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joneskind joneskind

Developer. Feminist. Ecologist. Used to be a protection Paladin.

Posts 8
Comments 703
These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot
  • LOL

    I was like “Ok where’s the catch? Too many fingers? 3 feet? Dang those pictures are good now, was OP just being serious?” And then I saw. Fucking hilarious.

    Thanks for the laugh OP

  • Chips
  • I'm a little confused here. Wouldn't be the chips in second position since it's a plane?

    • Volume => ax3
    • Surface => a3x2
    • Line => a6x
  • Most amazing photo of Venus
  • I totally agree with you on that we should spend money on saving our perfectly fine and gorgeous planet instead of chasing useless dreams.

    But I’ve seen a video of Kurzgesagt explaining how “easy” it would be to terraform Venus compared to Mars. And since then I’ve been a defender of the idea that we should focus on Venus rather than Mars.

    Terrifying Fact: before Venus became the Hell it is today it was exactly like Earth. But at some point its average temperature reached 23°C. Water vapor being a greenhouse gas and a fantastic heat capacitor, it transformed the planet into a pressure cooker, leading to its current state

    The average temperature of planet Earth is 13°C, but with all the CO2 in the atmosphere we don’t know when that critical temperature could be reached.

    But hey, billionaires gotta get their billions, right?

  • Anon learns that his grandfather dodged being drafted
  • It depends on the war we are talking about I guess?

    The only war I would participate without question would be if my country (EU) was invaded.

    Absolute based in any other scenario.

  • Life comes at you fast Jeff...
  • Hi there, European dude here

    Can someone nourish my anxiety with a quick summarization of what happened here? Looks like Biden was "a little" off?

    EDIT: Nevermind, I read USA Today recap... Fuck...

  • Units, units...
  • Always been super impressed by the size of Americans feet. 30cm, that's crazy.

  • Kevin Feige announces "THE FANTASTIC FOUR" starts filming July 29 and confirms it takes place in the 1960s.
  • I didn’t expect a new Avengers movie either. I wonder who will be the protagonists though, and I hope they’ll put an end to that multiverse BS too.

  • Législatives 2024 : La gauche en colère contre Bruno Fuchs, élu de la majorité, accusé de racisme
  • Le Modem, c’est pas un parti de centre droit normalement ?

    Après faut voir le bon côté des choses, ce parti fait visiblement preuve d’une tolérance exemplaire /s

    Bref, qu’on vienne plus me parler du vote utile.

  • one more and i'll bifurcate someone
  • Not related but Zipf law is kind of crazy too

  • « J’ai l’intention de gouverner ce pays », réaffirme Jean-Luc Mélenchon, faisant le miel des opposants de la gauche
  • C’est quoi cette logique?

    Mélenchon est totalement insupportable. « La République c’est moi !!! » Non la République c’est Nous abruti alors arrête ton cirque.

    Tout mon entourage (qui est de gauche) ne sait pas le supporter, du NPA au Parti socialiste. On est tous d’accord pour dire qu’il doit prendre sa retraite. C’est invraisemblable d’être encore obligé de se le coltiner.

    Les 22% de la présidentielle n’ont pas voté Mélenchon, ils ont voté pour les idées du parti, et les possibles ministres qu’on aurait pu avoir.

    Par pitié, qu’il nous lâche la grappe une bonne fois pour toute.

  • All humans who have ever lived
  • What is considered Human here? Homo Sapiens Sapiens?

    Anyway, cool graph

  • What could Apple force app developers to do that would improve your iOS / macOS experience?
  • Apple could start by stopping taking Europeans for fools and claiming that the DMA prevents them from publishing Apple Intelligence in Europe.

    I’ve been an happy Apple exclusive customer since 2008. But if they play it that way I won’t follow. I give them one year to put their shit together. After that I’m done with the brand.

    Long live Europe

  • Let me be clear
  • Where can I get this?

  • low effort maymay
  • The subtitle made me laugh so much. Thanks OP

  • Something from the old days
  • I knew it! Microsoft has been using IA the whole time! Look at this drawings, it's proof!

  • Qui vote quoi ?
  • Merci pour le lien. Je ne connaissais pas. Le meilleur moyen de se reconnecter à la politique avec des faits.

  • Qui vote quoi ?
  • Ouais enfin les gens qui en ont marre des autres en ont marre parce que leur vie ne change pas. Le carburant, les clopes, le loyer, la bouffe… tout augmente pour eux sans qu’ils arrivent à gagner plus. C’est la misère sociale qui les mène dans les bras du RN.

    Donc en leur montrant que leur vie ne va pas s’améliorer ça peut peut-être faire changer d’avis les moins obstinés.

    Personnellement c’est la première fois que je vois ce genre de tracts qui démonte les promesses sociales du RN.

  • Facts.
  • Is the NIN version of Hurt about worms though?

    That’s what I thought…

  • Vous pensez quoi de cette nouvelle ? Législatives 2024 : à quoi joue François Hollande, candidat-surprise du Nouveau Front populaire à Tulle ?

    Certains ont pu croire que l’ancien président de la République se contenterait d’encourager le rassemblement de la gauche contre l’extrême droite. C’était mal connaître cet animal politique, et l’ambition qui le travaille encore.

    Législatives 2024 : à quoi joue François Hollande, candidat-surprise du Nouveau Front populaire à Tulle ?

    Je suis un peu surpris de le voir débouler ici, mais c'est vrai qu'il reste populaire en Corrèze. Par contre je me demande quand même si ça ne va pas faire plus de mal que de bien.

    Votre avis ?


    How to hide Windows only games in the Steam Store

    Hello everyone,

    I would like to hide games that only support Windows, as I'll never buy any of those games.

    Is there a simple way to do that? I found a checkbox in my account settings but it doesn't seem to have much effects.

    Thank you very much and happy gaming


    Foundation TV Show finally found its voice (to me) ‘Foundation’ 2×07 Reaction: In Salvor Hardin We Trust

    Foundation 2x07 reminds us that everyone is in ever-increasing danger—and the only person we should trust is Salvor Hardin.

    ‘Foundation’ 2×07 Reaction: In Salvor Hardin We Trust

    The link is just a blog post I found that summarizes pretty well my feelings about s02e07 (I could have used that much of « fuck »)

    The thing is, I disliked almost everything in the first season, except maybe for the grandiose introduction. I didn’t find anything I loved in the books. I absolutely couldn’t care less about the changes of gender of main characters, and even found the Cleon’s clones thing smart (the show needed the Empire incarnation) but the show took itself so seriously sometimes it was embarrassing.

    I started the second season anyway, almost because I haven’t anything else to watch and I started enjoying it a little more, thanks to Polly and Constant which finally brings Asimov’s humor to the show.

    But that episode 7 of season 2 really kicked in for me. So I’m here to share. I truly hope they’ll manage to keep that writing quality.

    So I’ll quote the author I linked: « Pay your fucking writers »


    Hello Apple enthusiasts, I need your assistance for a little

    I came here to ask for a little help.

    I've been delivered an M2 Max MBP with 30 GPU Cores, but after a few tests it appears that there is an hardware problem with my machine.

    I contacted Apple Care and they will send me someone to replace the Mac, since they agreed with me that there was a problem.

    To reveal the issue I realized a benchmark from the Apple promoted named MotionMark. The benchmark is aimed at testing graphic capabilities.

    My request is simple. Could any of you that own an M1 Max or an M2 Max realize that benchmark in Safari (that part is essential) and communicate me the results you get? The test is a bit long, about five minutes.

    Thank you vey much!


    Alright guys, I've got an update.

    First of all, thank you so much for your answers!

    Second, since you were giving the same results as I found I decided to run some other graphic tests to compare with other similar machines and didn't find any issue. I used Blender Benchmark and Geekbench Metal compute and get same or better results as average on a M2 Max with 30 GPU cores.

    I think there might be a software issue with the last version of macOS regarding graphic capabilities on the Web. Another reason could be hardware, as M chips have dedicated JavaScript processing units that could have limited connection with the GPU.

    Anyway, thank you all very much. I'm gonna cancel that replacement and start enjoying my new beast.



    Is there a way to disable the constant refresh of Lemmy's homepage

    I love Lemmy so far, but the constant refresh of the feed in the homepage is unbearable.

    I constantly click on the wrong links, get warnings from my browser that the website uses too much energy, the console is a constant flow of logs.

    I thought it was a bug that would be rapidly fixed, but I'm beginning to fear it might actually be a (really bad) feature.

    Please tell me a fix is coming, or there is a way to change that.


    Jean-Luc Picard's perfect British accent means that at some point in the future, Britts will invade France. Again.

    Hello Lemmies! French Trekkie here.

    I tried to post this ages ago on the other site and wasn't able to do so. But I am the king of the World now.

    So, about my post I guess I'm not the first to notice, but it genuinely came to me when I was taking a shower, and we are here for a fresh start, aren't we?

    PS: I'm fine with the Britts invading France as long as you keep your food and your monarchy on your island.

    EDIT: words were missing
