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itslilith itslilith


Posts 12
Comments 891
  • Beschissenes Format

  • A ruleussy most profound
  • It un-circumcises you

  • Rule (Penance 5/100)
  • The original is a boomer cartoon about food allergies/preferences

    This version is making fun of a weird scare going on with people claiming that folk are lacing Halloween candy with drugs

  • rule forbid i don't know something
  • Yeah, not a big fan of the original either

  • rule forbid i don't know something

    jaq means "just asking questions", people always playing devil's advocate

  • Redundant Safe
  • that just keeps the data in one physical location though

  • ich🖤iel
  • das neutrale Element der additiven Gruppe

  • ich🤷🏻‍♂️iel
  • Beide krass, auf ihre eigene Art. Ich wollte Alan auch gar nicht herunterspielen, sondern nur auf eine echt beeindruckende Geschichte aufmerksam machen

  • ich🤷🏻‍♂️iel
  • Nicht ganz, das Flugzeug ist auseinandergebrochen und sie ist mit ihrem Sitz zusammen 3000m gefallen. Und musste sich danach noch 10 Tage durch den Dschungel schlagen, bis sie Menschen getroffen hat, die ihr helfen konnten.

  • Porque no los Dos?
  • the x is legitimately dumb though, the e is right there

  • NSFW
    A-5 Vigilante Nukussy
  • once shit itself so hard an aircraft was lost

  • Technorule
  • o7

  • Worst prediction ever
    • end of the British empire
    • eventual formation of the EU to replace the League of Nations

    But also

    • invention of the nuclear bomb
    • by extension, escalation of the cold war
    • numerous coups against democratic leaders and proxy wars due to it
  • Worst prediction ever
  • I think I get the point they're trying to make, democracy had become complacent and Hitler gave it a common threat and enemy, but in retrospect... Didn't work out that great now, did it

  • CDU-Abgeordneter zählt ausreichend UnterstĂźtzer fĂźr AfD-Verbotsantrag
  • Doch, morgen ist schlechter. Übermorgen noch schlechter. Je länger man den Faschos freie Hand lässt, desto schlechter wird der Zeitpunkt

  • lemmy user(ule)s: "this sign won't stop me because i can't read"
  • Just don't use it to refer to people and you're golden. There are many slurs that are also legitimate scientific terms, like how fag(g)ot is a bundle of sticks, or how in physics you have the Advanced and the Retarded Green's functions.

  • Heyo! I'm Lilith :3

    Hiii gay people in my phone! Decided to introduce myself here, since I really like the place so far :3

    So, nice to meet you, I'm Lilith ^^

    I'm 21 and live in Germany. A few months ago my egg cracked, so I use she/her now. At the moment I study physics, but I'm also interested in IT (and cyber security, but I know way less about that than I'd like to), politics and TTRPGs. So far, so cookie-cutter trans girl, right?

    Well, the revolution will be won in thigh highs, and if the quickest way to get those is to install Arch, who am I to complain. I initially found this instance through !c/196, since I've been lurking on r/196 for a few years now (and breaking the rule numerous times >:3), but I deleted my r\*ddit account a good bit ago, and never looked back. I've since discovered the fediverse, and I really like how quaint it is here. Being able to catch up on all posts, and quickly recognizing users is really cool!

    Some other random facts about me:

    • I've recently got into freediving and just broke four minutes :D
    • I'm biromantic, but still figuring out where I sit on the ace/bi spectrum
    • I've been doing some organizing and direct action for climate protests for years now, and got arrested by the cops a few times
    • In my activism I decided to go vegan, but since then it's not about the climate anymore, I just like animals too much <3
    • Lilith isn't actually my name, but I don't want everyone on the internet know my real name :P

    Happy to be here, and I'm looking forward to that will become of this place. Decentralized internet is here to stay!


    Hey girls! Baby trans here with some questions about body hair

    So, my egg finally cracked a few weeks ago. And while generally dysphoria isn't terrible for me at the moment, one thing that is really making me uncomfortable is my body hair. I've always been pretty hairy, so I bought an epilator a while ago, and while I'm really happy with it for my legs (smooth legs are aweeesome!), I'm having a hard time on my belly and chest. There's just so much and it regrows so quickly, and with how sensitive these areas are, I'm having a hard time keeping up.

    Do you have any other tips or ideas, or do I just have to power through? I've heard it gets better if you do it often, but I can't feel much of a difference yet

    And how are your experiences with body hair on HRT? I'm not on E yet, but would you say it gets better?

    Thanks :3
