Careful when buying RedBull - also Reddit mods...
Careful when buying RedBull - also Reddit mods...
Red Bull - European but Far right
Buy European but ... Also with ethical considerations.
Red Bull might sound cool, but they have their own TV station in Austria. (servus TV) And that station js beyond far right. Spreading disinformation, and Russian propaganda, Corona Bullshi, Ivermectint, cleaning stuff with chlorid, climate change deniers, ... If there is a conspiracy they support it ...
(And it's also not very healthy,....)
Red Bull also tastes like shit.
This is disinformation at its finest. Red Bull absolutely does NOT taste like shit. It tastes like piss.
Tell me you've never drunken piss, without saying that you've never drunken piss. Piss tastes heavenly, compared to Red Bull.
I try to buy european but i think it's important to remind ourselves that we have shit companies in Europe that don't deserve our business. Red Bull, Nestlé, Müllermilch all these mf can suck it.
Following this logic i'd end up buying nothing or absolute crap. Example: i really liked Kellogg's corn flakes and i tried to switch to a local brand (Cerealitalia) but unfortunately is tastes bad. In the biggest supermarket of my town it's Kellogg's, Nestlè or Cerealitalia so it's US, shitty company or shitty product. Same goes for Coca Cola: it's Coca Cola, Pepsi or the coke with the same brand of the supermarket (tastes meh). I'm trying but it's not easy at all.
What's up with Müllermilch? I haven't bought it in a while because it wasn't very healthy anyway. But i didn't know the company itself was bad
The CEO meets up with the AfD on the regular to discuss Nazi things.
Devils advocate here.
A "Don't buy Red Bull" post seems off topic for me on a "Buy European" sub.
If the mods only want to focus on one issue and not bring others and especially politics into the mix, I don't find a issue with that.
That's the problem with the whole movement. These people don't want to "buy local" or "buy responsible". No, they want to "buy europeans". They just switched a white nationalist project with another. They're just stupid jingoists, if they were americans, they would be pro-tarriff.
I am permanently banned from making Reddit accounts because I got about 4 of them banned for "promoting violence".
The violence? Telling people it was a good thing to punch Nazis. Reddit is a Nazi safe space.
Remember when you could say things like "The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi"? Wasn't even that long ago.
Seriously, fuck Nazis. All of a sudden you've got Nazis in government and we're supposed to act like you should tolerate that shit. Hmmm.
I got a warning for upvoting pro-Canada stuff like "elbows up". That is apparently promoting violence.
o Reddit is no place for normal people
Yep, permanently banned here for "ban evasion" though I only know 1 sub I was banned from and I never went there after. That's okay, helped me quit what is clearly a hollow shell of user participation filled with a corpo bot sludge. It's really easy to VPN up and make another account anyway, but why play in the garbage heap?
Interestingly, the site wide rules about violence are only supposed to be credible calls to action. Like if someone was actually planning to murder people and coordinating it on the site.
Saying you'd like to punch someone, even if they aren't a Nazi, isn't against the rules as they are written. Either they don't understand their own rules, they are lazy fuckers who don't want to do their jobs the correct way and actually investigate shit to make sure it actually violates the rules, or they are Nazi pieces of shit.
Not one of these things makes using the site sound like a good idea.
A system is what it does. Action matters more than intent. Reddit bans anti Nazi rhetoric, therefore it is a pro Nazi website.
Damn, red bull is my energy drink of choice. Anyone got a good alternative that doesn't use alternative sweetener? So many of them use them and I can't stand the flavor they have.
I drink coffee and Decathlon isotonic drink, one after the other, and it makes me great.
Club Mate is my energy drink of choice. Made in Germany.
Any off-brand energy is fine. Aldi has a pretty good one though it does use artificial sweeteners instead of, or in combination with, sugar.
Alternatively, give mate a try. Mio Mio has lots of flavours to choose from. The classic Club Mate is also always a gold choice. Pomegranate and peach iced tea are my favourites :)
I usually buy my energy drinks from gas stations, so I guess I'll have to see what off brands they have. I am interested in mate, I'll have to see what's available near me. Thank you.
I didn’t know redbull was European and I didn’t know servus tv belonged to redbull
Red bull is original thai
on the bright side, red bull tastes like shit
But also be mindful of the fact that the more rules you add for people to be part of a movement, the less members the movement will have.
The "Buy European" protest is about sending a message of resistance against the current US regime, as well as reducing reliance on US products.
It doesn't require you to only buy ethically spotless products.
That simply isn't possible in our system.@superkret
I'm more of the avoid-US(-and-some-others) stance.
@SwordOfOtto @EuropeanMadeThe post is not a "rule". OP didn't even ask people to stop using Red Bull. I'm glad to have more information.
If you really enjoy Red Bull, you're an adult, make your choices. Personally, I can take it or leave it, so I'll choose to leave it.
Reminder: Arguing and discussion is okay, but keep it civil and do not attack the person you are arguing with.
Did you just got here from reddit or what? Or is it some toung in cheek /s stuff too elaborate for me?
No, I'm not new. This account is new because you can't use mod tools properly if your account is on a separate instance from the modded community (e.g. you don't get reports, can't sticky stuff, etc).
And you also might not actually see the whole discussion going on here since you are on due to defederation between and other instances and so. I'm just reminding everyone to keep it civil since this community has had heated discussions before and the discussion easily slips into nationalism, which is against our rules.
Luckily I don't like energy drinks and have hardly supported them at all.
In the UK, not a fan of tea or coffee. I rarely use caffeine at all, but there are some days where I'm falling asleep at my desk and I need something.
Any recommendations?
20 minute nap under the desk.
HOLY energy drink powder works for me. Tastes extremely artificial but I like it at 50% of the recommended dosage. Shop around for some influencer coupon codes, I hope nobody buys at their extremely overinflated original prices.
I prefer Rocka Nutrition to HOLY by a landslide. Rocka Nutrition has only two flavours with lemon ice tea and wild berry, but a tub only costs 13€ and has 40 portions in it vs. HOLY's 30-40€ and only 30 portions. Gamers Only would be the next best thing but still a little too expensive for my tastes.
Holy shit what is up with the reddit mods? I posted a screenshot of a Mastodon post there yesterday, that basically said if youre switching us big tech for eu big tech you're not doing enough and that we have to support decentralized tech. Deleted in 5 minutes because it "posts should be relevant to european made products"
It also tastes like shit and is prohibitively expensive compared to many energy drink brands
They also support Israel's apartheid and occupation, they are listed on the NoThanks app.
It's also owned by the creator of the original Red Bull in Thailand, which is a different company, but it's named after an extreme right wing paramilitary
Wait really? I live in the US granted but I don't want to support any company that does heinous shit like this.
It's greatly exaggerated, on ServusTV they just have all kind of people, so sometimes stupid people are there too. They have this format „Rechts-Links-Mitte“ (right left center) where they typically have around five people with heavily varying positions discussing with each other. So no, it's not them supporting conspiracies but rather trying to find people for these discussions. On the other hand it means that the others get the chance to debunk fake news and conspiracies in those discussions, potentially getting viewers to change their position. You don't achieve that by making these people not watch any discussions because "their guy" isn't there anyway.
Before our election I liked watching their news since the ORF (öffentlich rechtlicher Rundfunk - our official TV where all the important stuff is) only talked about what's wrong with so many people to make them vote for the FPÖ (far right party) and how they could be made reasonable again (blame on the people for voting for that party) while Servus TV talked about why people are voting for them and what other parties potentially could change to gain them back (blame on the parties for making decisions that led to losing voters to the FPÖ) (to clarify, I didn't vote for the FPÖ and never world, I'm heavily opposing quite a few of their policies - regardless I can't deny that they wouldn't be as strong if our other parties acted differently, many people simply are voting for the FPÖ to express their protest which is why its good to discuss about what the other parties should change).
ServusTV also has great documentaries (mostly about Austria and neighbouring countries, for example about a group of mountains (sometimes even singular mountains), or about hiking trails, mountainbiking routes, ski touring, climbing, about a river, a lake, a city, a castle, a church, ...).
My favourite aspect is that Red Bull heavily invests in sports, sponsoring many people that wouldn't be able to follow their (often niche) sport without them.
Absolutely not a company that deserves a boycott imo. (I don't buy anything from them though because I usually only drink water.)
That's a half truth.
In that Format mentioned, they always make sure to have a 4 to 1 superiority in numbers against any center or left people and also only have them there for show. It is designed to tell people, that they are open for discussion. But in truth they spread far right propaganda and Russian propaganda. (Which is the same in Austria, since the FPÖ is famously "brought" and backed bay Putin.).
Recently their main host description of Ukraine was "drug fueled Nazi war mongers who attacked Russia".
This sounds dangerous tbh. I do not really watch ServusTV, nor do I know much about Red Bull business practices but stuff like the "Rechts-Links-Mitte" format sounds like they're giving right wing extremists a platform to spread their misinformation and rhetoric. It might sound like a good idea to have opinions from all different kinds of people but media companies should have a moral duty to educate viewers and not foster misinformation by acknowledging every single opinion. That's why you should be careful with things like these.
Furthermore the wikipedia article does mention ServusTV spreading misinformation about the covid vaccines, citing DerStandard and Tagesschau articles from 2021.
So all in all it seems the political reports on ServusTV should be taken with some suspicion. That does not mean they can't have nice documentaries or sport broadcasts though.
As for Red Bull, they can't really let ServusTV spread misinformation without actually supporting it. Probably makes them more money in some way. Might be a good idea to try out a suitable alternative energy drink if there is one.
I don't drink Red bull but still would like a more thorough article or information about this
Wikipedia provides a starting point!
I don't drink it because it's trash, but I had no idea about any of this. The word needs to be spread.
Servus TV is a TV station based in Wals-Siezenheim in the Austrian state of Salzburgand owned by Red Bull Media House GmbH, a subsidiary of Red Bull GmbH, which also publishes the magazine Servus in Stadt und Land. The station is the successor to Salzburg TV, founded in 1995 and rebranded in 2009. It is politically aligned with the far right.
C’mon you have the fucking Internet, you can just search this shit yourself if you want more information.
Without reading the actual post, and my sole reaction to the thread title is: you can purchase Reddit mods?
Where is the post?
I meant the thread title... my bad.
Bullshit they actively promoting anti corona, pro Putin and far right wing plebs for the last 10 years now! I live in Austria and it's ridiculous you try defend them. Yes they were an awesome tv station back then )until 2017. But nowadays it's just a hate tv!
10 to 15 years back when I still watched tv, I loved Servus TV: news, lots of documentaries, reports and some panel shows. Like, TV before enshittification. Absolutely nothing even remotely close to what this post is suggesting. Has it gone down since then, or is this post misinformation? Can anybody who's still watching TV confirm this?
Misinformation, I'll refer to my other comment
idk about r/buyFromEU but r/europe on reddit is pretty right-wing
If Germany's CDU had a Reddit wing, r/Europe would be it lmao
I think the buy EU thing (and for that matter, all this trade war bullshit) is one of those things that claims to be apolitical but is inherently nationalistic and so massively popular with/supported by/in support of the authoritarian right.
One of those salt of saturn political things that lets people pretend they aren't right-wing.
I thought BuyFromEU was more about avoid US products.. You know, because the Trump antiques and the corporatism there
You can't take things out of context. There's currently a far right US presidents creating an economical war with the historical allies and economical partners of his country. The point of boycotting is to try to prove him wrong about thinking that he can impose his wishes by force, the target is him and his government, not the US people in general. There's also the hope that weakening him could allow a political change next term, which would make things better for our American friends. Of course it is political, but it's against Trump, not the people.
By right wing, do you mean right of Marxism or do you have some example of conservatism?
Redbull is trash anyways. The only good thing about Redbull is Vegas Bombs. Otherwise skip out on this trash energy drink
after having lived in Austria..I'm not buying anything from that racist nazi country.
Their F1 team is notorious for one of their most senior staff members spewing racist bullshit with no consequences from ownership, so this doesn't shock me.
Edit: and their team principal having serious sexual misconduct allegations that got "investigated" and quickly swept under the rug.
Would you like to share your experience?
Icl, ik this is slightly irrelevant to the post but even though I never really liked Red Bull (mostly cuz of their highly processed and unnatural taste) I've always rated and supported their stunts and funding of athletes, which I think regardless of their political views should be acknowledged and supported.
Luckily there are local alternatives that come from companies that haven't at least been caught doing heinous shit (and are small enough that maybe they aren't doing anything heinous), but I fucking hate that both Monster and Red Bull are out. Monster Aussie Lemonade is my favourite energy drink I've tasted in a long long time and red bull is just a reliable choice that tastes good cold and is available everywhere.
They're likely not going to be available in Estonia, but does anyone wanna recommend anything European-made that's pretty sour like Aussie Lemonade? I might do an European road trip later this year and would like to test different energy drinks. Yes I have an addiction. No, I don't want help.
I’m in the supermarket right this moment and I got a “No Limit”. The website seems to suggest it’s either French or Swiss, I have no clear idea of their politics though.
I hade no idea about this! I buy these drinks occasionally, when I need a quick energy boost. I don't really like them though. In the future, I will be buying Nocco instead.
It's still European, even though not ideal. What's worse, to fund right-wing nuts (here or elsewhere), or to fund a (probably in the making) fascist state?
Agreed, I don't like the mods of that sub.
But if they Want to keep the movement simply "Buy European" without bringing other politics and ethics into the mix. I don't have a problem with that.
A "Don't buy Red Bull" post seems off topic for me on a "Buy European" sub
I think you might want to make an exception for far-right loonies, as a far-right loony getting into power is what started this whole shitstorm.
I should get a tattoo with this statement LMAO
Nothing in Redbull is good for you, it's full of sugar, and it comes in a can. Cans are lined with plastic that bleed estrogenic chemicals into the beverage. I've cut canned drinks out of my life entirely.
Studies show that there are around 10-20 microplastic particles per liter in canned beverages. Carbonated sodas contain more (6-82), possibly due to the carbonation breaking down the lining in the can.
For comparison:
- tap water contains around 4-25 particles per liter
- bottled water contains 10-100 particles per liter
- tea bags can release billions of particles (
So if you're going to avoid anything, avoid.... tea bags, of all things.
Cans are lined with plastic that bleed estrogenic chemicals into the beverage
I did some quick looking through
googleEcosia and I found some stuff that (seemingly? I'm not an expert) confirms this. It made sweeping statements about pretty much all plastic, though. Do you still drink stuff from plastic bottles?This sounds like a snide comment but it's not, I'm interested because I currently still drink both from cans and plastic bottles!
I don't drink from plastic bottles for the same reason.
If you're going to drink from a plastic bottle anyway I don't think the plastic lining on a can is going to be worse. Interesting it's there though, only learned about it a couple years ago.
I mean, that's just plastic in general, it's also why you shouldn't reheat food in plastic containers because it can leach chemicals out of it.
Completely baseless assumption, but if there's enough chemicals leaching from the containers into your food, you'd be able to taste it and wouldn't be ingesting it to begin with.