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itslilith itslilith


Posts 12
Comments 1.5K
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  • The page is arguing for readable, informative link titles, not url literals

  • Why should we have to continue seeing people's replies when we block them?
  • Maybe make blocking a public thing, so when you respond to someone you get a warning "this user has blocked you, they will not see your reply" and then show to others that a comment is responding to someone that blocked them? This may help prevent a lot of confusion. Though I see the increased risk of harassment that comes with it... I guess you really can't win this

  • Peter Todd Was ‘Unmasked’ As Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto. Now He’s In Hiding
  • Very likely not him, and he's like the 20th candidate whose been paraded by the news

  • Peter Todd Was ‘Unmasked’ As Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto. Now He’s In Hiding
  • Ironically, that's the kind of "issue" you need trustworthy banks for. The thing crypto was meant to replace. But none of the crypto exchanges that exist are trustworthy enough

  • Why solar will soon dominate & what that means for the world
  • I imagine it'll shift the mentally on electric heating (mainly through heat pumps) first. People have been outright hostile towards it, but once energy's free or negatively priced at peak, people will want to make the switch. People who own a large reservoir and a decently sized battery might be able to not pay for any heating or electricity in a good month.

    As for industry, those that can allow for flexible production schedules will and in parts already have adapted to fluctuating energy prices. Whether that means less production in winter, or just adjust workflow so peak demand is during peak supply

  • Why solar will soon dominate & what that means for the world
  • I've seen that person in several threads now, always shilling for nuclear. I'm not sure why, but it's always been at the expense of renewables

  • me_irl
  • Alternatively, have a horizontal acceleration of >0 after throwing

  • me_irl
  • rightfully? depends on the cars

  • I refuse defeatism
  • Nuclear is consistently among the most expensive ways to generate power, and only afloat due to massive government subsidies, especially when it comes to waste storage. Whereas solar and wind are only beaten (in some metrics) by natural gas when it comes to power per dollar, getting even cheaper at scale.

    Your original point was that renewables are being blocked by China, Russia and the Middle East. I disagree on China, but that's not the point. How will nuclear, with all strings attached, succeed there, whereas solar and wind won't? Silliness.

  • When RTX 5090 is realesed...
  • You don't want to know

  • I refuse defeatism
  • The same can be said for nuclear. Potentially even more so. 3 countries produce almost all of the world's uranium. What if they stop selling? You can build a domestic solar panel industry if you want, you can't magic a uranium deposit under your feet. Nuclear is slow, expensive and a national security risk. Renewables are none of these things. Stop shilling for the energy companies that want to keep their monopolies.

  • I refuse defeatism
  • What exactly does nuclear change about Russia, China and the middle east? That's a massive non-sequitur

    Besides, think of China what you will, they've been key in driving large scale cheap solar

  • Solar power from space? Actually, it might happen in a couple of years.
  • They're microwaves spread out over several hundred meters squared, so... likely nothing

  • Solar power from space? Actually, it might happen in a couple of years.
  • It does, but it's negligible on the scale that's currently realistic to build

  • Reddit says it is not covered by new Online Safety Code as it has moved its jurisdiction to the Netherlands
  • first Tumblr banned porn, then Reddit requires sign-in for 18+ content (I know old UI bypasses that), and now Twitter has become a walled garden as well. Bad times for gooners

  • Itch's Domain Name Is Under Threat Because Of *Checks Notes* The... Decline Of The British Empire?
  • Hopefully it'll happen to the .nu domain soon, which has quite literally been colonized by Sweden

  • Russian Buk-M3 air defense system is destroyed by a drone, 60km from the front line.
  • How does one even get a drone like that 60km behind enemy lines, I thought batteries only last like 30 minutes at best...

    Слава Україні!

  • Änderung des Geschlechtseintrags wird einfacher - Bundestag stimmt für Selbstbestimmungsgesetz der Ampel

    Endlich. Nach vielen Jahren ist das TSG nun Geschichte.


    Heyo! I'm Lilith :3

    Hiii gay people in my phone! Decided to introduce myself here, since I really like the place so far :3

    So, nice to meet you, I'm Lilith ^^

    I'm 21 and live in Germany. A few months ago my egg cracked, so I use she/her now. At the moment I study physics, but I'm also interested in IT (and cyber security, but I know way less about that than I'd like to), politics and TTRPGs. So far, so cookie-cutter trans girl, right?

    Well, the revolution will be won in thigh highs, and if the quickest way to get those is to install Arch, who am I to complain. I initially found this instance through !c/196, since I've been lurking on r/196 for a few years now (and breaking the rule numerous times >:3), but I deleted my r\*ddit account a good bit ago, and never looked back. I've since discovered the fediverse, and I really like how quaint it is here. Being able to catch up on all posts, and quickly recognizing users is really cool!

    Some other random facts about me:

    • I've recently got into freediving and just broke four minutes :D
    • I'm biromantic, but still figuring out where I sit on the ace/bi spectrum
    • I've been doing some organizing and direct action for climate protests for years now, and got arrested by the cops a few times
    • In my activism I decided to go vegan, but since then it's not about the climate anymore, I just like animals too much <3
    • Lilith isn't actually my name, but I don't want everyone on the internet know my real name :P

    Happy to be here, and I'm looking forward to that will become of this place. Decentralized internet is here to stay!


    using Vicious Mockery to break concentration

    call that Diss Spell Magic




    came out today, so you could say I'm now




    finally got a second monitor :3


    Hey girls! Baby trans here with some questions about body hair

    So, my egg finally cracked a few weeks ago. And while generally dysphoria isn't terrible for me at the moment, one thing that is really making me uncomfortable is my body hair. I've always been pretty hairy, so I bought an epilator a while ago, and while I'm really happy with it for my legs (smooth legs are aweeesome!), I'm having a hard time on my belly and chest. There's just so much and it regrows so quickly, and with how sensitive these areas are, I'm having a hard time keeping up.

    Do you have any other tips or ideas, or do I just have to power through? I've heard it gets better if you do it often, but I can't feel much of a difference yet

    And how are your experiences with body hair on HRT? I'm not on E yet, but would you say it gets better?

    Thanks :3


    murder rule


    rule :3


    rule <3


