There are some echo chambers on here too, it's almost impossible to escape echo chambers.
I feel the best it to see all of them and form your own opinions
Not everyone thinks that way. I'm somewhere in the middle.
While I like setting up my own servers and having private groups etc.
I also find some main stream social media entertaining. I'd prefer if everyone switches to decentralised social media, but yea that'll take time.
I'd love to have a social media platform without Americans. I'm hoping on TikTok if the US bans it
Agreed, IMO the default UI is going to suck for most new users. For a smooth transition it should be fairly close to reddit, that's where most users come from.
As far as I understand, only federal crimes can be pardoned. Not state crimes.
And I'm pretty sure murder is a crime in the state this happened in.
The more realistic way for him to get out is jury nullification
The president can only pardon someone for federal crimes. Isn't murdering someone also a state crime?
Then he can't be pardoned
Lol sorry about the rabbit hole.
Yea I get it's possible, and more has been done.
This specific case is just suspect to me, like you say pics or it didn't happen. It seems false to me
I'm switching to FairPhone as soon as my current phone dies.
That's not UBI, and might incentivise people to not work.
With UBI everyone gets Eg. 1000$ a month, no matter what you earn or have.
(taxes would have to go up to pay for this, which is fine, tax the rich)
Thanks, this is the kind of response I was looking for. I'll look into what you said further.
With the image that Stalin has in the west, I think it alienates people when he's not condemned. I can't think of a singe leader that we should praise (Mandela maybe?) if anything we should praise ideas not people.
How do you define what a Nazi is?
Do counter revolutionaries deserve to be sent to worker camps where the conditions are so bad many die?
"Send people who don't agree with my world view to worker camps" Doesn't feel like a good thing
What is your opinion of Joseph Stalin?
I believe in socialism, but I feel Stalin shouldn't be idolised due to things like the Gulag.
I would like more people to become socialist, but I feel not condemning Stalin doesn't help the cause.
I've tried to have a constructieve conversation about this, but I basically get angry comments calling me stupid for believing he did atrocious things.
That's not how you win someone over.
I struggle to believe the Gulag etc. Never happened, and if it happened I firmly believe Stalin should be condemned.