I would hesitate before judging someone purely on one statistic but it's difficult to imagine how one amasses that sort of money ethically. If I asked you to think of a billionaire that you would leave in charge of children, who would you pick? Bill Gates perhaps, Warren Buffet? It's slim pickings.
Jon Ronson advanced the idea that psychopathy is over-represented in the CEO class and presented some compelling examples in his book, The Psychopath Test.
it’s difficult to imagine how one amasses that sort of money ethically
It simply can't be done. How can it be ethical to earn millions times more than you could ever need, while others are in need of it. That's unethical regardless of if how it was earned. Not a big Jesus fan, but he's quite right about the need to share with those in need.
However, he's obviously destroying the US government and bureaucracy right now, but I don't think he's destroying his own businesses on purpose. He's just dumb.
He may not notice the financial loss but at the amount of money he's trying to amass money isn't the point. Power and control are the point. If his companies go under he'll loose a lot of power and influence and I'm not sure his ego could handle that. He seems to crave attention of any kind. I'd be happy if he were reduced to a regular very rich guy with nothing of consequence to say anymore.
Here's the thing... there's more of us than there are of them. That's why they're so desperate to keep our collective attention elsewhere and to cause division or people might recognize just how strong they could be collectively.
Even collectively we might not have billions of dollars, but it doesn't take billions to crater a company or an industry. Just takes not paying into the system; it'll collapse on its own.
I get you can't boycott everything because you need food and water to survive, but people aren't helpless.
Don’t worry, unlike this guy above I know about a really lucrative cryptocoin you should put all your money into. It’s totally going to take off, saw it on Rogan
Billionaires used to do that kind of thing all the time when they knew they could either walk the street a hero or a target. Mexican billionaires still live in reality it seems.
Were white South Africans negatively impacted by the apartheid system or does he enjoy reframing his privilege as oppression like a whiny little bitch?
Just from the way the man speaks you can tell there's so much self doubt as his conscience cries out to admit the fraud that he is.
If your more aware of Hispanic culture you'd know he has a very down home family name, Flaco is a pretty common family nickname, the gangster names in Mexico are usually animals, or insulting kind of monikers like ''female pig'' and ''frog face'' or ''dumb accent guy with huge eyebrows''
I guess that Musk and Trump will be fashionable names in underworld Mexico a decade from now. You can't go much lower than these two. "I am sending Trump across the border to smuggle ketamine to Musk."