The faster they move the more they can get done before their opponents can mobilise resistance.
I would say that so far, there appears to be much less public resistance to Republican policies than in previous years. The Democrats appear to be at sea. The left's working class base is split. Public institutions are too busy protecting their turf, making gestures at cooperating with the new world order rather than trying to resist.
It feels like last time there was an assumption that Trump and MAGA politicsa criminal dictator and fascist politics were a blip or aberration from the norm, now there's an acceptance that they're institutionalised.
Rather unfortunately, the mass deportations was one of the most popular parts of Trump’s platform. Everybody knows mass deportation comes with concentration camps. It’s not that his voters are unaware of it, they actively love it!
As an added note, they deported multiple children to Colombia the other day. Half the people they've arrested in specific areas have zero criminal records. Some are even US citizens. This is not for immigrants, this a Latino concentration camp.
I know two people first hand who have been here for over 30 years with no criminal records who are being detained. These are the people being sent to Guantanamo.
At it's peak it held about 800 prisoners, kinda impossibly small for the numbers discussed here.
Edit-- Well, trump did say "Most people don’t even know that we have 30,000 beds in Guantanamo", I guess file me with most people. Must be incredible how they scaled up while simultaneously closing camps and losing facilities to disrepair, apparently.
Doesn't matter how many beds they have, Trump doesn't want them making it past the showers.
But I'm sure there will be all sorts of bipartisan and humanitarian oversight. Right?
It's not like you can just make a single "undocumented" person disappear. Let alone their whole nuclear family. What would the rest of their family say?
To the best of my knowledge, although the U.S. makes “lease payments” on the land the prison sits on, they do not have the authorization of the Cuban government, which in turn has not cashed those checks.
It's "illegal" migrants now. But it will be us eventually! Do not let it get to that point. They did not win this election by a landslide, and they can only do as much damage as we let them!
It's not eventually. The 'problem' with being overly aggressive on migration is how easy it is to ignore someone's "documentation". And then it is a quick move to a camp where they've determined that, for efficiency, you don't have any right to representation. License? Fake. Passport? Fake.
😢 I'd guess trans women and all unhoused people could be the first casualties, potentially involving cheap prison labour within the US to replace externally detained migrants. Why is it so easy to think of worst case scenarios but so hard to think of ways to stop this?
Homosexuality Queerdom is a Jewish immigrant plot against Germany the US.
It's practically fascist mad libs.
The path to that easier than you might think. Just get the propaganda mill talking about Thai ladyboys and black-market hormones a bit. They love little talking points that are are rooted in preconceptions and tiny slivers of half-truths that they can contort to fit their expand on and then justify their actions.
They are fun to pick out. The other day Trump claimed that the ominous "they" were sending water directly to the ocean to save an endangered fish instead of to LA to fight fires.
That endangered fish is called a Delta Smelt. "Delta", as in a river delta, as found at the end of a know, that thing that carries said water to the ocean.
100%. If you look at the language they're using to describe trans people in their EOs it's clear as day where they're heading and considering they've begun holding trans people's passports indefinitely- they don't want us escaping.
Someone in another thread is literally telling me queer people have nothing to fear because, according to them, nothing serious has happened yet.
And they and others give me shit for getting my gay daughter out of the country because I'm supposed to put Palestinians (who I work my ass off to help) ahead of my own child. Which, and I'm not sure they understand this, is neglect and generally frowned upon by child protective services.
My grandmother fought in the Dutch resistance, helped people who were Jewish escape, and was put in a camp. She died a few years ago. This is how that happened, too. And we're all watching. Even with americas vaunted 2nd amendment, Russian-backed fascists just walked in and took over, and everyone is just watching them. No riots, no fighting back, just passive resistance.
I wish all of you the best of luck. I'm going to go hug my kids.
She really was. The war changed her forever, though. On her death bed she disavowed her lifelong Roman Catholicism, saying "No God would allow what I have seen and lived."
Before that she was an absolute badass and had many dalliances with a man of the clergy, causing his expulsion from the order.
Don't blame the Russian for what the US is doing. A country that spent years of committing war crimes and establishing laws that invade privacy, haunting down journalist and humanitarian, is destined to use that power to abuse their own people sooner or later regardless of foreign intervention.
All the big, strong, don't-tread-on-me styled people just rolling on their backs and showing their bellies to fascism. What a time to be alive, at least Germans of the 1920s-30s didn't have a direct case study to refer to.
Its worse in some ways, the US is a far bigger country. While the 3rd reich destroyed their economy under the repayment plans of WW1 The US seems to be committing a similar kind of economic suicide with absolutely zero pressure to do so.
MAGA has a hardon for cruelty. It's about hurting people. They love the idea a rounding up non-white people, loading them into boxcars, and shipping them off to concentration camps. Everything that Trump has done so far is going make billionaires richer and regular Americans much poorer but as long as he's hurting non-whites they will sit around giving each other rage handies and praising him.
but as long as he’s hurting non-whites they will sit around giving each other rage handies and praising him
What I find fascinating is the right-wing illegal immigration latinos who support Trump. Up until now they've been saying "He's not going to deport us, he's deporting the criminals". I just read a news article about half of the people they've arrested so far did not have any criminal records.
White House press secretary goes live the other day and says "We're going to deport all of them. They're all criminals as far as I'm concerned"
I think people have this instinctual burning desire to feel part of an "in-group" and to hate against an "out-group". It's such a strong burning desire that people will jump through so many mental hoops even when they are in the "out-group".
Note that being illegal is not a crime. It's like when you get a parking ticket. It's against the law but it isn't a criminal violation. But of course the administration doesn't care and neither does the army of rabid Americans cheering on the destruction of the country.
Doesn't seem like misreporting. I found other sources reporting it too.
I sent a text to those I love in any capacity, even former coworkers who've probably deleted my number. Not a group text - one by one. I think it'd be prudent for all US readers to consider doing the same.
Knowing some of you are like me, in that you might not know how to word such a text to someone not expecting it from you, I offer you my copy/pasted text:
I would add something like, "But this is important and the people need to know about it." at the end. It highlights the gravity of the situation and subtly encourages recipients to do the same.
If Trump dies, you'll have Vance , who is arguably worse, because his brain isn't riddled with cheeseburgers and adderall, but regardless of who is wearing the crown, it's people like Stephen Hitler Miller who is running project 2025 and putting the ideas in Donnie's head.
Fucking hell. We were sooooooo close to finally releasing the poor souls caught up from 9/11 shit stuck here. I'm so fucking disgusted by the ruling class in this country.
I'm still not clear what the first "A" in maga is supposed to reference, seeing what's happening these days. All I know is that it's clearly not "America" or a reference to the US.
as in Make Aryans Great Again which I get as a valid concern for them because of how pathetic and hateful right-wing white nationalist jerks are. I mean have you ever actually spent 5 minutes listening to JD Vance? I can feel my masculinity deflating in real-time into a weird smelly ingrown hatred of women and I have to shut if off before my skin begins to crawl....
spits on ground
Oops look at me I meant to spit on A'murica but I must have missed because I hit stolen indigenous land that was brutally and horrifically stolen from the hands of normal, good people who looked a bit different and lived (and yet live) in funny houses.
...and then twice stolen from immigrants who came here and were desperate (and at times foolish) enough to believe they would be included in the prosperity they spent extraordinary amounts of effort building....
... (or they were just kept in chattel slavery/a series of disgusting echoes of it)
Colombia, which eventually backed down, slammed the US' treatment of migrants since Trump came to power.
Why do they continue to repeat this narrative? Colombia wanted the migrants to be deported under humanly conditions. The US did that, now Colombia will take them. The threats of sanctions has nothing to do with it but it makes Trump look strong.
If these people are "the worst of the worst" then we already have infrastructure to deal with that. Gitmo is for extrajudicial punishment that should have been outlawed decades ago. "Thanks Obama"
Obama had a campaign promise to close Gitmo and then didn't. It was made difficult by Republicans, but it was still just sort of abandoned because it would have cost political capital and they didn't want to have that fight.
The way I understand it we have these places in the US call prisons and they are used to house criminals. I guess the only problem with that is in order to put people in them they have to be guilty of a crime.
Indeed, not that it wasn't actually filled with victims, more that people who think it specifically houses terrorists think it is unfit/illegal for that purpose.
Immigration detention centers have been around for a while now. Virtually all of them ran by private corporations. People rail against private prisons but they make up a tiny tiny minority of prisoners. Over 90% of immigration detention centers are privately owned.
So we're going to throw millions of people into camps so that a few corporations can extract a ton of public taxpayer money. They're also gonna stay there for years because it's logistically impossible to move over 10 million people quickly.
I didn't think fascism would happen again my lifetime. But I guess here we are
And I don't mean that from a place of emotional response to bad things, I am saying all of this dispassionately and analytically. The country has a large population of people who are objectively horrible, and vindication has become our primary focus for political action, and this is all because they're generally morons.
I can't even really exaggerate or overplay this. The average American's intelligence is worse than abysmal. I used to lead a team of data-workers at a large company, we had nice, casual morning meetings and talked about the latest events for about a half hour before work. I ended up in the position of people bringing me news stories and headlines to "translate" for them. I had to explain what planets are, I had to explain how gravity works, I had to explain how democracy works, I had to explain history and math and facts and ratios and words like "industrious" or "ambivalent" every day, over and over. AND I'M NOT A SMART PERSON. I have always prided myself on being informed, but at some point I became the one-eyed king in the land of the blind and I hate it.
Everything here is going to get so, so much worse because I know how far down the barrel goes, and we haven't even touched the bottom yet.
They'll claim they disagree with it and they don't like Trump (except for -insert all his policies-) and then vote for him for a third term when he makes that legal. They need to pretend not to salivate about oppressing brown people when they are in polite company but that's about it.
62% of the country supports deporting all illegals. Something that would be unbelievable a decade or two ago is now true for most Americans.
A strong majority of the country supports putting millions of people in camps and keeping them there for years. Of course GOP is more fervently against it- the same GOP that idolizes Reagan who gave blanket citizenship to millions of illegals.
100% of that 62% have no idea at all what is going to happen to many services they depend on. Doesn’t matter if it’s the price of food on the table going up because the farm workers disappeared or the person disappearing who has the necessary but unglamorous job of cleaning bedpans at the nursing home, they’re all very important jobs that people will miss immediately, and they can often be done by migrants or illegal workers.
Can't be seen trying to lower emmisions by having shorter flights to their concentration camps, that is teetering dangerously on the edge of woke... probably, it's hard to nail down where their version of woke is.
It was a national embarrassment when Bush opened the prison, it was a national embarrassment when successive presidents didn't close it, and it's a national travesty that Trump is going to use it to imprison 30,000 people that haven't even been suspected of committing a crime.
So trump is going to build "housing" for 30.000 people, plus possibly hundreds of guards, who all need food, guards will need actual housing with maybefamilies who will need recreation too..
Just saying, this sounds like a VERY expensive distraction from the fact that they're working hard on robbing the US coffers blind...
Now make this for the 20 million or so, and you get to understand why the US will be bankrupt and over 4 years from now if this idiots continues this
Just saying, this sounds like a VERY expensive distraction from the fact that they’re working hard on robbing the US coffers blind…
Doesn't matter if the country goes broke. Something like 90% of immigration detention centers are privately owned. This whole thing is going to funnel hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars of taxpayer money right into the pockets of wealthy shareholders.
Are they just reviewing all the accusations they made about Democrats over the past few years and just using that as a template for what they want to do.
The 2nd amendment was intended to provide a way for citizens to defend themselves from the British, when the US had no standing army. To implement it in modern times when the police are militarised, and soldiers have drones...would be nothing less than suicidal.
Theoretically? Well Manhattan has a population density of about 73,000 people per square mile so it's certainly possible to safely provide for 30,000 people in the space of Guantanamo Bay.
In practice? There's no way they'll be doing anything like that, and the cruelty is the point.
No, they can't. Guantanamo is a very harsh environment with very small capacity
Edit: well, I guess if the plan is to starve them and put them in unliveable conditions where disease is rampant and they begin to die in droves..yes it would make sense then.
And only $13 million per year in 2019, , per inmate that's $390,000,000,000 per year. Sounds like a great use of tax payer money.
Let's be realistic Don doesn't expect any of those people to still be alive after a year, what with all the accidents involving upper storey windows that could just happen at any time, or maybe someone could call for a code red.
Oh I see what he is doing here, screw over 30.000 people, then send them over to their biggest enemies to learn a how to take revenge. America collapse soeedrun
Does anyone know how big is Guantanamo? It takes a lot of space to imprison 30,000 “worst of the worst” children and other people, along with guards and supplies to keep all of them alive.
Aside from the other glaring problems with this idea, is this even physically plausible?
Edit: I came across an article stating:
the original detention center built by Clinton for terrorists, could hold 12,500, in poor conditions even for terrrorists
30,000 would be quite a bit larger than any Nazi concentration camps
And by "forgot about," you mean negotiated the release of 65% of the prisoners? He was literally on pace to clear the place out in his second term. But you knew that, I'm sure.