I don't know. My elderly neighbor might be poor like me but his giant fucking Trump flag kind of makes me hope he dies because of Trump's policies, as well as miserable and alone.
I'll admit that's pure irrational spite politics. But the irrationality doesn't change how completely disinterested I am in joining forces with him against billionaires if he realizes he was wrong.
Leftism is just a fat woman with pink hair yelling at me for no reason.
I'm not a Leftist, I'm a Pan-sexual Afro-Future Longtermist Egalitarian Social Radical Centrist With Kropotkin Characteristics. I believe in a single worker owned commune unfettered by the cloistered norms of a 50s era revanchist white colonialist culture. But also I reserve the right to think white women with pink hair are shrill and want nothing to do with them. That's why I voted for Trump.
As I live alone and pay $500 a month just to be able to see a doctor, I am more and more enraged yet disillusioned the older I get. This is not living—this is fascistic technofeudalism.
What these dumbasses don't realize is that they do rely on these things - every minimum or even low wage worker absolutely needs these services to make ends meet. These people aren't just evil, they're stupid.
Generally, people just made more money. Things cost less. Relative to buying power, wages across the USA have fallen since the 70s. We are currently sitting in the culmination of decades of people getting poorer, propped up by credit cards and mortgages.
And free healthcare was the norm rather than the alternative through history. It was rarely as commodified as it is today. If someone was sick, they weren't expected to work and other people took care of them. Generally. Another way the current system in the USA is an outlier, and all the more barbaric for it.
No, this is Good vs Evil. Right vs Wrong. Truth vs Deception. But yeah, Billionaires are the dark half of those and develop extreme sociopathic megalomaniacal malignant narcissism apparently. How else can we explain it?
But surely there are enough pictures out there of those ghouls together that you don't need to create fake ones. There's enough misinformation on the internet as it is.
That was my feeling. It's not a PhD thesis on economic justice or revolution, it's just something I'm hoping might make my Uncle Herb and nephew George say 'Huh'.
Also I'm pretty sure most right wing people consider themselves "moderate" or "independent" anyway so it's not like they'll feel attacked if we correctly blame the right for its crimes
on a similar, related, note, integrating young men into society and not estranging them by telling them that they're the worst, is also important to have a coherent society.
You're right and you're wrong. The 'right' is a made up label for class traitors who have been tricked into supporting billionaires. It's incredibly useful for the billionaires because they get the support and it divides the rest of us and we put our energy into the fake boogeyman instead of focusing our efforts on them.
No, they use the culture war to divide and confuse people. Not because they want minorities to be respected, but to direct hate to gay and trans people, rather than them.
500k a year is a doctor or something. Someone who actually contributes to society. That's someone who should be rich because of how hard they worked to get there plus how important they are to our society. Elon musk shouldn't get paid a fucking dime.
We aren't talking about massive tax breaks. That's what's insane.
Currently SS is capped at ~$180k dollars @ ~5%. That means if you earn $180k, you pay 9k in SS tax. If you earn $2 billion you pay 9k in taxes.
These greedy leeches are destroying one of the only semi-decent systems all next to no money from them personally.
The actual tax increase from trump's expiring tax cuts is also something like 4%. Meaning these billionaires are doing all this work to save an extra $0.04 on every dollar of income.
They keep talking about the dangers and problems with debt, yet the blindingly obvious solution is a moderate increase in taxes. But instead of even broaching that subject, they are trying to also give themselves a tax cut while destroying social programs.
Social security isn't a tax. It’s an insurance program and structured as such. We have to decide if there should be more national insurance programs. I’d be down.
I just started talking. Sorry you’re probably right.
I don’t understand everything that you said, but as a devils advocate. Social Security is not supposed to be tax. It’s supposed to be an insurance program.
Everyone should have to pay their fair share. Hell, I bet if they just did a flat 15-18℅ tax on everyone, middle class to the uber rich then we would have all the money for the programs like SS and medicare for all.
It is not just saving money on taxes, but having desperate old people as cheap labor and pre-retirement people as customers for annuities. Particularly as desperate, cheap labor, since that helps push wages down for any sector that they could work in.
yeah, the left has been systematically eroded in america, and what's typically considered "left" in america today, is actually center-right (i.e. capitalism with small social elements in it).
I 100% disagree with that statement. I might be in a bubble, but I'm in a bubble of amazing, kind and helpful people who go out and help the homeless, volunteer, etc. Community is first.
Neoliberalism is a political and economic philosophy that emphasizes free-market capitalism, minimal government intervention in the economy, and the belief that economic freedom leads to social progress. It advocates for policies like deregulation, privatization, and reduced government spending.
I was referring specifically to your two party system and the errant belief that one of them is somehow "left" when it is a group of turbo capitalist corpo swine lobbyists which are only the better choice because they are not straight up fascist kleptocrats.
Class reductionism is a reactionary and deeply flawed analysis. The abolition of the class system alone will not bring with it the abolition of all other injustices if if no attention is given to those.
This sort of post really brings out all the concavebrained centrists and red-brown alliance types who somehow think leftists and fascists aren't axiomatically opposed to each other, as well as the whining brocialists who are happy to oppose the hierarchies that oppress them but will throw a shitfit if anybody points out any societal problems to which they could still be contributing.
ok so to sum it up, you're saying that not only capitalists, but men in general are also evil.
well, i guess i disagree. you're engaging in a pithole of fallacies there. consider:
class struggles lead to poverty, and poverty leads to angry people. the people lash out against one another, and that creates the social issues. fighting against capitalism means fighting against the problem's root, not just its symptoms.
Like honestly, my slightly pedantic and rather uneducated take is that there is no right wing. Calling one party ‘right wing’ and the other ‘left wing’ implies that they are in some way comparable, two sides of one coin. They are not, and I suspect never were. The party to the left is on some level concerned with a good faith attempt at governance, however compromised. The party to the right has no interest in governance at all. On the contrary, they have a direct and specific interest in breaking down and carrying off the bricks and mortar of governance. In the US at the moment, the party to the right is doing quite literally that.
My argument therefore is that calling a right wing group ‘political’, or right wing ideology a ‘political position’ is not only a bad idea, it is also inaccurate. Such an organisation is inherently anti-political and anti-state by extension. It is no more concerned with governing than thieves are concerned with the Highway Code when making their getaway, which appears to be exactly what is happening at present. Booooooo. Disqualified. Not a party, not fun, not political.
my take was always that the "right" wing is called that way because their left brain half is more active, which engages in logical, geometric and algebraic thought.
similarly, the "left" is called that way because their right brain half is more active, leading them to think long-term (in balance with nature), sustainably and also emotional.
it's my personal take and i know many will disagree but:
they distracted the people for decades with this bullshit men-vs-women litigation, to distract them from the systematic erosion of the wages, which is what left politics should have actually concerned itself with.
they attacked the women-men relationship specifically because they knew that love and personal relationships give people enormous strength, and by systematically eroding exactly that (by fearmongering and propaganda), they could weaken the people, making them easier to conquer and subdue.
It goes back to the French revolution where the people who sat on the left of the parliament opposed the ruling class, in that case the feudal aristocracy, while the people who supported the ruling class sat on the right of the parliament. Even after the aristocracy was gone, people started to use the term left to refer to people who oppose the ruling class of capitalist society (wealthy capital oligarchs) where as the right is those who support them.
Right political ideology says the class that owns and controls your workplace, land, and government, billionaires, should own and control your workplace, house, and government.
Left political ideology says we should control our workplace, land, and government.
Almost as useless as billionaires, don't you think?
You might point out that queens are part of the ruling class, but they are still oppressed by patriarchy hence they have to do all the work while kings just hide away.
It was the decades of corrupted legislation from the "Right vs Left" mentality since Watergate that got them where they are. These billionaires, specifically these two clowns, are the metastasized end result of a cancer ridden system.
Left vs right is working people vs billionaires. It is right-wing propaganda trying to deny or obfuscate that. That is why socialism is left-wing and free-market neoliberalism is right wing.
There is no right wing propaganda in my statement. "Working people" includes the magats that got these clowns where they are now. Wtf is free-market neoliberalism being the right? I thought the extreme right were the magats. This is why everything is the way it is and proving my point. Nobody can agree on anything and everyone has their own idea of saving the world.
I’m of the opinion that the Cold War never ended. Instead, it became like Syphilis and low-key kept its head down for years before coming back with a vengeance.
What we need to do is fight back and force-educate our simpleton brethren that right now are victims of propaganda. This might be a good time now that there are those who are having their faces eaten by leopards.
Sure it’s deserved; it’s kinda funny; and fuck them for backing bone fide traitors; but they are still Americans, and at some level they deserve pity and empathy for their mistakes.
And if we take out of a few billionaires along the way, then all the better everyone is for it.