No Biden, your legacy will be that your ego was so big, you let your country fall into fascism rather than relinquish power. He never should have run for 2024, and the DNC should have had an actual primary.
Nothing else he did during his term will end up mattering nearly as much as how it ended.
How do you figure? He was looking at potentially losing Minnesota, New Hampshire and Virginia when he dropped out, and showing no signs of being able to campaign his way out of that hole. One of the Harris campaign's "gaffes" in the late run was when he went and called Trump supporters garbage (or at least, said words that sounded like that) after the Puerto Rico thing at MSG). Maybe 2020 Biden could have pulled it out, but 2024 Biden, both in the sense of his current mental and social capabilities and in the sense of the baggage he had as the incumbent president, didn't have a lot going for him
Considering Harris' campaign was basically "I'm Biden 2.0, except I'm gonna capitulate even harder to Republicans," I really, really doubt that. Biden won the 2020 election entirely off a platform of "I'm not Donald Trump." It was foolish and belittiling of the DNC to think they could pull the same trick four years later.
he had the lowest poll ratings of any incumbent on 80 years. Nixon had higher polls than Biden. He had zero chance of being reelected, even before he talked about beating medicare. Even against an idiot like Trump. Harris's hole challenge was to climb out of the giant approval hole Biden had dug himself with his own stupidity.
As he campaigned for president in 2020, Joe Biden made a bold promise at a New Hampshire town hall, adding repetition for emphasis: “No more drilling on federal lands. Period. Period. Period. Period.” […] The Biden administration has now outpaced the Trump administration in approving permits for drilling on public lands, and the United States is producing more oil than any country ever has.
but it's not retroactive. people called for rbg's resignation at the time. a lot of the establishment pushed back, including herself. they pretended it would be bad for the court to do such things for political reasons.
democrats love to lose. they live to lose. they talk civility and pretend they're above politics. the whole entire fucking thing is political I'm so sick of these people. politicians pretending they're above politics is like a plumber who pretends they're above plumbing. they're useless.
He never said he would legalize marijuana. He can't do that, wrong branch. He did say he would pursue decriminalization of it, which he did pursue Iike the other comment said about trying to get it rescheduled. As of January 2022 there were 0 people in federal prisons for charges solely based upon possession of marijuana. (He pardoned a number to get them out)
If you want it legalized, look at the legislative branch.
He started the process for medical marijuana legalization in 2022 via rescheduling to schedule 3 (Harris had called for full legalization, Biden only called for medical). It's not as simple as a singular executive order when done without congressional action alone. The existing law makes the process very convoluted to reschedule. Lots of steps inbetween with people that have actively tried to slow it down
The formal rule for it ended up being fully proposed in May 2024, and the DEA has dragged it out and kept delaying it. The DEA managed to push the inital first hearing out until Dec 2nd and there keep being legal challenges from outside groups to push it back further and further
Green energy, EV investment, union empowerment (inb4), student debt relief marijuana pardons and likely rescheduling, infrastructure, drug price controls, Chips act, PACT act, non-competes banned (by FTC along 'party lines'), pardoning people kicked out of military for being gay, supporting Ukraine, etc, etc.
People saying he didn't do anything have their head in the sand.
Is this where we cue "but he didn't do everything, everywhere, all at once"?
You lost me the moment you thought the strikes were only about sick days. Look up the unions' demand and you'll see that sick days were only one of many, and Biden still gave them less of those than they demanded.
The video says (effectively) "still working behind the scenes on the remaining issues". Just because they reach an agreement on one item doesn't mean they ignore all the other items.
I think people are more upset about the net change. Marijuana pardons, but he also pardoned someone who embezzled millions, as well as Hunter (after saying he wouldn't). He also showed no sympathy for union workers, like when he signed return to work for striking rail workers.
He started the process for medical marijuana legalization in 2022 via rescheduling to schedule 3 (Harris had called for full legalization, Biden only called for medical). It's not as simple as a singular executive order when done without congressional action alone. The existing law makes the process very convoluted to reschedule. Lots of steps inbetween with people that have actively tried to slow it down
The formal rule for it ended up being fully proposed in May 2024, and the DEA has dragged it out and kept delaying it. The DEA managed to push the inital first hearing out until Dec 2nd and there keep being legal challenges from outside groups to push it back further and further
Dems also tried getting it through via legislation which is much faster. Passed in the house but it died in the senate
When he said he wasn't ever going to pardon his son, I knew that wasn't true, and so did he. There was no reason to lie, yes it's a political witch hunt, and the only reason they went after him is because of who he was, but he knew that.
That's another reason why I am disappointed in Biden.
The democratic party needs all of its leadership gone, people like Pelosi are keeping the party down at the expense of the American people.
I'm actually of the opinion that he really meant what he said when he promised not to pardon his son. But then after the election I believe he was disappointed with the democratic party and the American public and realized that leaving his son in prison under Trump and a fully Republican Congress was dangerous (he'd already lost all of his other children). And decided to go against his own word. He really had nothing to lose in doing it. And I don't think he gives a damn shit about the Democratic party anymore. I mean, I know I don't.
Man, imagine if magats cared one inch when trump pardoned the straight up crooks Roger Stone et al. Imagine their reaction when he pardons everyone involved in the failed insurrection.
Do you think magats find us more decent and respectable when democrats "tsk tsk"?
Let Biden pardon his son, who gives a shit. It's not like Trump is gonna go "well maybe I won't be a dictator now" if Biden doesn't.
Centrists have no platform other than keep everything the same and pretend to do something everyone wants. When it fails, they continue to do nothing. All the while making money with insider trading and running reelection campaigns.
Yep, Which was another way of saying nothing will fundamentally improve either. Where is that old "Mission accomplished" banner from George W's stupid flight suit speech after desert storm. Biden can reuse that.
True, the CHIPS act, infrastructure bill, inflation reduction act, the largest investment into climate change in US history, allowing Medicare negotiation for the first time in history and persistent support of Ukraine against fledgling populace support, and an economy that's the envy of the world, all amount to nothing huh.
True, the CHIPS act, infrastructure bill, inflation reduction act, the largest investment into climate change in US history
The government throwing money at corporations and calling it progress is not fundamental change.
allowing Medicare negotiation for the first time in history
For 10 drugs. And legislation that only benefits old people is also not fundamental change.
and persistent support of Ukraine against fledgling populace support
The US funding a proxy war (I support Ukraine, but let's call this what it is) is not a fundamental change.
and an economy that’s the envy of the world
You know that when you toss in shit like this, it casts doubts on the rest of your comment, right?
God damn, what did you want?
A minimum wage increase. Rescheduled cannabis. The childcare and education provisions promised and then gleefully jettisoned from BBB. Legislation to protect democracy. Legislation to protect Roe. You know, the things Biden promised when he was running. The word he just said he kept.
Doesn’t matter what he did if he couldn’t do the one thing we elected him to do, keep Trump out o office. Everything he did will be undone and the only legacy he’ll have is being a sad footnote between two Trump terms.
idk he certainly did some decent stuff, and tried to do even more while being blocked by the other branches, but he broke his word several times.
I'll miss the boring politics as we faceplant back into potus orange haired toadus
It's been fine waking up every day simply concerned about the economy and people experiencing terrible things from afar, soon my morning concerns will include our local immigrants, a christofacist state, political retribution against some of the few politicians with some integrity, a further broken judicial system, broken education, banned abortions, broken social security, further broken health insurance. Ugh
I’ll miss the boring politics as we faceplant back into potus orange haired toadus
This is the thing I'll miss the most. It was like the eye of a storm of bullshit. Like, I don't need to worry that the president is going to talk about pedophilia at the fucking Boy Scout Picnic.
PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I kept my word—that when I said I was going to do something, I did it. My focus has always been on how to give ordinary people a shot. You've probably heard me say it before: my dad used to say, "Joey, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It's about your dignity. It's about respect. It's about being able to look your kid in the eye and say, 'It's going to be okay,' and mean it." It's about being able to be yourself and focusing on people who need some help. The vast majority of the American people, all they want is a chance—just a chance—and they'll do fine.
Also Joe Biden months before pardoning his son for 'any and all crimes' committed over more than a decade:
No one is above the law!
But there's a hell of a lot more Biden promised and never even tried.
Hell, he said the only way he wouldn't run in 2024 was if "the Lord almighty himself" told him to, then he dropped out
Biden may have started 2020 with a few scraps of dignity left, but it's all gone by now and he probably doesn't even know. Geriatric politicians like him Pelosi probably honestly think we all love them.
Laughs in student loan debt relief……
Which was coincidentally the only reason i even swallowed my pride and voted for this centrist billionaire puppet.
Sick and tired of voting for the “lesser of two evils” when its clear both of which have puppet strings leading directly to blackrock, state street, vanguard and all the other war profiteering mutual fund wall street billionaires. The us political landscape has become a joke of blatantly fascist imperialism.
These are the words of a person who didn't actually study what they are talking about. I invite you to re-reaearch this topic and find out why it failed instead of using it as an opportunity to grandstand about the Democrats.
In the 1930s prescott bush and all his other wall street legacy family robber barron buddies got together and propositioned one of the most decorated generals in US history, Smedly Butler to lead their coup attempt and overthrow the FDR administration and impose a fascist nazi style regime where the intersection of wall street and military industrial power would be in complete control of the government and media. These ultra wealthy industrialists were all big supporters of adolf hitler and even hosted a rally for him in Maddison square garden. Butler played along with their scheme until the last minute when he went to the house unamerican activities committee and testified against their plot. HUAC deemed his testimony credible but did nothing to punish those who devised the coup. Most likely because they were in their pockets.
Now fast forward 90 some years and the son and grandson of the coup’s main architect were both sitting presidents and if you’re paying attention you can clearly see that wall street military and prison industry profiteers own our politicians and are the ones who have the ultimate say in maters of legislation and policy. They own all the media outlets and since Reagan and Bush sr. both vetoed attempts to legislate fairness in media laws that were standard practice up until 1987 their news outlets just spew right wing corporatist(a synonym for fascism) propaganda and it is an objective fact that there is now no left party in the American political landscape.
Wake up, you don’t know what youre talking about. The main reason it failed is because the president has no real power and is nothing more than a puppet owned by a group of war mongering psychopaths who spend more on weekend vacations than you could earn in a dozen consecutive lifetimes
I have this really wierd take where I judge things based on the other things in their group. A sort of realtive judgement based on my experience of reality. As opposed to what I feel it should be in an ideal state in my head. I would like to get to that ideal state but it has not come to be yet. Once again I will say that biden was the best president of my lifetime. I get a lot of flak from that but so far no one has taken a president from the last 50 years as an example of how much better they were than him or gave me a run down rank putting him at the bottom below reagan and bush and trump and such.
The problem with comparing Presidents is that you have to consider the times they were in power, and what did get done vs. what could have been done. Sorting Democrats above Republicans is the easy part, but the caveat is that they could have been so much better, but settled for better than Republicans. And of course parties over time change as well. Neither party resembles the past version in many ways.
I'm surprised you put Biden above Obama or Carter though. What major achievement did he do that gives him top level?
actually its because as you say considering the times. obama had two terms and in the first term he wasted a lot of time trying to work with republicans. as such the aca was the only thing to come out of it and he had a very nice initial setup congression wise. Biden had a very adversarial situation and managed to do quite a bit of useful thing. beyond the omundsman bill was the no surprise billing and not allowing college loan debt to rise above principle, have payback relative to means and discharged after 20 years of payments (the income driven plan). This is keep in mind the compromise action after knocking down many other more comprehensive discharging and despite a complete lack of appreciation on this platform for it from many folks. he was like a bulldog coming back and getting at least something done for all of his stuff. Getting more people overtime when miscategorized as exempt. I still give him credit for the no compete even though the courts blocked it. It at least as made it an issue. Don't get me wrong I like obama like as far as stats. well spoken, well educated, just downright cool and a leader you could be proud to have. One that makes other countries jealous. Again though he sorta wasted the first term. I do keep in mind that biden did better because of his experience under obama though so its a bit unfair but its results that matter. Similarly carter did not get a lot in his term and unfortunately it was because he was to good for the job really.
Once again I will say that biden was the best president of my lifetime.
And lots of people say trump was/is...
That's because it's an opiy, and everyone is entitled to their own, no matter how few agree with them.
but so far no one has taken a president from the last 50 years as an example of how much better they were than him or gave me a run down rank putting him at the bottom below reagan and bush and trump and such.
He's below Obama, and Bill...
Those are the only two Dem presidents to compare him too.
While ignoring that Biden was just a figurehead for the neo liberal wing that stopped Obama from doing more...
That's the important distinction, Obama wasn't perfect but tried to do more and failed.
Biden drug his feet and reluctantly did some small things, but the people who decided it was Biden's turn and gave him the "victory fund" when Hillary was done with it have the pull they could have gotten a lot done.
They just didn't want to
And I know all this goes over people's heads, and they're likely just going to get upset because Biden has the right letter by his name.
But how can you say Biden was better than Obama considering that?
man you and I have 100% opposite views on obama and biden. I loved obama but felt he got little done in his first term (for biden im comparing like with like so every presidents first term) do to trying to work with republicans to much and I see biden as having gotten up every time something he did was smacked down and got some sort of progress going. He seemed to understand that while the whole loaf would be great, better half than none. Clinton had a lot of things I did not like. drug benefit that was way to much corpo giveaway. and then also I feel he got, at least initially, an easy situation for a democratic president. bush sr lost because he was still classically conservative enough to raise taxes and the economy bill inherited was significantly better than obama or biden. I feel more than any other democrat he coasted and could have fought for much better gains.
but IMO it’s too black and white to claim that he did nothing.
It's crazy people will say stuff like this...
While ignoring the president saying he did everything he said he would isn't a bigger issue.
Like, it can make sense when trump's the president, but because Biden was in between it means for 12 years people have held random social media accounts to a higher standard than the US president...
They both tell blatant lies and seem to believe them, and it's completely normalized
If it's:
it’s too black and white to claim that he did nothing.
Isn't it wrong for Biden to say he did everything?
(Obviously he's factually wrong, I meant it's morally wrong for him to be lying like this)