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ddash ddash
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The kitchen is now full of loyal soldiers
  • No fucking way would a toddler put just one single print nicely in the middle of each door.

  • My 1941-born husband after seeing Musk Sieg Heiling:
  • I’m turning 43 in June.

    My 1941-born husband.

  • Who were the guarantors for the Hellfish fortune?
  • Hi, question for Ms. Bellamy. In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes that same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of a, a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

  • I'm okay. Everything will be okay.
  • You could be in a coma and that phone is your real alarm set by your wife to try and get you out of it.

  • We give it all (and more) away to the worst of us. There often is nothing left for ourselves at the end of the day.
  • That's why I take my steam deck to work and play in my lunch break. We also have personal lockers so I don't need to worry about where to keep it.

  • My ex-wife on letting our 17-year-old daughter date a 38-year-old man when she's living with her
  • Baldiger Auszug wann? Außerdem wird sie sich dann wohl erstmal im Geheimen treffen. Hoffe du gibts nicht nur Verbote aus sondern redest intensiv mit ihr darüber, konstruktiv. Andernfalls wird die gute Beziehung bald darunter leiden.

  • ADL defends Nazi salute
  • Nah, it's cool, no need to double down. I get what you are doing.

  • ADL defends Nazi salute
  • Hahaha, just wtf. You're just trolling, I get it, it can be fun.

  • ADL defends Nazi salute
  • If this kind of greeting is so much in your standard repertoire that you just accidentally without thinking go for it in such a moment... Then it is not the "stupid PC police trying to claim everything is offensive". It is offensive. Which normal person does that?

    Edit: I mean, seriously, look at this

    Taken from I just include it here in case that post is deleted.

  • More than 40% of postdocs leave academia, study reveals
  • Good on them! It's getting harder and harder to make it in academia so unless you come from an established research group and have connections plus some luck publishing high impact (which is bullshit, but unfortunately a metric still), it will be tough to keep going. Oh, and forget about family planning unless you want extra stress. Sucks to be you if you happen to be a woman as well.

    Glad to see people realise you don't have to stay but you can get jobs outside of academia.

  • Picard Season 3 Creates One Of The Wildest Contradictions In The Star Trek Universe
  • Every single season of it started so damn strong and then after a few episodes... Poof.

  • Trump's crypto-frenzied inauguration weekend makes first family billions of dollars richer
  • Just seeing the thumbnail, advertising (?) for companies called Exodus or Kraken is definitely a mood.

  • Doom ported to a standalone Microsoft Word document — plays well but there's no sound
  • I guess Doom in Stardew Valley is just a mod replacing one of the games in the bar? So maybe not too impressive, then again I am not a programmer and will not be as appreciative of technical feats.

  • Assorted list of games to give away
  • Got it, thank you so much!

  • Assorted list of games to give away
  • Hidden folks please!

  • TikTok says it is restoring service for U.S. users
  • What the fuck is this timeline.

  • naughty naughty
  • Is sci-hub updated again? I mean its good it still works for papers older than a few years, but does it for papers from the last few years?

  • Old woman smell
  • Someone learned something about themselves today.

  • I'm a fan


    Fire ye wizards, says dragon


    Orcs can't fathom the grindset of a wizard
