I have a medium end gaming PC with 64gb of ram and a decent (aging) 5700xt. My favorite PC game right now is Hades 😎
I like the graphics of new games, but every time I try to play one I have to agree to a 50 page privacy policy and/or create a new account. I usually just cancel that and go back to my classic games that you just open and start playing.
This game feels like the perfect game to be cross platform (save game) and I definitely can play it in almost, if not all my devices but I haven't started because I am suffering of choice paralysis lol.
Yeah, that is fair, and my Android phone is likely to be the one I'd get it... But at the same time, my battery is a bit messed up... So I am thinking my Switch would be better 😂
I've been curious about the hype for this game. From what I know it seems like a card game like poker. The popularity of it must mean it's quite engaging though.
I got it on my phone, and it has taken up more of my life than I care to admit. It's similar to slay the spire. Highly recommend to anyone who enjoys strategy games.
Im very curious as well. Was looking into it and came to the same conclusion; it's just a poker with weird rules and some nicer graphics. Its advertised as a deck building game. Now I don't know what a deck builder game is, but imagine something like pokemon or magic the gathering? But what's the fun in combining this with poker? And isn't that more fun with real, physical cards and friends?
It has lots of modifiers and rules and your hand is a dynamic deck of cards (not just 52 default cards) and so you get the dynamic gameplay and synergizing strategies of a game like Slay the Spire.
It's poker solitaire - you have 24 blinds to beat (getting 4 played hands attempts [two pair, four of a kind, etc), and 2 discards of up to 5 cards, per blind). The hand played plus the cards in the hand result in a multiplication formula to give you your point value. It's pretty straight forward.
Every 3rd blind is a boss, which has a special debuff of some kind (like all diamond cards adre debuffed[provide no points and do not trigger special abilities), or 1 in 7 chance for a card in your hand to be dealt face down)
You beat the point target of each blind, and after every blind you go to the store to buy additional cards or things that modify your deck, like a tarot card that allows you to turn 3 cards into spades (making it easier to play flushes), or increase a two select cards by 1 rank (so, turning 2x 6s into 7s meaning you now have 6x 7s in your deck and 2x 6s, making it easier to hit 4 of a kind on 7s).
Then there jokers on top of it, which have even more crazy effects than modify your hand point values
The first 3 blinds are 300, 450, and 600 points
The 24th blind is 100,000 points.
So you need to develop your deck and jokers at the shop after each blind to continue to make your hands played more and more valuable, because that 100k blind isn't that far away.
At its core it's just a fun arithmetic game (a default pair hand is 20 points and a 2x multiplier. Then you get a joker that says +4 to multiplier of played hand contains a pair. So now when you play a pair you get 20 pts at a 6x multiplier).
It's as simple or as complicated as you want it to be.
A lot of the fun comes from your own personal challenges. Like, just starting a run and getting a spectral card that turns your hand on to all 8s so you just go "fuck it, I'm gonna try to turn my hand into all 8s and do a 5 of a kind run".
Oh yeah, and secret hands too: 5 of a kind, Flush House (full house with all cards of the same suit), and Flush Five (five of a kind, all same suit)
You might like it, you might not. I personally can't see why people say it's so addicting, but it does keep me busy on my train ride to work.
I got a new 3070 ti GPU back in like 2022 but my CPU is from 2009 so a lot of stuff has been bottle necked. I got everything but the case for my new computer. It will be here Saturday. I'm so excited!
I'm looking forward to Death Stranding and Helldivers 2 which both physically couldn't run on my CPU because they used instructions made after 2011 or something. Elden Ring wouldn't get more than like 20 to 25 FPS for me. So many little things I'm looking forward to.
I may play it when the story is finished - if the reviews for the full thing are positive. Right now I’m too worried they’re making a decade of buildup for a dissatisfying and confusing ending, just like Kingdom Hearts.
I’ve played a demo of Remake on my PlayStation and while I could project whatever conversational voices I wanted from text dialog back with the original, I just can’t mesh with the half-hearted anime dub voices (in either language). And I ultimately play JRPGs for their story. Thanks for the recommendation though.
Cyberpunk, Witcher 3 got an update to graphics like 2 years ago, Returnal (3rd person shooter rogue lite scifi bullet hell that is fucking beautiful, was a PS5 exclusive but is now available on PC), the Spiderman games, god of war (2018, and the new one), Baulder's Gate 3.
Or uh.... Just install Path of Exile and play that for 3000 hours. I don't know man. You do you.