.
With a lot of other "plot twist" movies, you can at least enjoy repeat viewings because you see and enjoy all the signs, and maybe even pick up new ones. But Fight Club, despite being excellent, doesn't really execute the repeat view appeal very well at all imo.
I think a good plot twist movie is worth watching twice, once to experince it blind and another to see the change in motivation for characters knowing the plot twist
Usually yeah, at least twice, but with Fight Club you can't even get that since the two central characters were so... divided.
At best you get to re-contextualize the reactions of the characters around them, but that alone was never enough for me, so that's why this is my pick.
I would also pick fight club, even though I completely 100% disagree with your argument.
I had so much fun watching this film multiple times and seeing new stuff.
Granted Fight Club is not a movie that I watched analyizingly in my armchair but rather a movie that I watched beerdrinkingly with my buddies.
But I think that is a better way to watch it anyway.
Both of them were sequels to movies I loved that nearly ruined the first one retroactively. Usually I just chock it up to bad movie, but those two were beyond painful to watch.
Crystal Skull for me.. the first 3 Indiana Jones movies are near perfect, but all in different ways.. but the thing that ties them together is action, adventure, a simpl-ish story, some treasure, and they are beautiful. I was so pumped for Crystal Skull.
I was away for work, had a free night and there was a cinema a stroll away. I got a 6 pack of wild turkey and coke and started walking only to find it was about a 90min walk.. I was 6 turkeys deep but this was going to be magical, right? Nope, it was the biggest disappointment of a movie I have ever seen, then I had to walk 90mins back to my hotel reliving it.
I saw a single still frame long before the movie came out where Idris Elba was standing onto of a car in New York with a gun drawn all dressed up and immediately decided I wasn't going to watch it. I could already see they just wanted to make a cheap action movie and it'd be very loosely connected to the books.
I've gotten to the point in life where when I hear of a live action adaptation of something I already like, I just groan and try to ignore it. Nine times out of ten it's horrible and if it's good I'll hear about it later. If I like something and want to enjoy it, I will just to enjoy that thing. I don't need to see a business decision trying to rake in cash on name alone
I really did have my hopes up when it was supposed to be a tv adaptation with Ron Howard. Watching all of that fall apart, i still was hoping for the best. Was not prepared for what we got.
I love your name... I watched this because my str8 bestie said it was her favorite movie... I was watching it while baking/decorating a wedding cake between restaurant serving shifts. To me it was just ugh, with no reason.