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EU Search engine incoming: Ecosia is teaming up with Qwant to build a European search index 4 0
I can imagine the prompt to generate this:
- Make a list of EU regulations that apply to tech giants and explain what they are.
- For each of the regulations add one example that oversimplifies the potential downsides
- Ommit any advantages
A troll trolling.
Extreme poverty dropped from 44% of the global population in 1981 to just 9% in 2019. 2 0
I found this in the newsletter from Our World in Data and thought it was interesting to share here.
The researchers are from the University of San Diego. I shared the link above to the authors’ website because the university website is not opening for me.
The final version should be here, according to the newsletter and Google:
Extreme poverty dropped from 44% of the global population in 1981 to just 9% in 2019.