At it's peak it held about 800 prisoners, kinda impossibly small for the numbers discussed here.
Edit-- Well, trump did say "Most people don’t even know that we have 30,000 beds in Guantanamo", I guess file me with most people. Must be incredible how they scaled up while simultaneously closing camps and losing facilities to disrepair, apparently.
Doesn't matter how many beds they have, Trump doesn't want them making it past the showers.
But I'm sure there will be all sorts of bipartisan and humanitarian oversight. Right?
It's not like you can just make a single "undocumented" person disappear. Let alone their whole nuclear family. What would the rest of their family say?
To the best of my knowledge, although the U.S. makes “lease payments” on the land the prison sits on, they do not have the authorization of the Cuban government, which in turn has not cashed those checks.