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gamermanh gamermanh
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It's exhausting...
  • 25% were abstention due to dislike of the candidate.

    Sounds like the problem is with who the DMC puts up, then. If 25% of your own team refuse to participate you've got s fucking problem

  • Ladybird - a brand new browser engine that isn't Google or Mozilla
  • Sonys website breaks for me

    Square enix bitches every fucking time

    Some other niche sites I use also break in weird and violent ways sometimes

    All tested with all add-ons disabled to see if that fixed them, all failed

    Lol, downvote me all you want you fucking weridos, doesn't change the facts

  • Alec Baldwin’s case on track for trial in July as judge denies request to dismiss
  • just that Alec should be held responsible for his role

    Which is fine, but you've misattributed what the part he played that makes him guilty is. Had it been any other actor they'd not be guilty, as has already been explained actors cannot reasonably be expected to know they've been handed an unsafe weapon by the armorer.

    Baldwin was a producer and directly involved in the hiring process of those on the crew. He hired an incompetent armorer AS WELL as misbehaved on set as a producer leading to an unsafe work environment. Baldwin is guilty no matter who pulled that trigger.

  • Spamming, by the tankie definition: "Posting something once, but it's something I dislike >:( "
  • So you are meant

    Meant to what?

    Maybe get yourself some actual education on the topic

    Nice projection.

    And again, there is no genocide.

    Stop being a purposeful idiot.

  • Spamming, by the tankie definition: "Posting something once, but it's something I dislike >:( "
  • I'm calling you an idiot for denying an obvious genocide. That doesn't require supporting the people in charge of those being genocided.

  • Spamming, by the tankie definition: "Posting something once, but it's something I dislike >:( "
  • no genocide committed by Israel.

    Stop being so purposefully stupid

  • Big problems require solving root issues
  • As someone who has directly worked with those exact people:

    Address the underlying problems, not the mentally ill victim

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • I never saw your other comment asking for elaboration so I'm sorry for that, but super glad it's working out for ya! You sound exactly like I did when I first swapped lol

    Good luck with the taskbar, we all find that one damn white whale!

  • Try this!
  • pours oil on you

    I think we all know what you've done.

  • Supreme Court allows cities to ban homeless people sleeping outside, even when shelter space is lacking
  • It''s not just the big cities with homeless problems, it's basically everywhere that's not RURAL, and even then you still see them

    When other places send them here, it's gonna be a problem

  • Cognizant descent
  • I get that you're trying to be uplifting and motivating and whatnot but executive distinction making it quite literally impossible to motivate myself to get up and take those first few steps is the problem here.

  • Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you
  • That's nice and you're very lucky. My PCP told me to schedule an appt with their drugs and mental health department (3 month minimum wait) and that he'd not renew the prescription I'd come to him with.

    Then my next Dr was telehealth and kept warning me I needed to see her in person, but never had an appointment open.

    Then my next Dr was 45 minutes late to every appointment.

    Then my next Dr tried to get me to do IT troubleshooting on my end when he hadn't joined the fucking Zoom call.

  • Former Uvalde school police chief, officer indicted in 1st-ever criminal charges over failed response to 2022 mass shooting
  • Unions should always back the due process rights of their members....

    That's not what's being talked about and you know it.

  • Nintendo says generational handover is going smoothly – “We have young and brilliant developers”
  • Cool, Nintendo, now stop hindering them with piss-weak hardware and pissing off fans with your anti-fan behaviour

    I mean, neither of those bother me anymore now that I exclusively pirate from you, but for other people

  • Is it practically impossible for a newcomer selfhost without using centralised services, and get DDOSed or hacked?
  • Many of us also lived through the era where any 13 year old could steal Mommy's credit card and rent a botnet for that ezpz

    My MC server a decade ago was tiny and it still happened every few months when we banned some butthurt kid

  • Proton VPN now available without creating an account (Android)
  • I really love all of the proton products...

    Except their VPN. I'm sorry, but their servers trip CAPTCHAs and cloud flare warnings more than 95% of the time for me no matter where I connect from. I really wish it wasn't like that because it makes the Internet fucking awful to use

    Mullvad will just keep getting my 5/month on top of my proton sub, I guess...

  • History repeats itself.
  • I really wonder if enough of us with those exact desires pooled our resources if we could manage an old truck conversion service.

    Was gonna turn my dad's old Ranchero EV when I inherited it before the turd totalled it, it's shockingly simple all things considered just pricey

  • Supreme Court halts enforcement of the EPA's plan to limit downwind pollution from power plants
  • God I'm so glad I live in California. We're not perfect by any means but:

    I used to live about 2 BLOCKS from a refinery and never had that experience. The one time there was even a vague issue that "might" have impacted health the FD came by and were like "GTFO were evacuating the area" and I went home that night to a safe and mot-covered-in-bullshit home.

    And the supreme Court thinks making that normal everywhere is bad.