a toddler throws a tantrum when it thinks it can get something it wants from the adult and democrats have a history of giving these toddlers what they wanted when they tantrum-ed hard enough; their current party leader literally used to brag about doing so in his 2020 campaign.
“Walkouts allow a relatively small number of lawmakers to nullify the will of the majority, and that is to the detriment of our democracy,” Alejandro Queral, executive director of the Oregon Center for Public Policy, said in an emailed statement.
I get the sentiment, and am also so, so tired of this. But. It's an election year and Biden is currently president. In other words, these freaks will absolutely shut down the government, actively harm the economy, and reduce our national security because they can then blame democrats and it will help elect Trump. Please vote, donate, and volunteer accordingly....
They would never. They can threaten all they want but what they are really risking is the dollar as the dominant currency. If it becomes commonplace or even somewhat likely that a shutdown can happen, the rest of the world sees that as instability. These fools don't know what levers they are messing with and the second someone actually pulls it they will shit their pants crying because they made a booboo.
I suspect the redhats would just interpret the votes being blocked were for "illegals" and that this was a good thing. Because they've been told this repeatedly.
I said it last shutdown but does nobody seem to notice that whenever we have a shutdown it's because Republicans keep shitting their pants and then screaming about the smell?
Every govt shutdown in my lifetime has been because of Republicans. These shutdowns impact millions of people yet I never see it brought up.
They have extremely effective propaganda (fox) that just claims the exact opposite every time it happens and slightly more than half of the country’s land (not people) believe it.
People keep talking about fox news like that's what the diehard rechugulacans are watching. They listened to their Cheeto dusted emperor and now they watch newsmax.
I don’t think they are conservatives, although they call themselves that. Democrats are conservatives.
Classic conservatives conserve: this is a mob who could not individually list one thing they want to keep from changing. They want as much change that makes them the most money
Preservation of an existing thing and conservative political ideology aren't actually linked. No matter how much conservatives try to tell you they are. Classic Conservatism was just how 17th and 18th century political philosophers referred to monarchies and top down systems that impose order on the masses. This was in opposition to Classical Liberalism which was a bottom up imposition of order. I.e. by the people, for the people.
In many ways the South came out of the revolution still subscribed to classical conservatism. They favored a heavy class system, different rules for the elite and workers, and were loathe to expand voting beyond the elite. Even after the civil war they made the antebellum period their golden age. It wasn't until the post world war 2 era offered Neo-Liberalism that they really gave up trying to go back to the antebellum period. There were even slave-like conditions called peonage right up to the mid 1940s.
One of the biggest differences in classical conservatism and liberalism was what they called, the state of nature. Liberals saw all men as inherently good, but taught to be evil by oppression and stressful environmental factors. Conservatives saw all men as inherently evil and in need of strong control. Their theories followed pretty well from those base assumptions. Although there was also a healthy dose of Divine Rule in conservatism.
I'm mentioning this because I hope everyone reading this can realize the Republicans of the cold war, as racist and hateful as they were, were still inside classical liberalism. They still believed in democracy, rule by the people, for the people. Since the end of Bush's presidency though they've increasingly decided classical conservatism is more attractive.
republicans are trying to conserve billionaires money, democrats are trying to conserve the larger federal system. Nobody is trying to fix the system atm.
let the gov shutdown, lets see those stock prices tumble. You'd never get a better chance to let republicans shoot their own donors in the dick. Lets see spacex stop getting checks, stop paying the supreme court. The rule they're using to "shut down" the government is likely unconstitutional anyway.
The shutdown would be triggered by Congress not passing a funding bill, something that's happened 3 times since 2013, and the supreme would continue to get paid if this happens.
It seems like the supreme court staff would all be furloughed though. Could probably cut power to the buildings too. With a little creativity they could certainly create a situation where the supreme court stops getting paid and there is no way to convene the court to deal with it.
Please shut the government down... please, please, please... while your party controls a mere one half of one of a branch of the government, please shut the government down during an election cycle. Please, please, please do it.
Who cares what MAGA adherents believe... you don't try to get the hard-core, brainwashed followers, they've already committed themselves. However, the undecided voter will see it as the GOP floundering, unable to govern.
I was debating my father in 2020 about voting and said we should make voting laws "better." He countered that different parties might have different definitions of "better." I said, "easier and more accessible." He had no counter.
I'm not convinced it's a bluff. As an outsider looking in, I'm going to tell you how I see this sort of situation.
The Republicans have embraced the Trump way of just accepting you're the bad guy, knowing your diehards will vote for you anyway. Whereas the Democratic members and voters expect responsibility from their party leaders.
So in a shutdown, the Republicans lose nothing, and the Democrats can lose everything.
And the Republicans will all run to their chosen propaganda outlets to cry about how it's Democrats that are causing the shut down because they "refuse to secure our elections" and if course the typical person who doesn't follow politics much will eat it up. :(
The problem with that is that Republicans are always saying that Government doesn't work and the whole system is dysfunctional, so when they turn around and deliberately break it they'll just tell their idiot constituents that they were obviously right the whole time.
Dems should threaten them with a good time. Say, sure, to vote you have to prove you're a citizen... by showing your passport. More than half of these clowns haven't ever left their trailer park towns.
If you haven't already, follow Jeff Jackson while he's still in his position. He tells it how it is and gives inside info on why they make these futile plays
Could shutting down the government somehow be an election stealing tactic by Republicons? How would that impact the government's ability to ensure fair elections.
The elections are run by the states, not the federal government. Congress keeps working during a shutdown. I can't see how it would hinder the election.
It would have unpredictable effects on the election though, so I can't imagine they really want to risk it.
Voting is not the solution to this problem. The Democrats have had the majority in relatively recent years, and they've done nothing to deal with this threat.
How many times does it have to happen before Democrats will figure out how to handle it permanently? As soon as our Washington politicians find the motivation they will solve this problem.
You know how I know? Because they're getting more and more insane while also less and less able to do anything meaningful about anything, they're crazy and impotent, both politically and in their personal lives.
This is literally what winning looks like, finish strangling the serpent.
Johnson plans to pair a bill funding the government for six months with a Republican bill called the “Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act” or “SAVE Act,” that would require new voters to submit “documentary proof of United States citizenship,” such as a passport or a birth certificate, in order to register to vote.
That doesn't seem like an outrageous ask but then access to such documents should also be safeguarded, that is if the actual reason was just to prevent voter fraud/illegally voting
This usually places undue burden on women, poor and generally anybody not a white dude.
Say you are a woman, okay you've got your certified copy of your birth certificate $10-but wait the name doesn't match because you got married.
Now you need a marriage certificate, thats another $10 and the trouble of contacting another municipal office.
Oh were you married twice? Thats tracking down another 2 municipal offices, another $10 marriage cert and now a certified judgement of divorce which will cost-ooh was your children's custody agreement a part of that? $40. Did you not remember your divorce file number from 30 years ago? It'll be an additional $5 per name per every 2 years searched.
I've seen women spend like $200 just on certified copies to get a realID driver's license. Has a chilling effect on registering, to solve a problem of voter fraud that doesn't really exist.
If the intention was to actually fight current or future voter fraud then they should really have an easy way of submitting that documentary proof. I don't know what form that would take in the US and how expensive it would get, considering you'd want some stipulation that it shouldn't have much cost to acquiring such documents, shouldn't be too difficult and whatnot. Assuming you'd want to do that right. Not that I think that's their genuine intention.
Where I live in Finland we don't have voter registering. We do check IDs when you vote, that part just seems sensible, but there isn't an actual ID requirement. You just need to be identified without a doubt, but the form isn't set. In specific circumstances it could even be that the officials there know you and guarantee who you are. But if you don't have a passport (rare not to have it here), you don't have driver's license or ID card, you can get a temporary ID for free from the police station just for voting. But then you need to be also somehow identified there, so sorta the same problem again, but at least you have more time there than in the voting place.
What issue is it trying to solve? To my knowledge electoral fraud is so extremely rare in general (article cites figures in the double digits since 2000) let alone non-citizen voting, what this is though is anti-voter legislation, part of their election denial bullshit
Votes for Democrats. The Republicans have been using voter suppression tactics to get elected for decades. At this point it's the only way they can cling onto power.
2016 GE poll worker, inspector. I watched an elderly couple look at the polling results from the machines then write down a different result on their submission to the county. Their problem was that they also needed my signature. When I refused they signed for me. When I objected to the Secretary of State nothing happened.
There's all sorts of voter fraud. But, it's not being effected by the voters.
Having such safeguards in place to make sure it doesn't become an issue does seem alright to me. But they seem to be doing this as a form of voter suppression.
I would have to figure out how the NYC birth certificate system works and I live halfway across the country. It's too close to the election to do that, and getting a passport can take months and hundreds of dollars.
McTurtle cares about only 1 thing, power. He is nothing if not shrewd. The man would sell his wife out as a chinese spy if he thought it woild give the GOP an edge
I have always thought that the American voting system is... Odd? I read you need to register every now and then in order to be able to vote? In Mexico we all get an ID issued by the federal government as you turn 18, and it is valid for pretty much anything, including voting. It is valid for years, you can vote as long as you have it on your possession. Updating your address or getting a reposition is free, and we even now allow Mexicans living abroad ( undocumented or not) to vote.
Granted, the system is not perfect, but I believe an important part of a democracy is to make participating in it as convenient as possible.
First of all, elections are overseen by each state individually. While there is Federal law involving elections, it's up to the States to implement them. Due to the Electoral College, the Presidential Election is really a weighted combination of the results of 50 separate State elections (and DC). So ypu can argue that we really don't have any national elections at all, so each state runs their own.
Then, there is another complicating factor that there is no one piece of Federal ID that everyone is mandated to have. The closest thing is the Social Security Card, but that isn't really supposed to be used as ID. Not everyone has a passport, and there is no national ID card. The closest thing we have to a universal ID is the driver's license, but again that is managed on a state-by-state basis.
The main argument here is that when someone registers to vote, they must submit proof of residence, but Federal law holds that they do not have to show proof of citizenship. They merely have to attest that they are a citizen, and lying on that form is a crime. Many states object to that. Some go as far as to say that if you do not bring your proof of citizenship whe you register to vote, they will only let you vote in Federal elections, not state ones.
The fundamental question is: if you know you are a citizen but have lost both your passport and your birth certificate, should you be disenfranchised? Republicans clearly say "yes".
It’s not odd when you take into account that the United States was founded with slavery of an entire race as a feature and a culture constantly fighting against the rights and privileges of non-white-males at every single juncture.
This nation is founded on stolen land (just like Mexico) then the English and French and Spaniards systematically ran them off their original land and murderized them, then the English brought in more foreigners to subjugate instead.
All to say, this country is founded on immense inhumane violence and we give everyone guns as a response.
But ya know, gotta fly that confederate flag and be simultaneously pro federal oversight and anti federal oversight because brain-rotted-American-racist. (This is rhetorical, not a personal slight at you, op)
Yup, it's interesting how so many of these universal ID for voting laws don't also include an easy, convenient, and free means for all citizens to get IDs.
They have fox news, which tells all their fans that this is only meant to stop the 52 million illegals who crossed the border last year from stealing the election like in 2020.
If they put human skin on the ventriloquist dummy from goosebumps, let it age 50 years, had its human son monitor it's web traffic for porn browsing... What would that dummy look like?
At some point Democrat presidents are going to have to either fix this or admit that they are basically incompetent. There are workarounds, there's every reason to pursue them, and it's really sad watching people who claim to be professionals act surprised when they're confronted with this situation again.