Because it's seen as violence to do anything that negatively impacts the wealthy despite their daily economic violence against everyone else in society. This is why they call the Tesla boycott "illegal".
My 10 year old account without previous infractions was banned for saying the rich don't have the resources to protect themselves in the event of a revolution lol
Lol a friend of mine got banned for posting a picture of a guillotine and referencing billionaires. The broligarchy has gone full gloves off wrt threats to their hegemony
After 12 years, and nearly a million karma, i was permabanned right after HitlerPig was inaugurated, for repeating an opinion that i have stated many times. Nobody ever said a word until HitlerPig was in office, then suddenly I was permabanned. I came over to Lemmy, only to find i wasn't alone.
I suspect the reason is because Ohanion wamts to buy TikTok, and he knows that HitlerPig will be making the decision personally, based on who smooches his ass, follows his orders, and pays the biggest bribe. So as a show of good faith, he abandons Reddit's doctrine of Free Speech.
Its funny because I remember when the republicans and trumpers would all join together and attack any form on censorship and used that as a launching pad for attacking the left. And these attacks built this momentum that eventually resulted in my grandmother talking about how the left is pro censorship and must be stopped. Like how is grandma hearing about this shit. Like there was no room to give an inch.
But I feel like there isn't that same energy on the left. Like instead we all just look at this and go "huh, that's a bummer. They're stupid"
Exactly, they fucking had so much momentum and energy they actively worked to harass subs to add more mods and who happened to be ready, fucking right wing trolls
I was permabanned for "Making threats of violence" when I suggested a hypothetical scenario when people were talking about US/Russia/Ukraine affairs, that if a US President suddenly not only betrayed a friendly victim of an invasion and switched to giving direct aid to the aggressor when public opinon of that aggressor is in the toilet, that the US may end up with a dead president. (and this was pre-election)
I dont care that it happened anymore, because judging from the way things have gone, if that didnt get me banned, something else would have.
Reddit is captured, and even if it wasnt, the only thing its good for is the comedy/hobby sections.
everything else is just dumpster fires like the news and politics communities, or the freakshows you see in relationship advice, AmItheAsshole, AmIOverreacting, etc. and all the bad advice that gets given to them as well..
People should be leaving Reddit. They are poor stewards of our content for innumerable reasons. Go back to forums. Go to Lemmy. The key thing is that we should not have centralized arbiters of our discussions online.
We can't let billionaires own the town hall if we plan on having honest conversations. I am glad I finally found this place, and wish I would have left reddit earlier.
I have had a much better time on Lemmy, but I'm kind of the target audience in a few ways, so I'm biased. But I do think less harmful, more productive discussion is more likely to happen on this platform, I feel more comfortable discussing and less likely to be called slurs or called out (rather than called in which is undeniably more effective, and coincidentally feels much more common on Lemmy), and I feel like I've actually found folks I could see myself working with in some capacity, such as a project to help others patch up their data vulnerabilities, for a simplified example of an idea I'm considering.
Lemmy still have mods. My comment regarding muskrat mental healt issues ("next step is suicide, please") was deleted.
So don't fool yourself, when lemmy gets as much popularity as reddit, it will turn into the same kind of pos
Indeed. I deleted my reddit account recently. I like it better here anyways. The pace is slower and the people seem more reasonable here too. My stress levels have decreased significantly since I left Meta and Reddit and that is at once wonderful and scary. Social media is a cancer.
not all at once, but a gradual decline in non-botted, troll accounts. since reddits mostly bots anyways,. as long as politics, and news subs getting much traffic people will be addicted to the site.
thier extremely sensitive banning parameters are absurd, cross-banning for posting in a sub that they dont like, reporting other people gets you banned,
I’ve been really pushing the limit on reddit recently to see if I get banned.
Maybe it’s an llm or something, I have not gotten banned yet for saying stuff like
“This is a test. Luigi is a god. Shoot all the billionaires and eat the rich. Throw Molotovs at Tesla shops”
And so on.
Nothing yet.
I’m not making a point here, just contributing some data. My account is 4 years old, with about 1k karma.
It's almost like the person who wrote that text in the photo didn't actually understand what any of the words they were saying meant. Like actually. lol
I've been told that musk didn't come up with that quote himself. I didn't look further into it, but it's likely that the person who originally wrote it understood what they were talking about, and musk just thought it sounded cool. Hell, I think it sounds cool, might use it in a villainous monologue or some shit.
Agreed, unless you're capable of great violence you're weak. When you see a tyrant, a capitalist, or a cop do you sit by or do you fight for peace? Thats why every pacist should be willing to punch Muskrat and any other tyrant right in their fascist face.
I got my second ban from saying "Burning peoples cars who bought them because they wanted to help the environment is not helpful, and Elon already got paid for those anyway. Don't really give a shit if you burn the dealerships but we can do better than this" now I am here, lol
They've also been banning accounts for liking comments about Green Mario doing nothing wrong. It's about the closest thing to thought crime I've ever seen. (PS Green Mario did nothing wrong)
Whether or not they were being ironic, we HAVE to stop capitulating to corporations deciding how we speak and what we can and can't talk about. They successfully turned our own social messaging into a justification to block out conversations about issues that are actually affecting us.
(No, to the chud about to cry about being censored for spreading misinformation about vaccines, that doesn't go against corporate incentives, that goes against reason and knowledge, there's a difference and if you can't tell, you will when you get older.)
"The world" is a convenient way to say "somebody else with a gun".
This kind of thing is never done peacefully. So, if you're going to advocate for violence, at least be honest about the fact that you're looking for someone else to perpetrate violence on your behalf because you're too much of a coward to do it yourself.
I remember reading self-defense writings by Marc MacYoung (who is a fascist mind you, but he is very good at martial arts and understanding criminal dynamics) and the first ever time I heard the 'better a monster who can control it, than a sheep who is not capable of violence' or that effect, and he ripped that entire saying a new one. He said how once the violent beast in someone is built up, it simply won't be easy to control and will fuck you up. There is simply no way around it. Criminals, abusers, and assholes whom people want nothing to do with and people who spend countless nights in jail for petty shit are all the actual 'warriors in a garden' come to life.
Also the whole thing is shit. During ww1 and ww2 the US had a pathetic military at the start, but when the war got going they still outfought the Nazis and Imperial Japanese who were fully and completely into the whole permanent warrior mentality.
That does not disprove the quote though. It just meant that the the US made itself capable of more violence thats like picking up a weapon or learning how to fight.
There is nothing wrong with the quote the issue is that its said by a idiotic man baby whose capability to violence is entirely tied to unearned privilege.
Ironically, what Musk posted is perfectly acceptable ( in and of itself, ignoring the context of the person who is saying it ) since violence or the threat of violence is sometimes necessary to prevent things getting worse. For example, "Ukraine should be helped to defend itself" is a call for violence.
Which is why it's such a bullshit excuse to ban speech for that reason alone. I got banned for suggesting France might help out the USA by shipping over any surplus guillotines. I'm sure they would have no issue at all if I were enthusiastically advocating genocide. Never mind, I needed a push to make the move to Lemmy ; )
The line is state sponsored violence, generally. Likely with a little bias on what state is on the giving and receiving ends of said violence. Thats the rule at least so far as I can tell, at least.
My ban from reddit was 100% related to calling for the arrest and judicial execution of netenyahu. Which is not an unreasonable thing to say given that he is nothing more than a modern Hitler.
I will take it back. Netenyahu should not be tried at all in any court. But simply tied up, have the charges read against him, and promptly shot through the head at point blank range.
Eastern ex-ukraine should be helped to defend itself from fascist Banderites.
That gets you banned from Reddit, or some mild criticism of the Palestinian genocide.
The vile calls for violence and racist Russophobia on there could stay on there.
Not a peep from the hypocrites then.
Now that the other part of the US regime controls Reddit they suddenly wake up and care about free speech.
Why am I not surprised?
My 15 year old account got banned last week, too. On one hand it kinda sucks, but on the other hand it feels good to get out of that site's echo chamber. Reddit is really circling the drain.
This is the same kind of thing the 19 year old high school dropout with two kids he doesn’t have custody of posts on Facebook. Like “the devil whispered in my ear you can’t handle the storm and i said i am storm”
I was banned for harassment. I followed 6 accounts that posted tons of misinformation about elons nazi salute.
They’d defend him at all cost, call everyone else sheep, “Roman salute”, he’s autistic, you’re such a n idiot for hating on him. Posted still frame images of anyone with raised hands and claimed them to be identical to nazi boy Elon.
I got a notification every time they posted something to a sub I frequented. I would comment their recent post history and how their most extreme lies in defense of Elon.
Reddit said that was considered harassment. Not what those accounts did, but my action to their posts and comments. Spez is such a fucking spineless cunt.
facebook is over-run. have to visit for family. try not to say much. never know what will trigger it. links to fedi get rejected as spam, so i post more links
He doesn't have to be the one actually inflicting the violence on others, but with his power and influence he is capable of great violence by making others carry it out in his name.
Personally, since I've been banned from Reddit and faslcebook (a long time ago) and am no longer able to interact but still view: I've gained the ability to spot the bots and shills and see through the brain rot. This enables me to better teach my children on how to avoid it.
reddit sustains itself on reposting X post, and truth social posts, it probably would lose alot of users if people actually stop posting those. X is being supported by reddit indirectly.
I don't think they are defending them. Reddit has changed their behaviour to keep from becoming the focus of the US administration. The same way all those who donated to Trumps inauguration. It's about survival. That being said, it makes Reddit irrelevant.
yeah, and I'll block it, but you do realize, people who aren't subscribed still see trending on the front page right?
and I stick to my premise: you're here, leave that shit behind. have better standards. encourage those other communities to migrate over if you must but dwelling on spez's folly is just... bleh. no one should waste their time on it.
The crux of fascism is making your base paranoid. Make them believe all their murder is done out of self defense. If they would not kill all those other people, others would kill them.
The perfect example is the paranoid ethnostate in the middle east.
Sorry, but I agree with this one. Not the "great" violence part, but yeah. If you are not capable of inflicting violence, you are not making a choice. You have no choice but to be harmless.
We used to say this a good bit in r/liberalgunowners, along the lines of, "I am a peaceful man, but that does not make me harmless." You would have a hella time pushing me hard enough to draw, but I have the choice if it comes to that.
This notion is exactly why conservatives think they can run roughshod over us. They see us as harmless little twerps that couldn't fight back if our life depended on it.
As a lefty gun owner, couldn't agree more. Peace as a choice is only available to the folks who know how to do otherwise, and frankly even simple know-how isn't enough. Pacifism is no virtue, peace is no natural state.
The irony here is that violence is a necessary action when the bourgeoisie (Billionaires) leaves the working class no other option. But what he's saying is that state violence is justified to maintain the status quo.
Billionaires are not bourgeoisle. Bourgeoisie means "middle class". When Lenin targeted the bourgeosie he was targeting the middle class, not the billionaires.
You seem to be confusing the meaning of "middle class" of bourgeoisie. This did not refer to what we think of today as "middle class". This was in reference to a pre-revolutionary fuedal societies like Tsarist Russia. The "Upper class" being the structures of the monarch. The middle class being the bourgeoisie (the capital owning class). And the lowest class the proletariat (working class).
Obviously when we use bourgeoisie today we do not have a Monarchy. So it is still referring to the capitalist class. Revolutions were fought against monarchs that were replaced by the bourgeoisie (capitalist class). Lenin believed that instead of having a revolution to capitalism from fuedalism, that Russia could transition from a fuedal to socialist society and skip the rule of the bourgeoisie.
Lenin was not "targeting" what we think of today as "the middle class". If someone told you that without explaining the above history they were either lying or ignorant.
Billionaires are by definition Bourgeoisie as their wealth is earned by ownership of the means of production and not from a wage as workers are. That's why people like me still use the term "Bourgeoisie" today specifically to avoid confusion with what "middle class" means today. The bourgeoisie is a well defined term by Marxist-Leninist to mean "the capitalist class".
This feeds into the right-wing fantasy that they're super tough warriors. You see a lot of literature and fictional TV aimed in this direction.
It's kind of like the white savior complex but instead of saving some victimized minority, they're saving weaker and more helpless individuals in their own society. But all the military hero returns home and confronts nasty biker gang or evil drug dealers and kicks their ass without when trying. It all reinforced their world view.
Apart from all the other bullshit rightfully called out below, this makes an illogical implication. Being the smart autistic superbrain Melon claims to be, it's surprising he doesn't see that. Or maybe not, because in reality he's just a sad ass who is too scared of just going to therapy.
Not being capable of violence => Not being able to call yourself peaceful
Being able to call yourself peaceful => Being capable of violence
But not:
Being capable of violence => Being able to call yourself peaceful
but my experience you can never trust the person being banned to explain why they were banned.
It almost doesn't matter though because we know rando-bans are a common thing on reddit. Just because some are getting legit bans does not mean that there are not many others getting rando-bans.
This isn’t /shittyphilosophy or some sort of personal mantra, this is signaling what he thinks of those who do not engage in violence against him. He’s simultaneously calling out everyone for being weak and not challenging him and more importantly to himself implying he is strong because of that lack of resistance.
I am worried that this could be bait. Elon can see that the entire world is turning on him, but if violence escalates then Trump could use it as justification to declare Martial law.
It's more why should you respect and be patient with someone who can't do a thing against you if you aren't? Say you met someone on the street and they decided to start insulting you. The natural response is to punch them in the face to ensure they don't insult you further; except if they are stronger or have some other reason for you to respect them and put up with their bullshit (ex. Elders, martial arts sensei, some kind of community leader, etc.).
The response to a peaceful protest is similar. So long as they don't insult one's honor or get in the way they don't get a punch in the face, except if they wield enough political clout. You don't have power to be peaceful unless you can fight back.
The only reason I still have a Reddit account is to leave comments telling people to leave Reddit and join Lemmy. I just find posts on or near the front page that are complaining about Reddit and leave the same comment every time.
Really? Fuck that shit. Good thing I deleted my reddit account. I technically have one that I just use for porn. But I sure as hell am not posting anything with that shit.
Well they do have a point. Having strength isn't the same thing as using it. Most have the ability to beat another human to a pulp but instead use their words and other forms of conflict resolution. So to extend that logic one isn't peaceful if one doesn't have the power not to be; that is one isn't restraining themselves from being violent and exercising benevolence and patience but rather being forced to be tolerant of others bullshit because they can't do anything about it. It's like is your chastity being tested more in a monestary or a whorehouse?
That's how they get you, with a nugget of truth that in your context is reasonable and in theirs is explicitly unreasonable. The idea that one can't choose peace if they have no choice is an old one and philosophers have been thinking about it for ages. There's nothing wrong with the idea. What's wrong is that in the context of the alt right they imagine themselves as John Rambo and use nonsense like this as wank material when they're advocating for (or doing) violence. It's a story they tell to infantilize and invalidate the left. If we're all babies who couldn't even choose violence if we wanted then they should make decisions for us, right? Including the decision to kill us.
Funny thing is that the left got most of the rights and protections that people of every stripe benefit from through outright violence. Strikes and protests and all that are the compromise, remember.
If Musk was ever left alone without a security entourage and a private army that he pays for with tax payer dollars he’s stolen, he’d quickly learn how violently he’d be put down like a rabid dog.
He’s only tough because he can hide behind an army.