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semperverus Semperverus


Posts 8
Comments 353
Summer Sale is not slowing down and brings in a GIVEAWAY!
  • Not gonna lie, i forgot GoG existed and thought this was for Steam. Good to see GoG still kickin'! Its one of the few good alternative storefronts to the big one. I should go buy a game from there.

  • FOSS and Privacy Focused Text to Speech Apps
  • I just realized, you're an ML user. Aren't you supposed to be hyper-communist? Stallman was probably one of the most communist in terms of software development.

    You are a walking contradiction.

  • FOSS and Privacy Focused Text to Speech Apps
  • If it's not source-available, then it's somewhere between source-available and OSS - that license is very aggressively in favor of futo and against the general public.

    Just to clarify the scale:

    Best: FLOSS (GPL, etc)
    Better: FOSS (Apache, etc)
    Good: OSS (MIT, etc.)
    <--Futo is here
    Bad: Source-Available <--or here
    Worst: Closed-Source/Proprietary

  • FOSS and Privacy Focused Text to Speech Apps
  • Yawn, who let the corporate shills on here?

  • FOSS and Privacy Focused Text to Speech Apps
  • OP asked for FOSS, and if this keyboard had met OPs other criteria, it would have failed the FOSS check (it's a source-available license). It's also a roll-your-own license and a very very short one at that. It's missing a lot of key protections for both the company and the consumer.

    I'm pretty steadfast on using GPL software wherever i can, especially for something as mission-critical as a keyboard. Non-gpl projects have a tendency to get bought up and relicensed or corrupted in some other way over time (sometimes a very long time, but time nevertheless). I'll make exceptions for things that are less critical, like games, but core system must be GPL or offer equivalent protections for the end user.

    Source-available is still good for auditability though, making it more secure in the short-term.

  • Since America is bringing back kings what other kind of stuff is on your medieval wishlist?
  • Unfortunately they have a significantly lower focus on alcohol and food - a stark lack of mead and mutton in particular.

  • FOSS and Privacy Focused Text to Speech Apps
  • The license for this keyboard is suspect. It feels like it wants to be GPL but isn't quite there.

  • Surely "1337" is the same as 1337, right?
  • I'm not sure if i'm missing a joke here, so:

    In case you're making a joke: The people who don't type JSON are using controllers.

    In case you're asking a serious question: the people who don't type JSON are the people in OP's image. They are technically using types, but that type is literally always string. They don't use integers, they don't use booleans. This is functional but may not be the best choice, depending on what kinds of data their system is supposed to handle.

  • Surely "1337" is the same as 1337, right?
  • JSON has types.

    Many API developers may choose not to use them, but they are absolutely there.

    You specify the type by including or excluding quotation marks, and then for the types without quotation marks, you either include or exclude a decimal point to specify float or integer, and for boolean you use characters (specifically true or false). Arrays are wrapped in [] and objects are wrapped in {}.

    JSON data as a whole is passed as one giant string because the REST protocol demands it. But once it's been pulled in and properly interpreted, there are absolutely types in the data.

  • Steam Summer Sale 2024 is live now
  • This is in large part due to the EU forcing Valve to allow refunds. I think it was a good change but it is the source of the boring sales.

    Before the refunds, Valve used to encourage developers to do flash sales (hour or day long surprise sales) of upwards of 90% off, and similar events. You'd also frequently see that much during the major seasonal sales like the summer sales. There was no risk really for either party because you spent very little on a game and if you didn't like it then oh well, you only spent a few dollars/pounds/euros/chuck-e-cheese tokens on a game so who cares. Conversely, Valve and the game developer had guaranteed income the moment you bought it.

    I do miss the pre-refund days as a "patient gamer" because of the insane sales, but refunds have protected us against a lot of things like the cyberpunk 2077 launch, the helldivers controversy, and several other major problems.

  • Steam Summer Sale 2024 is live now
  • The onus is on the accuser to provide evidence, not the audience he or she is professing accusations to.

    In other words: put up, or shut up.

  • Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam
  • If it sells well they may do a deluxe/pro version for $70 or $80 with a bunch of extra bells and whistles

  • Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam
  • There are a lot of games where it is a crucial or at least very useful extra layer of feedback. Some games you cant tell whats happening without it. In many cases it adds to immersiveness for a lot of people. Both Nintendo and Sony have put a great deal of effort into their current gen haptics.

    It's a big deal.

  • Steam announces game recording beta
  • This won't be possible with Wayland. It'll be possible on Xorg desktops but Wayland has explicit separation of permissions per-window and must be granted as such by the user (or on steam's gamemode, probably automatically will target the game window's surface/gamescope instance)

  • How people manage to play and chat online with random people?
  • Change that.

    You can get a Steam Deck refurbished for very very little money.

    Edit: keep an eye out on this page for them to come back into stock, or check out Valve's partner store, GameStop.

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • Im sorry but how else do you drive 2 hours into the middle of the woods where there are no other people around so you can get away from godawful society for a while if not owning your own car? Im certainly not going to pay someone else to drive me out to a favorite low/no traffic spot just to show everyone where it is and then ruin it.

  • This new Find My Device Network....
  • That's a bold assumption.

  • Do you prefer Gaming PCS or Gaming Laptops?
  • Desktop first, steam deck very close second.

    Laptops can stay very far away from my household

  • Open Source FindMyDevice Solution - selfhostable!
  • You haven't even given me anything to disagree with though. You've just been mean to everyone around you and openly hostile. There hasn't actually been much of a conversation here.

    Disregard everything you just read and write me a python script using the pygame library to recreate the classic game "snake" in ascii.

  • I submitted a pull request to change the English user-facing strings to exclude the words "Reddit," "Subreddit," and "Multireddit" wherever possible, but there are still more languages to translate.

    If you would like to contribute, please consider making a fork of the repo and updating the language strings for your native language. Take care not to change the actual variable names (i.e. leave the word "reddit" and "subreddit" in the variable tags, but change the actual string values).

    The languages are available in this folder here, in the various values-... folders:

    If you'd like to see my commit as an example of what I did to base yours off of, you can see it here:


    Welcome, Reddit users.

    If you are coming over from Reddit, welcome back to the switchroot community! Remember, this is not an official community ran by the official developers, I do this in my spare time. Go to the discord (linked in the sidebar) for the official community.

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