what a bunch of disgusting human beings. I think for them being a democrat or republican doesn't really matter. Like parasites they will just latch on to whatever opportunity is available and pretend like they are a part of the system.
US politicians only believe in the justice system when it suits them. Lobbing 155 mm artillery shells at civilians, packed into the Gaza Ghetto, is a war crime.
“Republicans want to sanction the ICC simply because they don’t want the rules to apply to everyone,” said Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Massachusetts) on the House floor on Thursday.
McGovern highlighted that Republicans are moving to erode human rights while ignoring urgent issues within the U.S.
“We have a natural disaster unfolding in California right this second…. We have a gun violence epidemic, as we see massacres in our schools nearly every single day. And families are unable to make ends meet because they’re being ripped off by billionaire corporations,” said McGovern. “All those challenges, and this is what the out of touch elitist billionaire Republican party wants to waste time on. Sanctioning the ICC.”
I liked Jim McGovern already, but I like him more, now.
Here's the list of voters that you can narrow down. It's appalling. AIPAC, the pro-isrealGenocide lobby, has been pushing this, in order to shield their terrorist leader netenyahoo from punishment. The bill would not just sanction the International Criminal Court, but it's members. They are actively trying to punish individuals across the globe, for condemning isreals genocide, using the American peoples congress as their cudgel.
Unless your platform is anti-abortion, anti-tax, pro-jesus then that would just split the vote between you and the DNC candidate, ensuring the GOP wins and doing more harm than good.
“My opponent supports genocide. They’ve received xxx,xxx dollars from AIPAC. They’re being funded by foreign interests because they put those interests before you.”
And to any dem politicians out there thinking about it- AIPAC and Netanyahu fucked Biden. They are not your ally. They are not your friend.
Probably after we switch from a First-past-the-post voting system to something more representative.
Then people could vote outside the two party system without a spoiler effect.
We can make these changes at the state level. Alaska recently voted to keep using Ranked Choice voting. Conservatives were mad because Ranked Choice voting allowed alaskans to choose a more moderate conservative over Sarah Palin and pushed to have a referendum to go back to FPTP voting.
So why do Blue states use FPTP voting when it's clear republicans prefer it?
I dont think FPTP is a problem, my country also have FPTP but we have diverse range of parties having significant influence.
Electoral college is the real issue
When people on the left stop just circle-jerking on the Internet and actually get involved in their state and local Democratic parties, vote in the primaries and run for office.
75% of Democrats voted against it and 100% of Republicans supported it. The problem in this country is Democrats, because a portion of them side with Republicans sometimes.
Honestly the fact that 75% of Democrats voted against it is actually kinda surprising. In the past close to 100% of both parties were knee-jerk pro-Israel votes. This means there's actually a good chance it won't pass the senate. If people wanna call their senator instead of complaining online, maybe it won't. I'm in DC so I'm allowed to just complain online until you give me my two senators.
I'd like to see a breakdown of this idea. Some people say Democrats seem to perfectly shore up votes to push through conservative shit, but the idea is the same color as "it's them vs us."
If that were the case then people wouldn’t be continually voting the way they do. This is what we collectively want. It’s not like it’s a dictatorship.
Why bother? Polling on issues doesn't matter. If it did, we would have universal healthcare, a higher minimum wage, and universal background checks for purchasing firearms.
It's easy to say but the solution takes a lot more critical thinking for people to vote ethically or even just in their own interests rather than for the team they've been trained to vote for.
Most people either don't have the available time to research, the interest to put the effort in or the capacity to understand the consequences of their choice.
Simplification to "trusted source K recommended by trusted source L says I should vote for team B" is the default solution. "Surely everyone in recommended team B is a fine upstanding person who will fight tooth and nail for my best interests?"
Most people need to be engaged and critical or the system defaults to whoever controls the trusted sources.
If we keep acting like anyone with a D by their name is perfect we’ll never fix shit.
Progressives usually don't (value based on group membership). You know those disappointments only got into power because they were the least-bad option. Because progressives don't value loyalty; progressives need to fall in love.
Thing is, they have just one option, and it's merely the lesser of two evils. They need more less-evil choices. They need more people saying "people have the right to defend their land" and blow the dog whistle, and then say "that's not their land. That's not defending" when they get in.
I say that's 45 disappointments, but it's only 45. Promise me you'll get it to 44 and lower if they're in your area. Do what you can, at least.
This isn't a movie script; it's a continual slog with a progress report every 2 years. This is one time when "line must go up" from the pit it's in now. So. And I mean this after all that rambling.
Progressives do value loyalty. It's why they're so mad at the Democratic party, as it keeps showing that "loyalty" means "vote for us and we'll vote against you." Like they just did here for every Palestinian-American. Like they did last week for trans people. Like they did for the relatives of the undocumented when they adopted Republican border policy.
Know how to get shouted down on lemmy? Make a comment about how rotten the Democrats are, comparing their sins to Republicans. And here's the secret sauce...
Let the next comment say, "fuck your 'both sides' bullshit!"
That's all it takes. No matter the original comment, first reply sets the tone.
Sprinkle in some approved slogans to really rack up those points. A real point scorer is, "the suffering is the point!" Or, "capitalism", or "racism". Context be damned, just comment the right words and you can lead these kids around by the nose.
And down voted when you bring it up. So many people think the Dems are entitled to your vote simply because they aren't Republicans. I feel the same way posting on FB. My friends don't want to hear it, or hear that they are voting for a party that actively supports oligarchs.