It's "illegal" migrants now. But it will be us eventually! Do not let it get to that point. They did not win this election by a landslide, and they can only do as much damage as we let them!
I don't know why you're being downvoted, when will Americans understand this? Their political system is done, there's no turning back at this point, it's gone beyond the event horizon. The only question is how long will Americans continue to bicker and bitch while they see how much worse things get. You have concentration camps now, 10 days in, what will it take? Where is the line that they cross when you know they're a threat to your life? When the soldiers are already banging your door?
It's not eventually. The 'problem' with being overly aggressive on migration is how easy it is to ignore someone's "documentation". And then it is a quick move to a camp where they've determined that, for efficiency, you don't have any right to representation. License? Fake. Passport? Fake.