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threeduck threeduck
Posts 4
Comments 329
Microplastics Seem to Be in Every Kind of Animal… Except One
  • Saved you a click (or embarrassment of not knowing what one looks like from the thumbnail)

    It's the tardigrade.

  • So much love
  • I don't care about anyone's hair. Maybe you misread my comment? You can sub in any action performatively done in response to a "no".

    Your misreading of my comment is toddler core.

  • So much love
  • Anybody (of any gender) that perfomatively does something solely out of spite is toddler core.

    "My girlfriend told me she doesn't like mullets so I got a mullet lol"

    "My dad says I'm not allowed a tattoo so now I want one even more!"

    Toddler core.

  • Supportive dad
  • Good point, corrected.

  • Supportive dad
  • What's not in their jeans is probably in their genes.

  • Anon explains the 2nd amendment
  • Key word is "state mandated", only the state of Victoria was locked down, I think COVID barely scratched the other states. I also lived in NZ at the time, and as you recall, we barely got COVID and I spent 2020 and 2021 skiing and partying. Thanks to clever leadership, not seen in the US at the time.

    As for UK healthcare, I quickly researched where Australia stacked up in the world and by most metrics, the UK was overwhelmingly the best. Unlike the weirdly propagandized Americans, I don't have to do weird mental gymnastics to try and force my country at the top. I can accept facts.

  • Anon explains the 2nd amendment
  • We keep up with the mortgage because the minimum wage here is $16USD.

    The average Australian citizen pays $17,000 in taxes as opposed to $14,000 for seppos.

    For that, I know myself and all my fellow Australians will never be crippled with medical debt, as going to the hospital is always free. We have the second best health care in the world, right next to the UK.

    Us Aussies like to look out for each other, rather than you individualistic, seemingly selfish yanks.

  • The poll is over, and the result is clear:
  • I'm more privy to "_fireFox" when declaring my browser.

  • How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • PNW?

    Damn, $3.50USD gets you a flat white/cappuccino/latte here, I don't know if you'd find pour over coffee. And people here are upset at THAT cost, with home espresso machines taking off accordingly. I'm surprised Americans drink so much coffee at that price.

  • How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • $5USD for a coffee, is that normal? Is that inclusive of a tip? Here in Australia Id leave the register if they tried charging me more than $3USD, and we don't have a tipping culture (thank god).

  • ‘Not too complex’: health experts criticise Labor for ditching LGBTQI+ census questions
  • I dunno, I'm kinda of two minds. On one hand, it's definitely good to know the breadth of the LGBT+ community, for further policy decisions and what have you - ALL info is good info.

    On the other hand, what business does the government have knowing what I do in the privacy of my bedroom? Aside from the legal aspects of sexuality which I believe are fairly equal now (marriage laws, adoption laws etc), why do they wanna know who I'm blasting nuts into?

  • Anyone going to Pax? What are you looking forward to?
  • Ooh I'll be showing off my booth! I got a spot in the indie section for my Musical comedy RPG Game Over, but as a solo dev it's a bit nerve racking. If you come find me and mention Lemmy I'll give you whatever merch I have. If I don't have merch I might have to give you the computer or something, just to keep my word.

  • Palestinian girl killed by Israeli sniper in West Bank was looking out the window, father says
  • I find I often have to stop for a moment and imagine her life up until the sniper shot. Like, you and I have ONE life, and it's EVERYTHING, and this girl's went dark for the remainder of the universe.

  • Raw Milk and the Collapse of Consensus Reality | how the "debate" over killing bacteria in milk is emblematic of the end of common ground
  • I think in the future we'll wean ourselves off milk like proverbial calves, and transition to ethical and environmentally friendly alternatives like oat. Don't need to worry about exceeding acceptable faeces and pus limits with oat milk.

  • Maybe this is better for everyone
  • Vegan diets are popular in third world countries because they're considerably cheaper. Meat is cheap in western countries because it's very often subsidized by governments. Meat consumption by wealth proves eating animals is a luxury.

    Also veganism mantras always have "as far as is practicable". I bought a Samsung phone because Fairphones don't work here in Australia.

  • Percentages of british adults who found each activity involving animals acceptable or unacceptable
  • Oh bother I can't remember who did the study, but Earthling Ed in his book talks about it, whereby participants were either served meat or not during questions regarding diet, and those who were eating meat became almost obtusely against vegan diets. I tried searching for it just now but can't think of the right keywords to find it.

  • Shifted my Superannuation to Future Super

    After watching a lot of Some More News and Climate Town, I made the shift from Hesta (which has $2,000,000,000 invested in fossil fuels, and most recently in the new Woodside gas plant) to Future Super.

    Yes, the fees are significantly worse, but if I'm putting my own financial gain ahead of the planet, I'm no better than all the banks investing in fossil fuels.


    I complained about an Australian website asking for tips, so they removed the tip function.

    I pre-ordered a pair of Jennen shoes (elevator shoes, so I can be a big boy) from their online site (they no longer have the shopfront on Johnstone street) and got asked for a tip at the end. For basically changing a stock allocation assignment. I had a whinge on their contact forms, and they replied "the tip function is optional".

    2 years later I emailed again, saying "I haven't bought a replacement pair of shoes, all because of the audacity to ask for a tip. I get that it's optional, but so is a cashier going 'hey give me that twenty from your wallet', and when the customer goes 'wtf??' the cashier replies 'oh lol it's optional'. You may have thought 'you know, a tip screen could give us free money! What's the harm?', and I guess this follow up email is proof of that harm. Don't bring tipping culture here please!"

    I get this reply a day later, and can confirm the tip function is now gone. Loverly! Whinging may be one thing, but persistent whinging made the difference.


    Le monke point


    Game Over - PC trailer

    "Lemmy at em!" says some wisecracking character in my video game maybe, in a referential nod to a relatively niche community in an attempt to appeal.

    For the past six years I've been working on Game Over, a Comedy Rhythm RPG, and maybe you'll like it?

    There's a little demo on Steam and also one on which you can play free of charge! What a deal! What a sweet treat for yourself and friends!

    Also I don't have a complaints form, so if you have any, please comment below and I will angrily defend myself and take potshots at you.

    Call now!
